* Enhance ``best_match`` to prefer errors from branches of the schema which match the instance's type (728)
* Fix a number of minor typos in docstrings, mostly private ones (969)
* Gut the (incomplete) implementation of ``recursiveRef`` on draft 2019. It needs completing, but for now can lead to recursion errors (e.g. 847).
* Fix ``unevaluatedProperties`` and ``unevaluatedItems`` for types they should ignore (949) * ``jsonschema`` now uses `hatch <https://hatch.pypa.io/>`_ for its build process. This should be completely transparent to end-users (and only matters to contributors).
* Revert changes to ``$dynamicRef`` which caused a performance regression in v4.5.0
* Validator classes for each version now maintain references to the correct corresponding format checker (905) * Development has moved to a `GitHub organization <https://github.com/python-jsonschema/>`_. No functional behavior changes are expected from the change.