
Latest version: v4.23.0

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* The ``check_schema`` method on ``jsonschema.protocols.Validator`` instances
now *enables* format validation by default when run. This can catch some
additional invalid schemas (e.g. containing invalid regular expressions)
where the issue is indeed uncovered by validating against the metaschema
with format validation enabled as an assertion.
* The ``jsonschema`` CLI (along with ``jsonschema.cli`` the module) are now
deprecated. Use ``check-jsonschema`` instead, which can be installed via
``pip install check-jsonschema`` and found
`here <https://github.com/python-jsonschema/check-jsonschema>`_.



* Make ``ErrorTree`` have a more grammatically correct ``repr``.



* Improve the base URI behavior when resolving a ``$ref`` to a resolution URI
which is different from the resolved schema's declared ``$id``.
* Accessing ``jsonschema.draftN_format_checker`` is deprecated. Instead, if you
want access to the format checker itself, it is exposed as
``jsonschema.validators.DraftNValidator.FORMAT_CHECKER`` on any



* A specific API Reference page is now present in the documentation.
* ``$ref`` on earlier drafts (specifically draft 7 and 6) has been "fixed" to
follow the specified behavior when present alongside a sibling ``$id``.
Specifically the ID is now properly ignored, and references are resolved
against whatever resolution scope was previously relevant.



* ``FormatChecker.cls_checks`` is deprecated. Use ``FormatChecker.checks`` on
an instance of ``FormatChecker`` instead.
* ``unevaluatedItems`` has been fixed for draft 2019. It's nonetheless
discouraged to use draft 2019 for any schemas, new or old.
* Fix a number of minor annotation issues in ``protocols.Validator``



* Add support for creating validator classes whose metaschema uses a different
dialect than its schemas. In other words, they may use draft2020-12 to define
which schemas are valid, but the schemas themselves use draft7 (or a custom
dialect, etc.) to define which *instances* are valid. Doing this is likely
not something most users, even metaschema authors, may need, but occasionally
will be useful for advanced use cases.

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