* Fixed bug in user invite email sending * Fixed broken decline link in project applications * Fixed bug in software detail template
* Ability to view accepted licenses * Fixed bug where utilisation only showed up after 2nd request * Prevent saml_id and passwords from being edited in any forms * Other minor bug fixes
* Ensure SAML ID doesn't get set on new applications * This fixes a serious bug
* Project approved emails were going to the wrong place * Log view for applications. Log against the parent Application model * Add example setting for REGISTRATION_BASE_URL * Minor bugs fixed
* Ensure project PIDs and institute names don't clash * Fixed bug in application invites * Added Project decline functions * Ensure institute name is unique. Ensure saml attributes are unique * Have a variable for user site for url links in emails * Refactored email templates. Use .example as suffixes
* Fixed SAML entity ID bug when editing institutes * Password encoding bug for AD fixed * Project application workflows - Admin approval * Admin context processor for pending app count * Improvements in the institute form * Ability to override UserApplicationForm