Changed ~~~~~~~ * Update docker test scripts. * Added reportlab to requirements for 3rd party plugin.
Fixed ~~~~~ * Deploy to dockerhub automatically on travis success. * Fixed starting of celery process.
Fixed ~~~~~ * Use text mode not binary when writing CSV files in usage.
Removed ------- * Legacy south migrations. * Legacy site creation. * MachineCategories, ProjectQuotas, and InstituteQuotas.
Fixed ~~~~~ * Not updating passwords for datastores. * Documentation issues. * Don't log raw datastore password when changing password. * Use novalidate for project selection form in application.
Fixed ~~~~~ * Do not send emails to locked or system accounts.
Added ~~~~~ * Docker support.
Changed ~~~~~~~ * Updated requirements. * Python3.5 or Python3.6 required. Django 1.11 required. Earlier versions will still work (for now) but are no longer tested.
Fixed ~~~~~ * E-Mail validation for admin person form. * Fixed my email address. * Various bugs fixed.
Removed ~~~~~~~ * Debian packages.
Changed ~~~~~~~ * Improve password fussiness. * Find training accounts that are system users. * TRAINING_ACCOUNT_PREFIX is now a regexp.
Fixed ~~~~~ * Applicants can have duplicate email and usernames. * Various Django 1.10 fixes. Django >= 1.10 not yet supported. * Improved error handling on approving applications. * Update various dependencies, and fix related issues. * Fix typo in emails. Administrator not Administrator. * All tests pass under Django 1.10. * Support tldap 1.4.1 and ldap3 2.2.3. * Explicitly use bcrypt/pbkdf2_sha256 by default for passwords instead of SHA1. Update tests to use pbkdf2_sha256. Outside tests this was already the default with recent versions of Django.