Fixed ~~~~~ * Invalid reference to jwt.JWTError, should be jwt.PyJWTError
Fixed ~~~~~ * Fix error viewing institute list as non-admin.
Changes ~~~~~~~ * Replace Shibboleth code with AAF RapidConnect code. This requires some config changes. * Apache docker image is depracated and should not be used for new installs.
Fixed ~~~~~ * Fix error when viewing software with applications.
Changes ~~~~~~~ * Update to Django 2.2. * Experimental AAF Rapid Connect token support. Will display token values and attempt to log user in.
Fixed ~~~~~ * Fix slurm error trying to delete a project in approval process. * Fix error that would occur if trying to delete non-existant slurm user.
Fixed ~~~~~ * Fix errors running django admin commands. * Increase short_name and full_name to 100 characters max. * Improve validation of phone numbers. '-' is no longer allowed.