
Latest version: v0.19.6

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Bug fixes and other changes

- Apply the Black formatter to back-end Python code (193)
- Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 (190)
- Autoformat Python code using Black (188)
- Stop layout calculation from running twice on page-load, and optimise getNodeTextWidth selector performance (186)
- Fix `%run_viz` line magic to display kedro viz inside Jupyter notebook, previously broken for kedro 0.16.0/0.16.1. Note that the fix needs `kedro>=0.16.2` to take effect. (184)
- Fix three minor tooltip triangle styling bugs (182)
- Update readme/contributing docs (181, 196)
- Update the semver requirement version (180)
- Seed randomly-generated data with UUIDs, to allow random layouts to be replicated for testing purposes (178, 197)
- Update pipeline visualisation screenshot in Readme (177)


Major features and improvements

- **BREAKING CHANGE:** Drop support for Python 3.5 (138)
- Add support for Python 3.8 (173)
- Add data engineering layers (129, 145, 146, 148, 157, 161)
- Redesign sidebar node-list and node selected states (144, 152, 153, 155, 162, 164, 171)
- Update overall colour scheme, and improve print/export styles (169)
- Move icon stack column to right edge of the main sidebar (167)
- Wrap tooltip names & invert tooltip in top half of screen (158)
- Limit zoom scale/translate extent (137, 174)

Bug fixes and other changes

- Fix deprecation warnings when running kedro viz from Kedro 0.16 (170)
- Remove the need to transition layer height on zoom (166)
- Refactor config.js & move random-data import (163)
- Fix bug where exported PNG was cut off (151)
- Make dataPath relative again (149)
- Remove dateutil hardpinning in requirements.txt (143)
- Print the stack trace when encountering a generic exception (142)
- Web browser will only be opened if the host corresponds to localhost (136)
- Upgrade pylint to 2.4 (135)
- Add bandit for security scanning as a pre-commit hook (134)
- Add logger configuration when loading pipeline from JSON (133)
- Update svg-crowbar to reduce exported SVG filesize (127)
- Guard global window references to fix SSR (126)
- Move visibleNav/navWidth calculations into Redux store (124)
- Remove truffleHog pinned dependency (122)

Thanks for supporting contributions

[Ana Potje](


Major features and improvements

- Dynamically allocate port number for the viz subprocess created by `%run_viz` if 4141 is taken (109)
- Redesign sidebar list to group nodes by type (96)
- Add `--pipeline` option to visualize modular pipeline (93)
- Add `--env` option to pass configuration environment (93)
- Fix backward-compatibility with Kedro 0.14.\* (93)
- Promote Kedro-Viz commands from project specific to global commands (91)
- Allow users to run `kedro viz --load-file` outside of a Kedro project (91)

Bug fixes and other changes

- Fix PNG exports (117)
- Refactor JS actions (115)
- Update & move CODEOWNERS (116)
- Update year in license header (114)
- Refactor JS reducers and state shape (113)
- Fix Trufflehog secret scan by pinning gitdb2 (112)
- Add "upcoming release" header back in (110)
- Fix Jest+CircleCI test memory errors (108)
- Improve JavaScript test coverage (107)
- Refactor JS store (106)
- Update README to list all available CLI options (105)
- Use mocker instead of mock in Python unit tests (104)
- Lint and format Sass with Stylelint (103)
- Add e2e-tests to check backward-compatibility for Kedro 0.15.0 and latest (99)
- Add secret scan CircleCI step (98)
- Update CLI screenshot in README (95)
- Increase Python test coverage to 100% (94)
- Update CI config for daily run (90)
- Snyk fix for vulnerabilities (87, 92, 101)
- Update the PR template (46, 111)


Major features and improvements

- **BREAKING CHANGE:** Kedro<0.15.0 no longer works with this version of Kedro-Viz (72)
- Allow users to export graph as a transparent SVG/PNG image (82)
- Add theme prop and icon button visibility prop (80)
- Rename `get_data_from_kedro` to `format_pipeline_data` (72)
- Add pipeline and catalog arguments to `format_pipeline_data` (72)

Bug fixes and other changes

- Remove Appveyor config file + readme badge (86)
- Add explicit dependency on `psutil` (85)
- Improve json file-loading error message (81)
- Update kedro-ui/react-scripts/dagre/snyk dependencies (83, 84, 88)
- Remove leftover traces of the created_ts and message data properties (80)
- Change relative links to absolute, to fix docs on (79)


Bug fixes and other changes

- Add python-dateutil==2.8.0 to resolve CI errors (78)
- Add data-id attributes on nodes and edges (76)
- Fix issues with SVG imports when embedded (75)
- Allow chart to resize with parent container when embedded (74)


Major features and improvements

- **BREAKING CHANGE:** Deprecate and remove Snapshots/History feature (42)
- **BREAKING CHANGE:** Make 'parameters' a distinct node type from 'data' (53)
- Add new data/task/parameters icons (62, 53)
- Add icons to node labels (65)
- Enable Kedro-Viz to be run in Jupyter Notebook (59)
- Change task full names to be the underlying function name, and use them in tooltips (53, 61)
- Replace node IDs with shorter hashes (53)
- Redesign the theme colour schemes to make them simpler and more consistent, and refactor active/highlight/hover/click state CSS for nodes & edges (52)
- Sort nodes by their x/y position to improve tabbing order (51)
- Move the theme and label toggle switches into icon buttons (47)
- Add new demo data (44)
- Allow Python users to load/save pipeline data to/from a JSON file via the CLI (43)

Bug fixes and other changes

- Change git address protocol in package-lock (71)
- Update Kedro-UI to v1.1.1 (70)
- Fix sidebar show/hide transitions in Safari (68)
- Improve tabbing order (67)
- Fix webfont text-width chart layout bug (65)
- Desaturate the background colour a touch (64)
- Move drawChart method to its own JS file (63)
- Update Snyk to 1.234.2 and patch issue (60)
- Set the 'show sidebar' button to hidden when open (57)
- Snyk fix for 1 vulnerability (56)
- Various CSS tweaks and bugfixes (54)
- Remove getEdgeDisabledView selector (49)
- Update Kedro-UI to v1.1.0 (48)
- Fix badge URL typos in Readme (45)

Migration guide from Kedro-Viz 2.\*.\* to Kedro-Viz 3.0.0

If you are just using Kedro-Viz with Kedro as a Python package, you won't need to do anything. The breaking changes in this release only affect the few users who are working on the application locally, or importing it from [npm]( and consuming it as a React component.

- The format for data passed to Kedro-Viz has changed. You can see examples of the new data format in the [`src/utils/data`](./src/utils/data) directory. The main change is that the format no longer supports multiple snapshots in a single dataset. Instead of [this](

snapshots: [
schema_id: '310750827599783',
nodes: [...],
edges: [...],
tags: [...],

You can now use something like [this](

nodes: [...],
edges: [...],
tags: [...],

- The `showHistory`, `allowHistoryDeletion`, and `onDeleteSnapshot` props on the main App component have been deprecated. These no longer do anything, and can be removed.
- A new `parameters` value for the node `type` property has been created. This replaces the previous `is_parameters` Boolean property. To migrate previous data, find any nodes where `is_parameters: true`, and change the `type` value from `data` to `parameters`. e.g. from this:

tags: ['Nulla', 'pulvinar', 'enim', 'consectetur', 'volutpat'],
id: 'task/consectetur',
is_parameters: false,
type: 'task',
full_name: 'consectetur',
name: 'consectetur'

to this:

tags: ['Nulla', 'pulvinar', 'enim', 'consectetur', 'volutpat'],
id: 'task/consectetur',
type: 'parameters',
full_name: 'consectetur',
name: 'consectetur'

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