
Latest version: v0.19.6

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Not secure
Major features and improvements
* Added `env` and `extra_params` to `reload_kedro()` line magic.
* Extended the `pipeline()` API to allow strings and sets of strings as `inputs` and `outputs`, to specify when a dataset name remains the same (not namespaced).
* Added the ability to add custom prompts with regexp validator for starters by repurposing `default_config.yml` as `prompts.yml`.
* Added the `env` and `extra_params` arguments to `register_config_loader` hook.
* Refactored the way `settings` are loaded. You will now be able to run:

from kedro.framework.project import settings


* Added a check on `kedro.runner.parallel_runner.ParallelRunner` which checks datasets for the `_SINGLE_PROCESS` attribute in the `_validate_catalog` method. If this attribute is set to `True` in an instance of a dataset (e.g. `SparkDataSet`), the `ParallelRunner` will raise an `AttributeError`.
* Any user-defined dataset that should not be used with `ParallelRunner` may now have the `_SINGLE_PROCESS` attribute set to `True`.

Bug fixes and other changes
* The version of a packaged modular pipeline now defaults to the version of the project package.
* Added fix to prevent new lines being added to pandas CSV datasets.
* Fixed issue with loading a versioned `SparkDataSet` in the interactive workflow.
* Kedro CLI now checks `pyproject.toml` for a `tool.kedro` section before treating the project as a Kedro project.
* Added fix to `DataCatalog::shallow_copy` now it should copy layers.
* `kedro pipeline pull` now uses `pip download` for protocols that are not supported by `fsspec`.
* Cleaned up documentation to fix broken links and rewrite permanently redirected ones.
* Added a `jsonschema` schema definition for the Kedro 0.17 catalog.
* `kedro install` now waits on Windows until all the requirements are installed.
* Exposed `--to-outputs` option in the CLI, throughout the codebase, and as part of hooks specifications.
* Fixed a bug where `ParquetDataSet` wasn't creating parent directories on the fly.
* Updated documentation.

Breaking changes to the API
* This release has broken the `kedro ipython` and `kedro jupyter` workflows. To fix this, follow the instructions in the migration guide below.
* You will also need to upgrade `kedro-viz` to 3.10.1 if you use the `%run_viz` line magic in Jupyter Notebook.

> *Note:* If you're using the `ipython` [extension]( instead, you will not encounter this problem.

Migration guide
You will have to update the file `<your_project>/.ipython/profile_default/startup/` in order to make `kedro ipython` and/or `kedro jupyter` work. Add the following line before the `KedroSession` is created:

configure_project(metadata.package_name) to add

session = KedroSession.create(metadata.package_name, path)

Make sure that the associated import is provided in the same place as others in the file:

from kedro.framework.project import configure_project to add
from kedro.framework.session import KedroSession

Thanks for supporting contributions
[Mariana Silva](,
[Kiyohito Kunii](,
[Ivan Doroshenko](,
[Zain Patel](,
[Deepyaman Datta](,
[Sam Hiscox](,
[Pascal Brokmeier](


Not secure
Major features and improvements

* In a significant change, [we have introduced `KedroSession`]( which is responsible for managing the lifecycle of a Kedro run.
* Created a new Kedro Starter: `kedro new --starter=mini-kedro`. It is possible to [use the DataCatalog as a standalone component]( in a Jupyter notebook and transition into the rest of the Kedro framework.
* Added `DatasetSpecs` with Hooks to run before and after datasets are loaded from/saved to the catalog.
* Added a command: `kedro catalog create`. For a registered pipeline, it creates a `<conf_root>/<env>/catalog/<pipeline_name>.yml` configuration file with `MemoryDataSet` datasets for each dataset that is missing from `DataCatalog`.
* Added `` and `pyproject.toml` (to replace `.kedro.yml`) for project configuration, in line with Python best practice.
* `ProjectContext` is no longer needed, unless for very complex customisations. `KedroContext`, `ProjectHooks` and `` together implement sensible default behaviour. As a result `context_path` is also now an _optional_ key in `pyproject.toml`.
* Removed `ProjectContext` from `src/<package_name>/`.
* `TemplatedConfigLoader` now supports [Jinja2 template syntax]( alongside its original syntax.
* Made [registration Hooks]( mandatory, as the only way to customise the `ConfigLoader` or the `DataCatalog` used in a project. If no such Hook is provided in `src/<package_name>/`, a `KedroContextError` is raised. There are sensible defaults defined in any project generated with Kedro >= 0.16.5.

Bug fixes and other changes

* `ParallelRunner` no longer results in a run failure, when triggered from a notebook, if the run is started using `KedroSession` (``).
* `before_node_run` can now overwrite node inputs by returning a dictionary with the corresponding updates.
* Added minimal, black-compatible flake8 configuration to the project template.
* Moved `isort` and `pytest` configuration from `<project_root>/setup.cfg` to `<project_root>/pyproject.toml`.
* Extra parameters are no longer incorrectly passed from `KedroSession` to `KedroContext`.
* Relaxed `pyspark` requirements to allow for installation of `pyspark` 3.0.
* Added a `--fs-args` option to the `kedro pipeline pull` command to specify configuration options for the `fsspec` filesystem arguments used when pulling modular pipelines from non-PyPI locations.
* Bumped maximum required `fsspec` version to 0.9.
* Bumped maximum supported `s3fs` version to 0.5 (`S3FileSystem` interface has changed since 0.4.1 version).

* In Kedro 0.17.0 we have deleted the deprecated `kedro.cli` and `kedro.context` modules in favour of `kedro.framework.cli` and `kedro.framework.context` respectively.

Other breaking changes to the API
* `` returns `False` when the dataset does not exist, as opposed to raising an exception.
* The pipeline-specific `catalog.yml` file is no longer automatically created for modular pipelines when running `kedro pipeline create`. Use `kedro catalog create` to replace this functionality.
* Removed `include_examples` prompt from `kedro new`. To generate boilerplate example code, you should use a Kedro starter.
* Changed the `--verbose` flag from a global command to a project-specific command flag (e.g `kedro --verbose new` becomes `kedro new --verbose`).
* Dropped support of the `dataset_credentials` key in credentials in `PartitionedDataSet`.
* `get_source_dir()` was removed from `kedro/framework/cli/`.
* Dropped support of `get_config`, `create_catalog`, `create_pipeline`, `template_version`, `project_name` and `project_path` keys by `get_project_context()` function (`kedro/framework/cli/`).
* `kedro new --starter` now defaults to fetching the starter template matching the installed Kedro version.
* Renamed `` to `` and moved it inside the Python package (`src/<package_name>/`), for a better packaging and deployment experience.
* Removed `.kedro.yml` from the project template and replaced it with `pyproject.toml`.
* Removed `KEDRO_CONFIGS` constant (previously residing in `kedro.framework.context.context`).
* Modified `kedro pipeline create` CLI command to add a boilerplate parameter config file in `conf/<env>/parameters/<pipeline_name>.yml` instead of `conf/<env>/pipelines/<pipeline_name>/parameters.yml`. CLI commands `kedro pipeline delete` / `package` / `pull` were updated accordingly.
* Removed `get_static_project_data` from `kedro.framework.context`.
* Removed `KedroContext.static_data`.
* The `KedroContext` constructor now takes `package_name` as first argument.
* Replaced `context` property on `KedroSession` with `load_context()` method.
* Renamed `_push_session` and `_pop_session` in `kedro.framework.session.session` to `_activate_session` and `_deactivate_session` respectively.
* Custom context class is set via `CONTEXT_CLASS` variable in `src/<your_project>/`.
* Removed `KedroContext.hooks` attribute. Instead, hooks should be registered in `src/<your_project>/` under the `HOOKS` key.
* Restricted names given to nodes to match the regex pattern `[\w\.-]+$`.
* Removed `KedroContext._create_config_loader()` and `KedroContext._create_data_catalog()`. They have been replaced by registration hooks, namely `register_config_loader()` and `register_catalog()` (see also [upcoming deprecations](upcoming_deprecations_for_kedro_0.18.0)).


Not secure
Major features and improvements

* Added documentation with a focus on single machine and distributed environment deployment; the series includes Docker, Argo, Prefect, Kubeflow, AWS Batch, AWS Sagemaker and extends our section on Databricks.
* Added [kedro-starter-spaceflights]( alias for generating a project: `kedro new --starter spaceflights`.

Bug fixes and other changes
* Fixed `TypeError` when converting dict inputs to a node made from a wrapped `partial` function.
* `PartitionedDataSet` improvements:
- Supported passing arguments to the underlying filesystem.
* Improved handling of non-ASCII word characters in dataset names.
- For example, a dataset named `jalapeño` will be accessible as `DataCatalog.datasets.jalapeño` rather than `DataCatalog.datasets.jalape__o`.
* Fixed `kedro install` for an Anaconda environment defined in `environment.yml`.
* Fixed backwards compatibility with templates generated with older Kedro versions <0.16.5. No longer need to update `.kedro.yml` to use `kedro lint` and `kedro jupyter notebook convert`.
* Improved documentation.
* Added documentation using MinIO with Kedro.
* Improved error messages for incorrect parameters passed into a node.
* Fixed issue with saving a `TensorFlowModelDataset` in the HDF5 format with versioning enabled.
* Added missing `run_result` argument in `after_pipeline_run` Hooks spec.
* Fixed a bug in IPython script that was causing context hooks to be registered twice. To apply this fix to a project generated with an older Kedro version, apply the same changes made in [this PR]( to your `` file.
* Improved documentation.

Breaking changes to the API

Thanks for supporting contributions
[Deepyaman Datta](, [Bhavya Merchant](, [Lovkush Agarwal](, [Varun Krishna S](, [Sebastian Bertoli](, [noklam](, [Daniel Petti](, [Waylon Walker](, [Saran Balaji C](


Not secure
Major features and improvements
* Added the following new datasets.

| Type | Description | Location |
| --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| `email.EmailMessageDataSet` | Manage email messages using [the Python standard library]( | `` |

* Added support for `pyproject.toml` to configure Kedro. `pyproject.toml` is used if `.kedro.yml` doesn't exist (Kedro configuration should be under `[tool.kedro]` section).
* Projects created with this version will have no ``, having been replaced by ``.
* Added a set of registration hooks, as the new way of registering library components with a Kedro project:
* `register_pipelines()`, to replace `_get_pipelines()`
* `register_config_loader()`, to replace `_create_config_loader()`
* `register_catalog()`, to replace `_create_catalog()`
These can be defined in `src/<python_package>/` and added to `.kedro.yml` (or `pyproject.toml`). The order of execution is: plugin hooks, `.kedro.yml` hooks, hooks in `ProjectContext.hooks`.
* Added ability to disable auto-registered Hooks using `.kedro.yml` (or `pyproject.toml`) configuration file.

Bug fixes and other changes
* Added option to run asynchronously via the Kedro CLI.
* Absorbed `.isort.cfg` settings into `setup.cfg`.
* Packaging a modular pipeline raises an error if the pipeline directory is empty or non-existent.

Breaking changes to the API
* `project_name`, `project_version` and `package_name` now have to be defined in `.kedro.yml` for projects using Kedro 0.16.5+.

Migration Guide
This release has accidentally broken the usage of `kedro lint` and `kedro jupyter notebook convert` on a project template generated with previous versions of Kedro (<=0.16.4). To amend this, please either upgrade to `kedro==0.16.6` or update `.kedro.yml` within your project root directory to include the following keys:

project_name: "<your_project_name>"
project_version: "<kedro_version_of_the_project>"
package_name: "<your_package_name>"

Thanks for supporting contributions
[Deepyaman Datta](, [Bas Nijholt](, [Sebastian Bertoli](


Not secure
Major features and improvements
* Fixed a bug for using `ParallelRunner` on Windows.
* Enabled auto-discovery of hooks implementations coming from installed plugins.

Bug fixes and other changes
* Fixed a bug for using `ParallelRunner` on Windows.
* Modified `GBQTableDataSet` to load customized results using customized queries from Google Big Query tables.
* Documentation improvements.

Breaking changes to the API

Thanks for supporting contributions
[Ajay Bisht](, [Vijay Sajjanar](, [Deepyaman Datta](, [Sebastian Bertoli](, [Shahil Mawjee](, [Louis Guitton](, [Emanuel Ferm](


Not secure
Major features and improvements
* Added the `kedro pipeline pull` CLI command to extract a packaged modular pipeline, and place the contents in a Kedro project.
* Added the `--version` option to `kedro pipeline package` to allow specifying alternative versions to package under.
* Added the `--starter` option to `kedro new` to create a new project from a local, remote or aliased starter template.
* Added the `kedro starter list` CLI command to list all starter templates that can be used to bootstrap a new Kedro project.
* Added the following new datasets.

| Type | Description | Location |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| `json.JSONDataSet` | Work with JSON files using [the Python standard library]( | `kedro.extras.datasets.json` |

Bug fixes and other changes
* Removed `/src/nodes` directory from the project template and made `kedro jupyter convert` create it on the fly if necessary.
* Fixed a bug in `MatplotlibWriter` which prevented saving lists and dictionaries of plots locally on Windows.
* Closed all pyplot windows after saving in `MatplotlibWriter`.
* Documentation improvements:
- Added [kedro-wings]( and [kedro-great]( to the list of community plugins.
* Fixed broken versioning for Windows paths.
* Fixed `DataSet` string representation for falsy values.
* Improved the error message when duplicate nodes are passed to the `Pipeline` initializer.
* Fixed a bug where `kedro docs` would fail because the built docs were located in a different directory.
* Fixed a bug where `ParallelRunner` would fail on Windows machines whose reported CPU count exceeded 61.
* Fixed an issue with saving TensorFlow model to `h5` file on Windows.
* Added a `json` parameter to `APIDataSet` for the convenience of generating requests with JSON bodies.
* Fixed dependencies for `SparkDataSet` to include spark.

Breaking changes to the API

Thanks for supporting contributions
[Deepyaman Datta](, [Tam-Sanh Nguyen](, [DataEngineerOne](

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