
Latest version: v0.19.11

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Major features and improvements
* Added `abfss` to list of cloud protocols, enabling abfss paths.
* Kedro now uses the [Rich]( library to format terminal logs and tracebacks.
* The file `conf/base/logging.yml` is now optional. See [our documentation]( for details.
* Introduced a `kedro.starters` entry point. This enables plugins to create custom starter aliases used by `kedro starter list` and `kedro new`.
* Reduced the `kedro new` prompts to just one question asking for the project name.

Bug fixes and other changes
* Bumped `pyyaml` upper bound to make Kedro compatible with the [pyodide]( stack.
* Updated project template's Sphinx configuration to use `myst_parser` instead of `recommonmark`.
* Reduced number of log lines by changing the logging level from `INFO` to `DEBUG` for low priority messages.
* Kedro's framework-side logging configuration no longer performs file-based logging. Hence superfluous `info.log`/`errors.log` files are no longer created in your project root, and running Kedro on read-only file systems such as Databricks Repos is now possible.
* The `root` logger is now set to the Python default level of `WARNING` rather than `INFO`. Kedro's logger is still set to emit `INFO` level messages.
* `SequentialRunner` now has consistent execution order across multiple runs with sorted nodes.
* Bumped the upper bound for the Flake8 dependency to <5.0.
* `kedro jupyter notebook/lab` no longer reuses a Jupyter kernel.
* Required `cookiecutter>=2.1.1` to address a [known command injection vulnerability](
* The session store no longer fails if a username cannot be found with `getpass.getuser`.
* Added generic typing for `AbstractDataSet` and `AbstractVersionedDataSet` as well as typing to all datasets.
* Rendered the deployment guide flowchart as a Mermaid diagram, and added Dask.

Minor breaking changes to the API
* The module `kedro.config.default_logger` no longer exists; default logging configuration is now set automatically through `kedro.framework.project.LOGGING`. Unless you explicitly import `kedro.config.default_logger` you do not need to make any changes.


Not secure
Major features and improvements
* Added a new hook `after_context_created` that passes the `KedroContext` instance as `context`.
* Added a new CLI hook `after_command_run`.
* Added more detail to YAML `ParserError` exception error message.
* Added option to `SparkDataSet` to specify a `schema` load argument that allows for supplying a user-defined schema as opposed to relying on the schema inference of Spark.
* The Kedro package no longer contains a built version of the Kedro documentation significantly reducing the package size.

Bug fixes and other changes
* Removed fatal error from being logged when a Kedro session is created in a directory without git.
* `KedroContext` is now a attr's dataclass, `config_loader` is available as public attribute.
* Fixed `CONFIG_LOADER_CLASS` validation so that `TemplatedConfigLoader` can be specified in Any `CONFIG_LOADER_CLASS` must be a subclass of `AbstractConfigLoader`.
* Added runner name to the `run_params` dictionary used in pipeline hooks.
* Updated [Databricks documentation]( to include how to get it working with IPython extension and Kedro-Viz.
* Update sections on visualisation, namespacing, and experiment tracking in the spaceflight tutorial to correspond to the complete spaceflights starter.
* Fixed `Jinja2` syntax loading with `TemplatedConfigLoader` using `globals.yml`.
* Removed global `_active_session`, `_activate_session` and `_deactivate_session`. Plugins that need to access objects such as the config loader should now do so through `context` in the new `after_context_created` hook.
* `config_loader` is available as a public read-only attribute of `KedroContext`.
* Made `hook_manager` argument optional for ``.
* `kedro docs` now opens an online version of the Kedro documentation instead of a locally built version.


Not secure
* `kedro.framework.context.load_context` will be removed in release 0.18.0.
* `kedro.framework.cli.get_project_context` will be removed in release 0.18.0.
* We've added a `DeprecationWarning` to the decorator API for both `node` and `pipeline`. These will be removed in release 0.18.0. Use Hooks to extend a node's behaviour instead.
* We've added a `DeprecationWarning` to the Transformers API when adding a transformer to the catalog. These will be removed in release 0.18.0. Use Hooks to customise the `load` and `save` methods.

Thanks for supporting contributions
[Deepyaman Datta](,
[Zach Schuster](

Migration guide from Kedro 0.16.* to 0.17.*

**Reminder:** Our documentation on [how to upgrade Kedro]( covers a few key things to remember when updating any Kedro version.

The Kedro 0.17.0 release contains some breaking changes. If you update Kedro to 0.17.0 and then try to work with projects created against earlier versions of Kedro, you may encounter some issues when trying to run `kedro` commands in the terminal for that project. Here's a short guide to getting your projects running against the new version of Kedro.

>*Note*: As always, if you hit any problems, please check out our documentation:
>* [How can I find out more about Kedro?](
>* [How can I get my questions answered?](

To get an existing Kedro project to work after you upgrade to Kedro 0.17.0, we recommend that you create a new project against Kedro 0.17.0 and move the code from your existing project into it. Let's go through the changes, but first, note that if you create a new Kedro project with Kedro 0.17.0 you will not be asked whether you want to include the boilerplate code for the Iris dataset example. We've removed this option (you should now use a Kedro starter if you want to create a project that is pre-populated with code).

To create a new, blank Kedro 0.17.0 project to drop your existing code into, you can create one, as always, with `kedro new`. We also recommend creating a new virtual environment for your new project, or you might run into conflicts with existing dependencies.

* **Update `pyproject.toml`**: Copy the following three keys from the `.kedro.yml` of your existing Kedro project into the `pyproject.toml` file of your new Kedro 0.17.0 project:

package_name = "<package_name>"
project_name = "<project_name>"
project_version = "0.17.0"

Check your source directory. If you defined a different source directory (`source_dir`), make sure you also move that to `pyproject.toml`.

* **Copy files from your existing project**:

+ Copy subfolders of `project/src/project_name/pipelines` from existing to new project
+ Copy subfolders of `project/src/test/pipelines` from existing to new project
+ Copy the requirements your project needs into `requirements.txt` and/or ``.
+ Copy your project configuration from the `conf` folder. Take note of the new locations needed for modular pipeline configuration (move it from `conf/<env>/pipeline_name/catalog.yml` to `conf/<env>/catalog/pipeline_name.yml` and likewise for `parameters.yml`).
+ Copy from the `data/` folder of your existing project, if needed, into the same location in your new project.
+ Copy any Hooks from `src/<package_name>/`.

* **Update your new project's README and docs as necessary**.

* **Update ``**: For example, if you specified additional Hook implementations in `hooks`, or listed plugins under `disable_hooks_by_plugin` in your `.kedro.yml`, you will need to move them to `` accordingly:

from <package_name>.hooks import MyCustomHooks, ProjectHooks

HOOKS = (ProjectHooks(), MyCustomHooks())


* **Migration for `node` names**. From 0.17.0 the only allowed characters for node names are letters, digits, hyphens, underscores and/or fullstops. If you have previously defined node names that have special characters, spaces or other characters that are no longer permitted, you will need to rename those nodes.

* **Copy changes to ``**. If you previously customised the `kedro run` command or added more CLI commands to your ``, you should move them into `<project_root>/src/<package_name>/`. Note, however, that the new way to run a Kedro pipeline is via a `KedroSession`, rather than using the `KedroContext`:

with KedroSession.create(package_name=...) as session:

* **Copy changes made to `ConfigLoader`**. If you have defined a custom class, such as `TemplatedConfigLoader`, by overriding `ProjectContext._create_config_loader`, you should move the contents of the function in `src/<package_name>/`, under `register_config_loader`.

* **Copy changes made to `DataCatalog`**. Likewise, if you have `DataCatalog` defined with `ProjectContext._create_catalog`, you should copy-paste the contents into `register_catalog`.

* **Optional**: If you have plugins such as [Kedro-Viz]( installed, it's likely that Kedro 0.17.0 won't work with their older versions, so please either upgrade to the plugin's newest version or follow their migration guides.


Not secure
Major features and improvements
* `pipeline` now accepts `tags` and a collection of `Node`s and/or `Pipeline`s rather than just a single `Pipeline` object. `pipeline` should be used in preference to `Pipeline` when creating a Kedro pipeline.
* `pandas.SQLTableDataSet` and `pandas.SQLQueryDataSet` now only open one connection per database, at instantiation time (therefore at catalog creation time), rather than one per load/save operation.
* Added new command group, `micropkg`, to replace `kedro pipeline pull` and `kedro pipeline package` with `kedro micropkg pull` and `kedro micropkg package` for Kedro 0.18.0. `kedro micropkg package` saves packages to `project/dist` while `kedro pipeline package` saves packages to `project/src/dist`.

Bug fixes and other changes
* Added tutorial documentation for [experiment tracking](
* Added [Plotly dataset documentation](
* Added the upper limit `pandas<1.4` to maintain compatibility with `xlrd~=1.0`.
* Bumped the `Pillow` minimum version requirement to 9.0 (Python 3.7+ only) following [CVE-2022-22817](
* Fixed `PickleDataSet` to be copyable and hence work with the parallel runner.
* Upgraded `pip-tools`, which is used by `kedro build-reqs`, to 6.5 (Python 3.7+ only). This `pip-tools` version is compatible with `pip>=21.2`, including the most recent releases of `pip`. Python 3.6 users should continue to use `pip-tools` 6.4 and `pip<22`.
* Added `astro-iris` as alias for `astro-airlow-iris`, so that old tutorials can still be followed.
* Added details about [Kedro's Technical Steering Committee and governance model](


Not secure
Major features and improvements
* Added `pipelines` global variable to IPython extension, allowing you to access the project's pipelines in `kedro ipython` or `kedro jupyter notebook`.
* Enabled overriding nested parameters with `params` in CLI, i.e. `kedro run --params="model.model_tuning.booster:gbtree"` updates parameters to `{"model": {"model_tuning": {"booster": "gbtree"}}}`.
* Added option to `pandas.SQLQueryDataSet` to specify a `filepath` with a SQL query, in addition to the current method of supplying the query itself in the `sql` argument.
* Extended `ExcelDataSet` to support saving Excel files with multiple sheets.
* Added the following new datasets:

| Type | Description | Location |
| ------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
| `plotly.JSONDataSet` | Works with plotly graph object Figures (saves as json file) | `kedro.extras.datasets.plotly` |
| `pandas.GenericDataSet` | Provides a 'best effort' facility to read / write any format provided by the `pandas` library | `kedro.extras.datasets.pandas` |
| `pandas.GBQQueryDataSet` | Loads data from a Google Bigquery table using provided SQL query | `kedro.extras.datasets.pandas` |
| `spark.DeltaTableDataSet` | Dataset designed to handle Delta Lake Tables and their CRUD-style operations, including `update`, `merge` and `delete` | `kedro.extras.datasets.spark` |

Bug fixes and other changes
* Fixed an issue where `kedro new --config config.yml` was ignoring the config file when `prompts.yml` didn't exist.
* Added documentation for `kedro viz --autoreload`.
* Added support for arbitrary backends (via importable module paths) that satisfy the `pickle` interface to `PickleDataSet`.
* Added support for `sum` syntax for connecting pipeline objects.
* Upgraded `pip-tools`, which is used by `kedro build-reqs`, to 6.4. This `pip-tools` version requires `pip>=21.2` while [adding support for `pip>=21.3`]( To upgrade `pip`, please refer to [their documentation](
* Relaxed the bounds on the `plotly` requirement for `plotly.PlotlyDataSet` and the `pyarrow` requirement for `pandas.ParquetDataSet`.
* `kedro pipeline package <pipeline>` now raises an error if the `<pipeline>` argument doesn't look like a valid Python module path (e.g. has `/` instead of `.`).
* Added new `overwrite` argument to `PartitionedDataSet` and `MatplotlibWriter` to enable deletion of existing partitions and plots on dataset `save`.
* `kedro pipeline pull` now works when the project requirements contains entries such as `-r`, `--extra-index-url` and local wheel files ([Issue 913](
* Fixed slow startup because of catalog processing by reducing the exponential growth of extra processing during `_FrozenDatasets` creations.
* Removed `.coveragerc` from the Kedro project template. `coverage` settings are now given in `pyproject.toml`.
* Fixed a bug where packaging or pulling a modular pipeline with the same name as the project's package name would throw an error (or silently pass without including the pipeline source code in the wheel file).
* Removed unintentional dependency on `git`.
* Fixed an issue where nested pipeline configuration was not included in the packaged pipeline.
* Deprecated the "Thanks for supporting contributions" section of release notes to simplify the contribution process; Kedro 0.17.6 is the last release that includes this. This process has been replaced with the [automatic GitHub feature](
* Fixed a bug where the version on the tracking datasets didn't match the session id and the versions of regular versioned datasets.
* Fixed an issue where datasets in `load_versions` that are not found in the data catalog would silently pass.
* Altered the string representation of nodes so that node inputs/outputs order is preserved rather than being alphabetically sorted.
* Update `APIDataSet` to accept `auth` through `credentials` and allow any iterable for `auth`.


Not secure
Major features and improvements
* Added new CLI group `registry`, with the associated commands `kedro registry list` and `kedro registry describe`, to replace `kedro pipeline list` and `kedro pipeline describe`.
* Added support for dependency management at a modular pipeline level. When a pipeline with `requirements.txt` is packaged, its dependencies are embedded in the modular pipeline wheel file. Upon pulling the pipeline, Kedro will append dependencies to the project's ``. More information is available in [our documentation](
* Added support for bulk packaging/pulling modular pipelines using `kedro pipeline package/pull --all` and `pyproject.toml`.
* Removed `` from the Kedro project template. By default all CLI commands, including `kedro run`, are now defined on the Kedro framework side. These can be overridden in turn by a plugin or a `` file in your project. A packaged Kedro project will respect the same hierarchy when executed with `python -m my_package`.
* Removed `.ipython/profile_default/startup/` from the Kedro project template in favour of `.ipython/profile_default/` and the `kedro.extras.extensions.ipython`.
* Added support for `dill` backend to `PickleDataSet`.
* Imports are now refactored at `kedro pipeline package` and `kedro pipeline pull` time, so that _aliasing_ a modular pipeline doesn't break it.
* Added the following new datasets to support basic Experiment Tracking:

| Type | Description | Location |
| ------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| `tracking.MetricsDataSet` | Dataset to track numeric metrics for experiment tracking | `kedro.extras.datasets.tracking` |
| `tracking.JSONDataSet` | Dataset to track data for experiment tracking | `kedro.extras.datasets.tracking` |

Bug fixes and other changes
* Bumped minimum required `fsspec` version to 2021.04.
* Fixed the `kedro install` and `kedro build-reqs` flows when uninstalled dependencies are present in a project's ``, `` or `` ([Issue 829](
* Imports are now refactored at `kedro pipeline package` and `kedro pipeline pull` time, so that _aliasing_ a modular pipeline doesn't break it.

Minor breaking changes to the API
* Pinned `dynaconf` to `<3.1.6` because the method signature for `_validate_items` changed which is used in Kedro.

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