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- Experimental GUI
- Preflights:
- Draw Fancy Stackup: which includes the type of vias used (699)
- Include Table: used to include CSV tables generated by bom/position
outputs (702)
- Globals:
- `dnp_cross_top_layer` and `dnp_cross_bottom_layer`: to control the layer
where footprints are crossed. (700 and 622)
- SVG: `use_aux_axis_as_origin` option (681)
- Report: thickness units (685)
- PCB Print:
- Worksheet: undocumented font face and color now can be used (See 695)
- Panelize:
- `copy_vias_on_mask` option to workaround KiCad's bug 18991 (See 703 and

- BoM: Sub-PCBs not applied (697)
- Copy Files: problems when using from compress and using worksheets.
- Export Project: problems when downloading KiCad models and trying to compress
the result.
- PcbDraw: problems with 0 ohms THT resistors (689)
- PCB Print:
- Allow specifying `repeat_for_layer` with empty `repeat_layers`.
This was the old behavior (i.e. 1.7.0) (671)
- Problems with drill marks on KiCad 8.0.4+, which prints them in every
single layer (even technical ones) (696)
- When trying to force a WKS and the project didn't define a WKS.
The "gui" strategy failed to use the specified WKS
- Draw stackup:
- Segmentation Fault on KiCad 8 when creating a new group
- Units not applied when creating a new group
- Expansion of internal field names. KiCad expands "VALUE", not "Value", which
is what you see in the GUI

- Quick Start:
- Diff/KiRi: Avoid creating when we don't have at least 2 to compare
- PCB Print:
- Avoid `colored_pads` and `colored_vias` side effects (682)
- BoM:


- Blender Export:
- Stacked boards when using an automatically generated PCB3D.
- Point of view when using the human names instead of the axis names.
- Footprint variant (created by Var Replace filter):
- Flipped components didn't get flipped after replacement (664)
- Problems generating drill outputs (663)
- PCB print: errors when printing a fully empty layer


- Experimental Altium PCB conversion (625)
- Most places where a field is expected now support `_field_*` to fetch the
globally defined value.
- Preflights:
- check_fields: used to ensure conditions on desired fields (643)
- e/drc: option to force english messages (needed for KiCad 8.0.4)
- Filters:
- `separate_pins`: used to create testpoint reports (638)
- `_null` can be used to skip the filters processing
- Global options:
- `use_pcb_fields`: allows using fields defined in the PCB (and not
only in the schematic), enabled by default (648 and 650)
- `field_current`: to specify the field used for current ratings
- Internal templates:
- Testpoints_by_attr, Testpoints_by_attr_CSV, Testpoints_by_attr_HTML,
Testpoints_by_value, Testpoints_by_value_CSV and Testpoints_by_value_HTML:
Used to generate testpoint reports (638)
- Command line:
- Option to also list sub-PCBs found in variants
- BoardView: support for BVR format
- BoM: logo file name can contain env vars and/or ~ (620)
- Datasheet: option to classify the datasheets by reference.
- KiCost: option to specify a configuration file (615)
- Report:
- Solder paste usage stats (616)
- Support for variants (See 616)
- Testpoints report (See 638)
- xDRC: configurable category (647)
- Schematic:
- Support for text boxes inside symbols (621)
- Worksheet:
- Support for KiCad 8 bitmaps (623)
- Position:
- Support for panels repeating the same component (See 656)

- iBoM: *highlight_pin1* option didn't allow the use of the new choices.
- PCB2Blender_Tools: transform filters might make it fail. (618)
- BoM:
- No color reference when using row colors but not column or kicost colors.
- "0 pico" for "0"
- Use of `lcsc_link` as boolean
- User fields for components that are only in the PCB not filled (656)
- Worksheet: Size of PNGs that specify its PPI resolution.
- Filters:
- Problems with filters that change fields for components that are
only in the PCB. (628)
- Use of '_none' filter in lists of filters and _kf()
- Variants:
- Problems when remove_solder_paste_for_dnp and remove_adhesive_for_dnp are
both disabled (remove_solder_mask_for_dnp wrongly defined) (632)
- Problems when using `set_text_variables_before_output` (649)
- Draw Stackup:
- Dimension always drawn on User.Drawings layer (629)
- Problems when the PCB wasn't loaded by another preflight
- Update XML: `check_pcb_parity` not usable for KiCad 8, must use the `drc`
preflight (633)
- PCB Print: %ln and %ll substitution when using `repeat_for_layer` option
- Render_3D: bottom side components that doesn't rotate from its center got
displaced highlight (659)
- QR Lib output and various preflights: might remove DRC exclusions. This is
a KiCad bug that we must workaround (653)
- 3D outputs: temporal .kicad_dru file not removed (655)
- Generated PCB files: problems with some big structures, like zone fills,
that could generate huge lines in the generated PCB, not supported by KiCad.

- KiCad 8.0.2: The behavior with hidden text changed in KiCad 8.0.2, it is
computed even for operations where it isn't really visible, like plotting
a layer where we don't have the hidden text. So currently KiBot is
experimentally disabling the "hidden text layer".
This is a bug in KiCad (
- Render 3D: Modern versions of Image Magick no longer needs two trim passes
for auto-crop, so now we default to one and an option enables two. (See 644)
- Preflights: The definition of preflight plug-ins changed. They are slightly
different now. Currently they are Optionable and share more in common with
outputs. If you need assistance to migrate a preflight just open a GitHub
- Outputs: Now all options must declare its default.
- Global `invalidate_pcb_text_cache`: now it changes the PCB on disk, not just
on memory. This is needed for external tools like KiKit's panelize.
- In many cases now we allow empty lists and use some sort of default.
A warning is issued, but we continue.
- Layers: now the default for missing layers is all layers.
- Copy files: Now we don't stop when nothing to copy is specified
- Layers: now the default for missing layers is all layers.
- KiKit Present: Missing description is no longer fatal
- Any PCB Print/PCB Print: Missing pages/layers is no longer fatal
- Populate: Missing input file is no longer fatal
- QR Lib: Missing QR definition is no longer fatal (%p %r used)
- Blender Options outputs: Make a render when no outputs are specified
- PCB Print: repeat_layers defaults to inners
- Spec to Field: some simple defaults for the specs (voltage, current, power
and tolerance)


- New preflights:
- erc: a replacement for run_erc when using KiCad 8.
It can generate ERC reports not only in plain text but also HTML, JSON and
- drc: a replacement for run_drc when using KiCad 8.
Also supporting multiple formats and with a modern separation between
unconnected and warnings.
- update_footprint: updates one or more footprints from the libs.
Useful for external QR codes, logos, etc. (492 483)
- draw_stackup: creates a nice drawing for the stackup (See 368)
- update_pcb_characteristics: updates the text you get from *Place* ->
*Add Board Characteristics*, so you don't need to remove it and place
again. (See 384 368)
- update_stackup: updates the text you get from *Place* ->
*Add Stackup Table*, so you don't need to remove it and place
again. (See 384 368)
- Global variables:
- str_yes/str_no: to finetune the *update_pcb_characteristics* preflight.
- Internal templates:
- ExportProject: creates a ZIP file containing a self-contained version of
the project. All footprint, symbols and 3D models are included.
- Filters:
- Now the *var_rename* and *var_rename_kicost* filters can be used to change
footprints using variants (See 574)
- Quick Start: D/ERC are also included for KiCad 8 (with dont_stop: true)
- Navigate Results: Includes the new D/ERC
- SCH Print:
- Option to specify a custom page layout (WKS)
- Workaround for people using backslashes (i.e. Windows+WSL) (See 607)
- PCB Print:
- Support for (undocumented) KiCad 8.0 worksheets (20231118) (See 607)
- Control over the LAYER KiCad variable used in worksheets (layer_var ops)
- Internal BoM:
- Colored rows for HTML and XLSX (See 344)
- Render 3D:
- Added options to control Eco1/Eco2/Drawings individually on KiCad 8 (614)

- Netlist generation problems with components on the PCB but not in schematic.
I.e. logos reaching iBoM output (598)
- 3D/2D renderers: ranges regex to be more strict. Don't take things like
- Sch errors are now caught during output runs. (604)
- Compress:
- Could make Python ZIP lib crash when adding a dir to the zip root.
- So it also removes subdirs created by an output when using move.
- Copy Files:
- Problems when no target dir and no WKS.
- Problems when finding the targets (Makefile, copy files, etc.) before
generating the outputs (or when moved).
- BoM:
- Expansion of variables in fields could fail if the KiCad config wasn't

- Filters: When we find a component in the PCB, that is not in the schematic,
and has a malformed reference, now we inform a warning, discard the
component and continue. (604)
- PcbDraw: Now handles panelized boards much faster. Previous code was really
slow for panels and the time increased exponentially.


- KiCad 8 support
- Panelize: support for all new options (upto 1.5.1)
- 3D/2D renderers: support for ranges in the `show_components` and `highlight`
options. So one entry can be something like *R10-R20*. Can be disabled
using the global option `allow_component_ranges`. (See yaqwsx/PcbDraw159)
- Navigate results: A header and navigation bar (582)
- BoM: support for SVG format in the logos (383)

- CI/CD: we now filter some warnings that are always generated by docker
images when we detect a CI/CD environment. They can be enabled using the
`--warn-ci-cd` command line option. (See 564)
- KiRi: continue even on corrupted schematics (583)
- Variants: avoid W045 on nameless pads. Assuming they are on purpose and not
real pads. (See 584)
- BoardView: Skip footprints with no pads (not just REF**)

- Netlist generation problems with components on the PCB but not in schematic.
- Filters:
- _none filter not always honored (i.e. exclude in BoM) (580)
- Rotation for bottom JLCPCB parts with offset (591)
- Rotation angle used to compute the offsets, must be the final angle
- PCB Parity: components excluded from the board reported anyways (585)
- BoardView:
- X axis mirroring issues (whitequark/kicad-boardview11)
- Alphanumeric pads sorting (whitequark/kicad-boardview17) and
- Present: problems when using gerbers already generated
- Diff: problems when using things like "origin/main" and add_link_id (589)
- Panelize: not able to use external JSON configs (592)


- New outputs:
- KiRi: interactive diff
- KiCanvas: on-line schematic/PCB browser
- General:
- Operations that copies the project now also copies the PRL and the DRU
- Files named *.kibot.yml are also detected as configuration files
- Mechanism to specify
- All inner layers (inners)
- All external copper layers (outers)
- Command line:
- `--help-list-offsets` to list footprint offsets (JLCPCB)
- `--help-list-rotations` to list footprint rotations (JLCPCB)
- `--stop-on-warnings` (`-W`) to stop on warnings (545)
- `--defs-from-env` allows using environment vars for substitution (549)
- Global options:
- `remove_solder_mask_for_dnp` similar to `remove_solder_paste_for_dnp` but
applied to the solder mask apertures. (476)
- `layer_defaults` to specify the default suffix and description. (504)
- `include_components_from_pcb` to disable the new behavior that includes
components from the PCB in the filter/variants processing
- `restore_project` now also restores the PRL
- Schematic format:
- Support for *unit names* (513)
- Internal templates:
- 3DRender_top, 3DRender_top_straight, 3DRender_bottom and
3DRender_bottom_straight: to generate simple and quick 3D renders.
- _KIBOT_POS_DNF_FILTER option to JLCPCB. It now excludes components added
by KiKit to create panels and can be customized.
manufacturer templates. (523)
- _KIBOT_COMPRESS_MOVE to move gerber and drill files to the compressed
output, enabled by default. (537)
- Filters:
- New `_rot_footprint_jlcpcb` internal filter to fix the JLCPCB bottom
- New options for the `rot_footprint` filters: (See 510)
- `mirror_bottom`: used to undo the KiCad mirroring of the bottom.
- `rot_fields`: list of fields to indicate arbitrary rotations.
- `offset_fields`: list of fields to indicate arbitrary offsets.
- `offsets`: a list of pairs containing regex and offset ("x, y")
- `bennymeg_mode`: used to provide compatibility with the
bennymeg/JLC-Plugin-for-KiCad tool.
- `rotations_and_offsets`: a more flexible mechanism to select
rotations and offsets. So you can have two different rotations
applied to the same footprint, i.e. different components with
the same footprint but different orientation in the reel.
- 3D outputs:
- `download_lcsc` option to disable LCSC 3D model download (See 415)
- Preflights:
- Individual directory for the ERC and DRC reports (562)
- BoM:
- Support for ${field} expansion. (471)
- LCSC links (SchrodingersGat/KiBoM190)
- `parse_value` can be used to disable the *Value* parser (See 494)
Also added a warning about using extra data in the *Value* field.
- iBoM:
- `forced_name` option to force the name displayed at the top left corner
- Blender export:
- Support for pcb2blender v2.6/2.7 (Blender 3.5.1/3.6)
- `auto_camera_z_axis_factor`: used to control the default camera distance
- Options to create simple animations:
- PoV `steps`: to create rotation angle increments
- `default_file_id`: can be used to create numbered PNGs
- `fixed_auto_camera`: to avoid adjusting the automatic camera on each frame
- Camera option to set the clip start (484)
- Traceback dump when Blender output contains it
- Subdirectory for each output generated (541)
- Option to disable the denoiser (539)
- KiKit
- Expand text variables and KiBot %X markers in text objects (see 497)
- PCB Print:
- Support for CURRENT_DATE text variable
- Options to mirror the text in the user layers when creating a mirrored page
- Options to select which layers are used for centering purposes (573)
- Populate:
- Basic support for regular list items (480)
- Position:
- Experimental support for gerber position files (500)
- Copy Files:
- Mode to export the whole project (SCH, PCB, symbols, footprints, 3D models
and project files) (491)
- Help for the error levels
- Warnings:
- Explain about wrong dir/output separation (493)
- Diff:
- Added option to un/fill zones before doing the comparison (See 391)
- Added a new mode where we can control the added/removed colors (551)

- Documentation:
- Now you can search in the docs
- Indexed so you can search by topic
- With a navigation side bar
- Variants and filters:
- Components only in the PCB are now processed
- QR Lib:
- Footprints: now they are flagged with exclude from BoM and Pos, also
with no court yard requirements for KiCad 7
- Symbol: Excluded from simulation for KiCad 7
- Elecrow, FusionPCB, JLCPCB, PCBWay and P-Ban templates now moves the files
to the compressed output by default.
- Note that JLCPCB BoM and Position files aren't included anymore, they are
uploaded separately.
- Quick Start:
- Now we generate only for projects, not separated files.
This avoids problems for sub-sheets in separated dirs.
- Diff:
- When *check_zone_fills* is enabled now we do a refill for the boards

- Schematics:
- Problems with deep nested and recycled sheets (520)
- Problems saving deep nested sheets
- Makefile/compress targets
- Rotated polygons and text used in the worksheet (466)
- The --log/-L didn't enabled full debug for all messages
- BoM:
- Problems when trying to aggregate the datasheet field (472)
- kibot-check:
- Show 7.x as supported (469)
- Blender export:
- Rotations are now applied to the current view, not just the top view
- Board/components not visible for small boards (See 484)
- Light type names (extra space) (505)
- Problems when no point of view was defined (546)
- update_xml with check_pcb_parity enabled:
- Avoid errors for KiCad 6 using "Exclude from BoM" components.
This limitation isn't found on KiCad 7. (486)
- *exclude_from_bom* mismatch on KiCad 7
- *Sheetfile* mismatch on KiCad 7 when testing from different directory
- Honor the 'Not in schematic' (board_only) flag when doing a parity check
- Dependencies downloader:
- Problems when connection timed-out
- Sub PCB separation using annotation method for some edeges and KiCad
versions (496)
- Problems when using NET_NAME(n) for a value (511)
- JLCPCB rotations for bottom components
- Copy Files:
- Warnings when using both, the STEP and WRL model, of the same component
- Fail to detect 3D models subdirs when running alone
- QR Lib:
- When used from the preflight the name of the file changed to the name of a
temporal, generating problems with the plot outputs, like pcb_print
- Project options not preserved, i.e. set_text_variables failing
- Bottom QRs should be mirrored in the Y axis
- Diff
- `current`: didn't apply global variants
- `current`: didn't honor KiCad native DNP flags, they need a filter
- Problems when trying to use an already existent worktree (555)
- Avoid using unexpected branches for worktrees (556)
- PCB Print:
- Issues when forcing the board edge and using scaling (532)
- Text not searchable when using newer rsvg-convert tools (552)
- Quick Start:
- Problems with KiCad 6+ files using KiCad 5 names for layers
- Problems scanning dirs without enough privileges
- PCB/SCH Variant
- Makefile/compress targets (missing project)
- 3D outputs:
- Problems when creating a colored resistor, but we didn't have a cache yet
(i.e. no model downloaded) 553

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