
Latest version: v1.8.2

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- General things:
- Some basic preprocessing, now you can parametrize the YAML config.
(See 233 243)
- Support for 3D models aliases and also a global option to define
them in the KiBot configuration (See 261)
- Environment and text variables now can be used as 3D model aliases.
(See 261)
- Environment and text variables expansion is now recursive.
So in `${VAR}` the *VAR* can contain `${OTHER_VAR}`
- Command line option to specify warnings to be excluded. Useful for
warnings issued before applying the global options (i.e during
import). (296)
- `pre_transform` filter to outputs supporting variants.
- New outputs:
- PCB_Variant: saves a PCB with filters and variants applied.
- Copy_Files: used to copy files to the output directory. (279)
You can also copy the 3D models.
- Support for Eurocircuits drill adjust to fix small OARs.
Option `eurocircuits_reduce_holes`. (227)
- Global options:
- Support for changing text variables with variants during outputs creation.
Option `set_text_variables_before_output`. (See 233)
- Options to control which stuff is changed on PCB variants: (See 270)
- cross_footprints_for_dnp
- remove_adhesive_for_dnp
- remove_solder_paste_for_dnp
- hide_excluded (default value)
- Mechanism to give more priority to local globals. (See 291)
- Diff:
- Mechanism to compare using a variant (See 278)
- Mechanism to specify the current PCB/Schematic in memory (See 295)
- Mechanism to compare with the last Nth tag (See 312)
- Option to skip pages with no differences
- Sch Variant:
- Option to copy the project. Needed for text variables.
- Option to change the title (similar to PCB Variant)
- Render_3D: Options to disable some technical layers and control the
silkscreen clipping. (282)
- Internal BoM:
- Now you can aggregate components using CSV files. (See 248)
- Added some basic support for "Exclude from BoM" flag (See 316)
- Now you can check PCB and schematic parity using the `update_xml` preflight
(See 297)
- New filters:
- `urlify` to convert URLs in fields to HTML links (311)
- `field_modify` a more generic field transformer
- Position: option to set the resolution for floating values (314)

- Problems to compress netlists. (287)
- 2D PCB processing didn't show in 3D targets (i.e. solder paste not removed in
the 3D render). (See 270)
- KiBot exited when downloading a datasheet and got a connection error
(289 290)
- KiCad 5 "assert "lower <= upper" failed in Clamp()" (304)
- Missing XYRS information for components with multiple units (306)
- Schematic v6:
- Problems when creating a variant of a sub-sheet that was edited as a
standalone sheet (307)
- Autoplace fields could be lost in variants.
- iBoM: Name displayed in the HTML when using filters and/or variants.
- Position: Components wrongly separated by side when the side column wasn't
the last column (313)

- Diff:
- When comparing a file now the links says Current/FILE instead of None
- The default was to compare the current file on storage, now is the current
file on memory. It includes the zone refill indicated in the preflights.
(See 295)
- Now the error about differences bigger than the threshold is more clear.
KiBot also returns a distinct error level.
- Now the global `dir` option also applies to the preflights, can be disabled
using `use_dir_for_preflights`. (292)
- When importing globals now options that are lists or dicts are merged, not
just replaced. (291)


- New outputs:
- Diff: to compute differences between PCBs and SCHs. (INTI-CMNB/KiAuto14)
- Info: collects info about the environment. (See 209)
- Try to download missing tools and Python modules.
The user also gets more information when something is missing.
It can be disabled from the command line.
- Global options:
- Cross components without a body (219)
- Restore the project at exit (250)
- Imports:
- Now you can nest imports (import from an imported file) (218)
- Preflights can be imported (181)
- `--dont-stop` command line option, to try to continue even on errors (209)
- PDF/SVG PCB Print: option to print all pages/single page (236)
- iBoM: Support for variants that change component fields (242)
- Workaround for problems with DRC exclusions (See INTI-CMNB/KiAuto26, 250)
Global option: `drc_exclusions_workaround`
KiCad bug [11562](
- Internal BoM: KiCad 6 text variables expansion in the fields (247)
- Compress: Option to store symlinks. (See 265)
- PCB Print:
- Option to configure the forced edge color. (281)
- Option to control the resolution (DPI). (See 259)
- Option to move the page number to the extension (page_number_as_extension)
(See 283)
- Option to customize the page numbers (See 283)
- Installation checker: option to show the tool paths.

- OAR computation (Report) (225)
- Position: Problems when doing manual panelization (repeated references) (224)
- PCB_Print:
- Problems with filtered/modified PCBs
- Problems with zones on multiple layers (226)
- Problems with `hide_excluded: true` and components not in the SCH (258)
- Text vars generated in the same run didn't show up (280)
- Low resolution for the solder mask. (See 259)
- SCH Variants on KiCad 6: Problems with missing values in the title block.
- Report: Converted file wasn't stored at `dir` (238)
- Datasheet download: Time-outs on some servers expecting modern browsers (240)
- SCH Print and Netlist: name collisions. When the default name used by KiCad
belongs to an already existing file. (244)
- Install checker: fixed problems to detect iBoM installed as plugin. (209)
- Internal Netlist generation (i.e. iBoM with variants): problems withg
components that doesn't specify a library. (See 242)
- Problems when setting a text variable to an empty string. (268)
- QR lib update: Problems when moving the footprint to the bottom. (271)
- Misleading messages for missing 3D models that starts with ${VAR} when VAR
isn't defined. The old code tried to make it an absolute path.

- The order in which main sections are parsed is now fixed.
The declared order is ignored. The order is:
kiplot/kibot, import, global, filters, variants, preflight, outputs
- Datasheet download:
- Continue downloading if an SSL certificate error found (239)
- PCB_Print: PNGs no longer has transparent background. This is because now we
use a PDF as intermediate step.
- Fails to expand KiCad vars are reported once (not every time)
- No more warnings about missing 3D models when we can download them


- The outputs help now display the more relevant options first and highlighted.
Which ones are more relevant is somehow arbitrary, comments are welcome.
- General stuff:
- Outputs now can have priorities, by default is applied.
Use `-n` to disable it.
- New outputs:
- `navigate_results` creates web pages to browse the generated outputs.
- New globals:
- `environment` section allows defining KiCad environment variables.
(See INTI-CMNB/KiAuto21)
- GitHub discussions are now enabled. Comment about your KiBot experience

- Components with mounting hole where excluded (201)
- GenCAD output targets.
- Problems expanding multiple KiCad variables in the same value.
- XML BoM: Fixed problems with fields containing / (206)
- pcb_print: vias processing was disabled.
- pcb_print: problems with frame in GUI mode and portrait page orientation.
- svg_pcb_print: page orientation for portrait.

- KiCad environment variables: more variables detected, native KiCad 6 names,
all exported to the environment (205)
- Consequences of the priorities implementation:
- `qr_lib` outputs are created before others
- `navigate_results` and `compress` outputs are created after others


- `kibot-check` tool to check the installation
- New outputs:
- KiCad netlist generation
- IPC-D-356 netlist generation (197)
- Internal BoM:
- Pattern and text variables expansion in the title (198)
- Customizable extra info after the title (199)

- Already configured outputs not created (i.e. when creating reports)
- KiCost+Internal variants: UTF-8 problems
- KiCost+Internal variants: problem with `variant` field capitalization


- General stuff:
- KiCad 6 support
- Import mechanism for filters, variants and globals (88)
- Outputs can use the options of other outputs as base (extend them). (112)
- A mechanism to avoid running some outputs by default. (112)
- `--cli-order` option to generate outputs in arbitrary order. (106)
- `--quick-start` option to create usable configs and outputs.
- Filters and variants:
- Options to better control the rotation filter (60 and 67):
- invert_bottom: bottom angles are inverted.
- skip_top: top components aren't rotated.
- skip_bottom: bottom components aren't rotated.
- Generic filter: options to match if a field is/isn't defined.
- Another experimental mechanism to change 3D models according to the variant.
- Support for variants on KiCost output. (106)
- Expansion patterns:
- **%g** the `file_id` of the global variant.
- **%G** the `name` of the global variant.
- **%C1**, **%C2**, **%C3** and **%C4** the comments in the sch/pcb title
- **%bc**, **%bC1**, **%bC2**, **%bC3**, **%bC4**, **%bd**, **%bf**,
**%bF**, **%bp** and **%br** board data
- **%sc**, **%sC1**, **%sC2**, **%sC3**, **%sC4**, **%sd**, **%sf**,
**%sF**, **%sp** and **%sr** schematic data
- **%V** the variant name
- **%I** user defined ID for this output
- Now patterns are also expanded in the out_dir name.
- Global options:
- Default global `dir` option.
- Default global `units` option.
- Global option to specify `out_dir` (like -d command line option)
- Global options to control the date format.
- Added global options to define the PCB details (`pcb_material`,
`solder_mask_color`, `silk_screen_color` and `pcb_finish`)
- New preflights:
- Commands to replace tags in the schematic and PCB (KiCad 5). (93)
Also a mechanism to define variables in KiCad 6. (161)
- Annotate power components. (76)
- Annotate according to PCB coordinates (93)
- New outputs:
- 3D view render
- Report generation (for design house) (93)
- QR codes generation and update: symbols and footprints. (93)
- Print PCB layers in SVG/PDF/PS/EPS/PNG format.
- Join PDFs. (156)
- Export PCB in GENCAD format. (159)
- Datasheet downloader. (119)
- XLSX BoM: option to control the logo scale (84)
- PDF/SVG PCB Print:
- option `hide_excluded` to hide components marked by the `exclude_filter`.
- mechanism to change the block title. (102)
- KiCad 6 color theme selection.
- New `pcb_print` output with more flexibility and faster.
- Internal BoM:
- option to avoid merging components with empty fields.
Is named `merge_both_blank` and defaults to true.
- when a `Value` field can't be interpreted as a `number+unit`,
and it contain at least one space, now we try to use the text before the
space. This helps for cases like "10K 1%".
- `count_smd_tht` option to compute SMD/THT stats. (113)
- option to add text to the `join` list. (108)
- two other options for the sorting criteria.
- XYRS support (you can generate position files using it)
- CSV `hide_header` option
- Drill:
- Excellon: added `route_mode_for_oval_holes` option.
- Support for blind/buried vias. (166)
- SCH PDF Print: monochrome and no frame options.
- Compress:
- Now you can compress files relative to the current working directory.
So you can create a compressed file containing the source schematic and
PCB files. (93)
- Added an option to remove the files we compressed. (192)
- Support for new KiCost options `split_extra_fields` and `board_qty`. (120)
- Position files now can include virtual components. (106)
- Support for `--subst-models` option for KiCad 6's kicad2step. (137)

- Internal BoM: now components with different Tolerance, Voltage, Current
and/or Power fields aren't grouped together.
These fields are now part of the default `group_fields`. (79)
- JLCPCB example, to match current recommendations
- Internal BoM: the field used for variants doesn't produce conflicts. (100)
- The `%v/%V` expansion patterns now expand to the global variant when used in
a context not related to variants. I.e. when a `compress` target expands
- Now you get an error when defining two outputs with the same name.
- The `%d/%sd/%bd` expansion patterns are now affected by the global `date_format`.
Can be disabled using `date_reformat: false`. (121)
- The default output pattern now includes the `output_id` (%I)
- The `source` path for `compress` now has pattern expansion (152)

- Position files now defaults to use the auxiliary origin as KiCad.
Can be disabled to use absolute coordinates. (87)
- Board View:
- flipped output. (89)
- problems with netnames using spaces. (90)
- get_targets not implemented. (167)
- Schematic
- load: problems with fields containing double quotes. (98)
- Paper orientation was discarded on v5 files. (150)
- `--list`: problems with layers and fields specific for the project.
- Makefile: %VALUE not expanded in the directory targets.
- KiCost variants:
- empty DNF fields shouldn't be excluded. (101)
- problems when setting a field in a variant that doesn't
exist when no variant is selected. (105)
- KiCost: list arguments wrongly passed. (120)
- PCB Print: to show the real name of the PCB file. (102)
- Compress: not expanding %VALUES in target dirs. (111)
- Gerber: job file didn't use the global output pattern. (116)
- Warnings count
- Update XML: Removed the side effect Bom. (106)
- Problems when using a hidden config file, using an output that needs the SCH,
not specifying the SCH and more than one SCH was found. (138)
- 3D: problems to download 3D models for native KiCad 6 files. (171)
(not imported from KiCad 5)
- Problems when using page layout files with relative paths. (174)


- `erc_warnings` preflight option to consider ERC warnings as errors.
- Pattern expansion in the `dir` option for outputs (58)
- New filter types:
- `suparts`: Adds support for KiCost's subparts feature.
- `field_rename`: Used to rename schematic fields.
- `var_rename_kicost`: Like `var_rename` but using KiCost mechanism.
- New KiCost variant style.
- `skip_if_no_field` and `invert` options to the regex used in the generic
- Board view file format export (69)
- Experimental mechanism to change 3D models according to the variant.
- Support for width, style and color in "wire notes" (70)
- Level and comment to columns in the XLSX BoM output.
- Basic KiCost support (**experimental**).
- Basic internal BoM and KiCost integration (**experimental**).

- Errors and warnings from KiAuto now are printed as errors and warnings.
- Schematic dependencies are sorted in the generated Makefiles.
- Makefile variables KIBOT, DEBUG and LOGFILE can be defined from outside.
- Reference ranges of two elements no longer represented as ranges.
Examples: "R1-R2" is now "R1 R2", "R1-R3" remains unchanged.

- Problem when using E/DRC filters and the output dir didn't exist.
- Not all errors during makefile generation were caught (got a stack trace).
- Output dirs created when generating a makefile for a compress target.
- Problems with some SnapEDA libs (extra space in lib termination tag 57)
- The "References" (plural) column is now coloured as "Reference" (singular)

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