- Removed the "plot" option "check_zone_fills". Use the preflight option.
- Drill outputs: map.type and report.filename now should be map and report.
The old mechanism is currently supported, but deprecated.
- Now the command line usage is more clearly documented, but also more strict.
- The --list option doesn't need a PCB file anymore.
Note that passing it is now considered an error.
- Now we test the PCB and/or SCH only when we are doing something that needs
- The layers entry is much more flexible now.
Many changes, read the
- PcbDraw output.
- -e/--schematic option to specify any schematic (not just derived from the PCB
- -x/--example option to generate a complete configuration example.
- --example supports --copy-options to copy the plot options from the PCB file.
- Help for the supported outputs (--help-list-outputs, --help-outputs and
- Help for the supported preflights (--help-preflights)
- Better YAML validation.
- Added HPGL options:
- pen_number
- pen_speed
- Added metric_units to DXF options
- Added KiBoM options
- number
- variant
- conf
- separator
- Added the following InteractiveHtmlBom options:
- dark_mode
- hide_pads
- show_fabrication
- hide_silkscreen
- highlight_pin1
- no_redraw_on_drag
- board_rotation
- checkboxes
- bom_view
- layer_view
- include_tracks
- include_nets
- sort_order
- no_blacklist_virtual
- blacklist_empty_val
- netlist_file
- extra_fields
- normalize_field_case
- variant_field
- variants_whitelist
- variants_blacklist
- dnp_field
- The `sketch_plot` option is now implemented.
- 'ignore_unconnected' preflight wasn't working.
- The report of hwo many ERC/DRC errors we found.