- sequence-taging (e.g., NER) now supports ELMo embeddings with `use_elmo=True` argument to data-loading
functions like `entities_from_array` and `entities_from_txt`A
- pretrained word embeddings (i.e., fasttext word2vec embeddings) can be specified by providing the URL to
a `.vec.gz` file from [here]( The URL (or path) is
supplied as `wv_path_or_url` argument to data-loading functions like `entities_from_array` and `entities_from_txt`
- `show_random_images`: show random images from folder in Jupyter notebook
- `NERPreprocessor` now includes a `preprocess_test` method for easier evaluation of test sets in datasets
that contain a training, validation, and test set
- ensure `DISABLE_V2_BEHAVIOR=True` when `ImagePredictor.explain` is invoked
- added `SUPPRESS_TF_WARNINGS` environment variable. Default is '1'. If set to '0', TF warnings will be displayed.
- `merge_entities` method of `ktrain.text.shallownlp.ner.NER` changed to `merge_tokens`
- moved `load_predictor` to constructor in `krain.text.shallownlp.ner.NER`
- `ktrain.text.shallownlp.ner.NER` now supports `predictor_path` argument
- convert `class_names` to strings in `core.validate` to prevent error from scikit-learn
- fixed error arising when no data augmentation scheme is provided to the `images_from*` functions
- fixed bug in `images_from_fname` to ensure supplied `pattern` is used
- added `val_folder` argument to `images_from_fname`
- raise Exception when `preproc` is not found in `load_predictor`
- check for existence of `preproc` in `text_classifier` and `text_regression_model`
- fixed `text.eda` so that `detect_lang` is called correctly after being moved to `textutils`