New: - All data-loading functions (e.g., `texts_from_csv`) accept a `random_state` argument that will enable consistent reproduction of the train-test split.
Changed: - perform local checks for `stellargraph` where needed. - removed `stellargraph` as dependency due to issues with it overwriting `tensorflow-gpu`
Fixed: - N/A
New: - *ktrain* now uses tf.keras (`tensorflow>=1.14,<=2.0`) instead of stand-alone Keras.
Changed: - N/A
Fixed: - N/A
New: - N/A
Fixed: - added encoding argument when reading in word vectors to bypass error on Windows systems (PR 31) - Change preprocessing defaults and apply special preprocessing in `text.eda.get_topic_model` when non-English is detected.
New: - N/A
Changed: - N/A
Fixed: - `TextPredictor.explain` now correcty supports non-English languages. - Parameter `activation` is no longer ignored in `_build_bert` function
New: - support for learning from unlabeled or partially-labeled text data - unsupervised topic modeling with LDA - one-class text classification to score documents based on similarity to a set of positive examples - document recommendation engine
Changed: - N/A
Fixed: - Removed dangling reference to external 'stellargraph' dependency from `_load_model`, so that we rely solely on local version of stellargraph
New: - N/A
Changed: - N/A
Fixed: - Removed dangling reference to external 'stellargraph' dependency so that we rely solely on local version of stellargraph