Fixed: - Fixed error related to validation_steps=None in call to fit_generator in ktrain.core on Google Colab.
New: - Support for pretrained BERT Text Classification
Changed: - For Learner.lr_find, added optional max_epochs argument. - Changed Learner.confusion_matrix to Learner.validate and added optional val_data argument. The use_valid argument has been removed. - Removed pretrained_fpath argument to text.text_classifier. Pretrained word vectors are now downloaded automatically when 'bigru' is selected as model.
Fixed: - Further cleanup of utils.is_iter function to use type check.
New: - N/A
Changed: - For Learner.lr_find, removed epochs and max_lr arguments and added lr_mult argument Default lr_mult is 1.01, but can be changed to control size of sample being used to estimate learning rate. - Changed structure of examples folder
Fixed: - Resolved issue with utils.y_from_data not working correctly with DataFrameIterator objects.
New: - N/A
Changed: - Use class check in utils.is_iter as temporary fix - revert to epochs=5 for Learner.lr_find
Fixed: - N/A
New: - N/A
Changed: - N/A
Fixed: - Learner.set_weight_decay now works correctly
New: - BIGRU text classifier: Bidirectional GRU using pretrained word embeddings
Changed: - Epochs are calculated automatically in LRFinder
Fixed: - Number of epochs that Learner.lr_find runs can be explicitly set again