:Date: Apr 29, 2022
Featured new capabilities:
* New `Balsam` Executor with multi-site capability (run user applications on remote systems). 631, 729
* Support for `funcX` (place user functions on remote systems). 712 / 713
* Added partial support for concurrent/futures interface. (cancel(), cancelled(), done(), running(), result(), exception() and context manager) 719
Breaking API / helper function changes:
See "Updating for libEnsemble v0.9.0" wiki for details:
* Scheduler options moved from `alloc_specs['user']` to `libE_specs`. 790
* `BalsamMPIExecutor` is now `LegacyBalsamMPIExecutor`. 729
* The exit_criteria `elapsed_wallclock_time` has been renamed `wallclock_max`. 750 (with a deprecation warning)
* Clearer and consistent naming of libE-protected fields in history array. 760
Updates to example functions:
* Moved some examples to new repository - [libe-community-examples](https://github.com/Libensemble/libe-community-examples) (VTMOP, DEAP, DeepDriveMD). #716, 721, 726
* Updates to Tasmanian examples to include asynchronous generator example. 727 / 732
* Added multi-task, multi-fidelity optimization regression tests using `ax`. 717 / 720
Other functionality enhancements:
* Non-blocking option added for persistent user function receives. 752
* Added `match_slots` option to resource scheduler. 746
* Added tutorial on assigning tasks to GPUs. 768
* Refactored Executor tutorial for simplicity. 749
* Added Perlmutter guide. 728
* Added Slurm guide. 728
* Refactored examples and tutorials - added exercises. 736 / 737
* Updated history array documentation with visual workflow example. 723
* Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm), Swing (A100 GPU system), Perlmutter (HPE Cray EX with A100 NVIDIA GPUs).
* Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.
:Known issues:
* Open-MPI does not work with direct MPI job launches in ``mpi4py`` comms mode,
since it does not support nested MPI launches.
(Either use local mode or the Balsam Executor.)
* See known issues section in the documentation for more issues.