:Date: May 03, 2021
API additions:
* Active receive option added that allows irregular manager/worker communication patterns. (527 / 595)
* A mechanism is added for the cancellation/killing of previously issued evaluations. (528 / 595 / 596)
* A submit function is added in the base ``Executor`` class that runs a serial application locally. (531 / 595)
* Added libEnsemble history array protected fields: `returned_time`, `last_given_time`, and `last_gen_time`. (590)
* Updated libE_specs options (``mpi_comm`` and ``profile``). (547 / 548)
* Explicit seeding of random streams in ``add_unique_random_streams()`` is now possible. (542 / 545)
Updates to example functions:
* Added Surmise calibration generator function and two examples (regression tests). (595)
Other changes:
* Better support for uneven worker to node distribution (including at sub-node level). (591 / 600)
* Fixed crash when running on Windows. (534)
* Fixed crash when running with empty `persis_info`. (571 / 578)
* Error handling has been made more robust. (592)
* Improve ``H0`` processing (esp. for pre-generated, but not evaluated points). (536 / 537)
* A global ``sim_id`` is now given, rather than a local count, in _libE_stats.txt_. Also a global gen count is given. (587, 588)
* Added support for Python 3.9. (532 / Removed support for Python 3.5. (562)
* Improve SLURM nodelist detection (more robust). (560)
* Add check that user does not change protected history fields (Disable via ``libE_specs['safe_mode'] = False``). (541)
* Added ``print_fields.py`` script for better interrogating the output history files. (558)
* In examples, ``is_master`` changed to ``is_manager`` to be consistent with manager/worker nomenclature. (524)
* Added tutorial **Borehole Calibration with Selective Simulation Cancellation**. (581 / 595)
* Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm).
* Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9.
:Known issues:
* Open-MPI does not work with direct MPI job launches in ``mpi4py`` comms mode, since it does not support nested MPI launches
(Either use local mode or Balsam Executor).
* See known issues section in the documentation for more issues.