
Latest version: v1.4.3

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:Date: May 03, 2021

API additions:

* Active receive option added that allows irregular manager/worker communication patterns. (527 / 595)
* A mechanism is added for the cancellation/killing of previously issued evaluations. (528 / 595 / 596)
* A submit function is added in the base ``Executor`` class that runs a serial application locally. (531 / 595)
* Added libEnsemble history array protected fields: `returned_time`, `last_given_time`, and `last_gen_time`. (590)
* Updated libE_specs options (``mpi_comm`` and ``profile``). (547 / 548)
* Explicit seeding of random streams in ``add_unique_random_streams()`` is now possible. (542 / 545)

Updates to example functions:

* Added Surmise calibration generator function and two examples (regression tests). (595)

Other changes:

* Better support for uneven worker to node distribution (including at sub-node level). (591 / 600)
* Fixed crash when running on Windows. (534)
* Fixed crash when running with empty `persis_info`. (571 / 578)
* Error handling has been made more robust. (592)
* Improve ``H0`` processing (esp. for pre-generated, but not evaluated points). (536 / 537)
* A global ``sim_id`` is now given, rather than a local count, in _libE_stats.txt_. Also a global gen count is given. (587, 588)
* Added support for Python 3.9. (532 / Removed support for Python 3.5. (562)
* Improve SLURM nodelist detection (more robust). (560)
* Add check that user does not change protected history fields (Disable via ``libE_specs['safe_mode'] = False``). (541)
* Added ```` script for better interrogating the output history files. (558)
* In examples, ``is_master`` changed to ``is_manager`` to be consistent with manager/worker nomenclature. (524)


* Added tutorial **Borehole Calibration with Selective Simulation Cancellation**. (581 / 595)


* Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm).
* Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9.

:Known issues:

* Open-MPI does not work with direct MPI job launches in ``mpi4py`` comms mode, since it does not support nested MPI launches
(Either use local mode or Balsam Executor).
* See known issues section in the documentation for more issues.



:Date: Oct 15, 2020


* ``psutils`` is now a required dependency. (478 491)

API additions:

* Executor updates:

* Addition of a zero-resource worker option for persistent gens (does not allocate nodes to gen). (500)
* Multiple applications can be registered to the Executor (and submitted) by name. (498)
* Wait function added to Tasks. (499)

* Gen directories can now be created with options analogous to those for sim dirs. (349 / 489)

Other changes:

* Improve comms efficiency (Repack fields when NumPy version 1.15+). (511)
* Fix multiprocessing error on macOS/Python3.8 (Use 'fork' instead of 'spawn'). (502 / 503)

Updates to example functions:

* Allow APOSMM to trigger ensemble exit when condition reached. (507)
* Improvement in how persistent APOSMM shuts down subprocesses (preventing PETSc MPI-abort). (478)


* APOSMM Tutorial added. (468)
* Writing guide for user functions added to docs (e.g., creating sim_f, gen_f, alloc_f). (510)
* Addition of posters and presentations section to docs (inc. Jupyter notebooks/binder links). (492 497)


* Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm), and Bridges (HPE system at PSC).
* Cori (Cray XC40/Slurm) was not tested with release code due to system issues.
* Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8.

:Known issues:

* We currently recommend running in Central mode on Bridges, as distributed runs are experiencing hangs.
* Open-MPI does not work with direct MPI job launches in mpi4py comms mode, since it does not support nested MPI launches
(Either use local mode or Balsam Executor).
* See known issues section in the documentation for more issues.



:Date: May 22, 2020

Breaking API changes:

* `Job_controller`/`Job` renamed to `Executor`/`Task` and ``launch`` function to ``submit``. (285)
* Executors/Resources/Utils moved into sub-packages. ``utils`` now in package ``tools``. (285)
* sim/gen/alloc support functions moved into ``tools`` sub-package. (285)
* Restructuring of `sim` directory creation with ``libE_specs`` configuration options.
E.g: When ``sim_input_dir`` is given, directories for each `sim` are created. (267)
* User can supply a file called ``node_list`` (replaces ``worker_list``). (455)

API additions:

* Added gen_funcs.rc configuration framework with option to select APOSMM Optimizers for import. (444)
* Provide ``alloc_specs`` defaults via `alloc_funcs.defaults` module. (325)
* Added ``extra_args`` option to the Executor submit function to allow addition of arbitrary MPI runner options. (445)
* Added ``custom_info`` argument to MPI Executor to allow overriding of detected settings. (448)
* Added ``libE_specs`` option to disable log files. (368)

Other changes:

* Added libEnsemble Conda package, hosted on conda-forge.
* Bugfix: Intermittent failures with repeated libE calls under `mpi4py` comms.
Every libE call now uses its own duplicate of provided communicator and closes out. (373/387)
* More accurate timing in `libE_stats.txt`. (318)
* Addition of new post-processing scripts.

Updates to example functions:

* Persistent APOSMM is now the recommended APOSMM (`` renamed to ``). (435)
* New alloc/gen func: Finite difference parameters with noise estimation. (350)
* New example gen func: Tasmanian UQ generator. (351)
* New example gen func: Deap/NSGA2 generator. (407)
* New example gen func to interface with VTMOP.
* New example sim func: Borehole. (367)
* New example use-case: WarpX/APOSMM. (425)


* Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm), Cori (Cray XC40/Slurm), and Bridges (HPE system at PSC).
* Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8.

:Known issues:

* We currently recommended running in Central mode on Bridges as distributed runs are experiencing hangs.
* See known issues section in the documentation for more issues.



:Date: December 4, 2019

API changes:

* sim/gen/alloc_specs options that do not directly involve these routines are moved to libE_specs (see docs). (266, 269)
* sim/gen/alloc_specs now require user-defined attributes to be added under the ``'user'`` field (see docs and examples). (266, 269)
* Addition of a utils module to help users create calling scripts. Includes an argument parser and utility functions. (308)
* check_inputs() function is moved to the utils module. (308)
* The libE_specs option ``nprocesses`` has been changed to ``nworkers``. (235)

New example functions:

* Addition of a persistent APOSMM generator function. (217)

Other changes:

* Overhaul of documentation, including HPC platform guides and a new pdf structure. (inc. 232, 282)
* Addition of OpenMP threading and GPU support to forces test. (250)
* Balsam job_controller now tested on Travis. (47)


* Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm), and Cori (Cray XC40/Slurm).
* Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.5, 3.6, 3.7

:Known issues:

* These are unchanged from v0.5.0.
* A known issues section has now been added to the documentation.



:Date: August 19, 2019

* Code has been restructured to meet xSDK package policies for interoperable ECP software (version 0.5.0). 208
* The use of MPI.COMM_WORLD has been removed. Uses a duplicate of COMM_WORLD if no communicator passed (any process not in communicator returns with an exit code of 3). 108
* All output from libEnsemble goes via logger. MANAGER_WARNING level added. This level and above are echoed to stderr by default. API option to change echo level.
* Simulation directories are created only during sim_f calls are suffixed by _worker. 146
* New user function libE.check_inputs() can be used to check valid configuration of inputs. Can be called in serial or under MPI (see libE API). 65
* Installation option has been added to install dependencies used in tests ``pip install libensemble[extras]``.
* A profiling option has been added to sim_specs. 170
* Results comparison scripts have been included for convenience.


* Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS (**New**), Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), and Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm).
* Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
* **Note** Support has been removed for Python 3.4 since it is officially retired. Also NumPy has removed support.

:Known issues:

* These are unchanged from v0.5.0.



:Date: July 11, 2019

* Fixed LSF resource detection for large jobs on LSF systems (e.g., Summit). 184
* Added support for macOS. 182
* Improved the documentation (including addition of beginner's tutorial and FAQ).


* Tested platforms include Local Linux, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), and Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm).
* Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7.

:Known issues:

* These are unchanged from v0.5.0.

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