:Date: May 22, 2019
* Added local (multiprocessing) and TCP options for manager/worker communications, in addition to mpi4py. (42).
* Example: libEnsemble can be run on MOM/launch nodes (e.g., those of ALCF/Theta & OLCF/Summit) and can remotely detect compute resources.
* Example: libEnsemble can be run on a system without MPI.
* Example: libEnsemble can be run with a local manager and remote TCP workers.
* Added support for Summit/LSF scheduler in job controller.
* MPI job controller detects and retries launches on failure; adding resilience. (143)
* Job controller supports option to extract/print job times in libE_stats.txt. (136)
* Default logging level changed to INFO. (164)
* Logging interface added, which allows user to change logging level and file. (110)
* All worker logging and calculation stats are routed through manager.
* libEnsemble can be run without a gen_func, for example, when using a previously computed random sample. (122)
* Aborts dump persis_info with the history.
* **This version no longer supports Python 2.**
* Tested platforms include Local Linux, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), and Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm).
:Known issues:
* Open-MPI does not work with direct MPI job launches in mpi4py comms mode, since it does not support nested MPI launches
(Either use local mode or Balsam job controller).
* Local comms mode (multiprocessing) may fail if MPI is initialized before forking processors. This is thought to be responsible for issues combining with PETSc.
* Remote detection of logical cores via LSB_HOSTS (e.g., Summit) returns number of physical cores since SMT info not available.
* TCP mode does not support (1) more than one libEnsemble call in a given script or (2) the auto-resources option to the job controller.