New features
- New univariate model, `GeneralizedGammaFitter`. This model contains many sub-models, so it is a good model to check fits.
- added a warning when a time-varying dataset had instantaneous deaths.
- added a `initial_point` option in univariate parametric fitters.
- `initial_point` kwarg is present in parametric univariate fitters `.fit`
- `event_table` is now an attribute on all univariate fitters (if right censoring)
- improvements to `lifelines.utils.gamma`
API changes
- In AFT models, the column names in `confidence_intervals_` has changed to include the alpha value.
- In AFT models, some column names in `.summary` and `.print_summary` has changed to include the alpha value.
- In AFT models, some column names in `.summary` and `.print_summary` includes confidence intervals for the exponential of the value.
Bug fixes
- when using `censors_show` in plotting functions, the censor ticks are now reactive to the estimate being shown.
- fixed an overflow bug in `KaplanMeierFitter` confidence intervals
- improvements in data validation for `CoxTimeVaryingFitter`