- New API for `CoxPHFitter` and `AalenAdditiveFitter`: the default arguments for `event_col` and `duration_col`. `duration_col` is now mandatory, and `event_col` now accepts a column, or by default, `None`, which assumes all events are observed (non-censored).
- Fix statistical tests.
- Allow negative durations in Fitters.
- New API in `survival_table_from_events`: `min_observations` is replaced by `birth_times` (default `None`).
- New API in `CoxPHFitter` for summary: `summary` will return a dataframe with statistics, `print_summary()` will print the dataframe (plus some other statistics) in a pretty manner.
- Adding "At Risk" counts option to univariate fitter `plot` methods, `.plot(at_risk_counts=True)`, and the function `lifelines.plotting.add_at_risk_counts`.
- Fix bug Epanechnikov kernel.