- adding `plot_loglogs` to `KaplanMeierFitter`
- added a (correct) check to see if some columns in a dataset will cause convergence problems.
- removing `flat` argument in `plot` methods. It was causing confusion. To replicate it, one can set `ci_force_lines=True` and `show_censors=True`.
- adding `strata` keyword argument to `CoxPHFitter` on initialization (ex: `CoxPHFitter(strata=['v1', 'v2'])`. Why? Fitters initialized with `strata` can now be passed into `k_fold_cross_validation`, plus it makes unit testing `strata` fitters easier.
- If using `strata` in `CoxPHFitter`, access to strata specific baseline hazards and survival functions are available (previously it was a blended valie). Prediction also uses the specific baseline hazards/survivals.
- performance improvements in `CoxPHFitter` - should see at least a 10% speed improvement in `fit`.