
Latest version: v2.4.0

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- Fixed the availability check for the neptune-client package ([14714](
- Break HPU Graphs into two parts (forward + backward as one and optimizer as another) for better performance ([14656](
- Fixed torchscript error with ensembles of LightningModules ([14657](, [#14724](
- Fixed an issue with `TensorBoardLogger.finalize` creating a new experiment when none was created during the Trainer's execution ([14762](
- Fixed `TypeError` on import when `torch.distributed` is not available ([14809](


awaelchli Borda carmocca dependabot otaj raoakarsha

_If we forgot someone due to not matching commit email with GitHub account, let us know_ :)



- Improved the error messaging when passing `Trainer.method(model, x_dataloader=None)` with no module-method implementations available ([14614](


- Reset the dataloaders on OOM failure in batch size finder to use the last successful batch size ([14372](
- Fixed an issue to keep downscaling the batch size in case there hasn't been even a single successful optimal batch size with `mode="power"` ([14372](
- Fixed an issue where `self.log`-ing a tensor would create a user warning from PyTorch about cloning tensors ([14599](
- Fixed compatibility when `torch.distributed` is not available ([14454](


akihironitta awaelchli Borda carmocca dependabot krshrimali mauvilsa pierocor rohitgr7 wangraying

_If we forgot someone due to not matching commit email with GitHub account, let us know_ :)



- Squeezed tensor values when logging with `LightningModule.log` ([14489](
- Fixed `WandbLogger` `save_dir` is not set after creation ([14326](
- Fixed `Trainer.estimated_stepping_batches` when maximum number of epochs is not set ([14317](


carmocca dependabot robertomest rohitgr7 tshu-w

_If we forgot someone due to not matching commit email with GitHub account, let us know_ :)



- Added an environment variable `PL_DISABLE_FORK` that can be used to disable all forking in the Trainer ([14319](


- Fixed `LightningDataModule` hparams parsing ([12806](
- Reset epoch progress with batch size scaler ([13846](
- Fixed restoring the trainer after using `lr_find()` so that the correct LR schedule is used for the actual training ([14113](
- Fixed incorrect values after transferring data to an MPS device ([14368](


rohitgr7 tanmoyio justusschock cschell carmocca Callidior awaelchli j0rd1smit dependabot Borda otaj



- Fixed an assertion error when using a `ReduceOnPlateau` scheduler with the Horovod strategy ([14215](
- Fixed an `AttributeError` when accessing `LightningModule.logger` and the Trainer has multiple loggers ([14234](
- Fixed wrong num padding for `RichProgressBar` ([14296](
- Added back support for `log`ging in the `configure_gradient_clipping` hook after unintended removal in v1.7.2 ([14298](
- Fixed an issue to avoid the impact of sanity check on `reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs` for validation ([13964](


awaelchli Borda carmocca dependabot kaushikb11 otaj rohitgr7



- Added `FullyShardedNativeNativeMixedPrecisionPlugin` to handle precision for `DDPFullyShardedNativeStrategy` ([14092](
- Added profiling to these hooks: `on_before_batch_transfer`, `transfer_batch_to_device`, `on_after_batch_transfer`, `configure_gradient_clipping`, `clip_gradients` ([14069](


- Updated compatibility for LightningLite to run with the latest DeepSpeed 0.7.0 ([13967](
- Raised a `MisconfigurationException` if batch transfer hooks are overriden with `IPUAccelerator` ([13961](
- The default project name in `WandbLogger` is now "lightning_logs" ([14145](
- The `` property no longer returns the name of the experiment, and instead returns the project's name ([14145](


- Fixed a bug that caused spurious `AttributeError` when multiple `DataLoader` classes are imported ([14117](
- Fixed epoch-end logging results not being reset after the end of the epoch ([14061](
- Fixed saving hyperparameters in a composition where the parent class is not a `LightningModule` or `LightningDataModule` ([14151](
- Fixed epoch-end logging results not being reset after the end of the epoch ([14061](
- Fixed the device placement when `LightningModule.cuda()` gets called without specifying a device index and the current cuda device was not 0 ([14128](
- Avoided false positive warning about using `sync_dist` when using torchmetrics ([14143](
- Avoid `metadata.entry_points` deprecation warning on Python 3.10 ([14052](
- Avoid raising the sampler warning if num_replicas=1 ([14097](
- Fixed resuming from a checkpoint when using Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA) ([9938](
- Avoided requiring the FairScale package to use precision with the fsdp native strategy ([14092](
- Fixed an issue in which the default name for a run in `WandbLogger` would be set to the project name instead of a randomly generated string ([14145](
- Fixed not preserving set attributes on `DataLoader` and `BatchSampler` when instantiated inside `*_dataloader` hooks ([14212](


adamreeve akihironitta awaelchli Borda carmocca dependabot otaj rohitgr7

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