
Latest version: v2.5.0.post0

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- Added Storage Commands ([16740](
* `rm`: Delete files from your Cloud Platform Filesystem
- Added `lightning connect data` to register data connection to private s3 buckets ([16738](




- Fixed an attribute error and improved input validation for invalid strategy types being passed to Fabric ([16693](




- Disabled strict loading in multiprocessing launcher ("ddp_spawn", etc.) when loading weights back into the main process ([16365](


- Fixed an attribute error and improved input validation for invalid strategy types being passed to Trainer ([16693](
- Fixed early stopping triggering extra validation runs after reaching `min_epochs` or `min_steps` ([16719](



akihironitta, awaelchli, borda, tchaton

_If we forgot someone due to not matching commit email with GitHub account, let us know :]_


Not secure


- Added `lightning open` command (16482)
- Added experimental support for interruptable GPU in the cloud (16399)
- Added FileSystem abstraction to simply manipulate files (16581)
- Added Storage Commands (16606)
* `ls`: List files from your Cloud Platform Filesystem
* `cd`: Change the current directory within your Cloud Platform filesystem (terminal session based)
* `pwd`: Return the current folder in your Cloud Platform Filesystem
* `cp`: Copy files between your Cloud Platform Filesystem and local filesystem
- Prevent to `cd` into non-existent folders (16645)
- Enabled `cp` (upload) at project level (16631)
- Enabled `ls` and `cp` (download) at project level (16622)
- Added `lightning connect data` to register data connection to s3 buckets (16670)
- Added support for running with multiprocessing in the cloud (16624)
- Initial plugin server (16523)
- Connect and Disconnect node (16700)


- Changed the default `LightningClient(retry=False)` to `retry=True` (16382)
- Add support for async predict method in PythonServer and remove torch context (16453)
- Renamed `` to `` (16505)
- Changed the command `lightning connect` to `lightning connect app` for consistency (16670)
- Refactor cloud dispatch and update to new API (16456)
- Updated app URLs to the latest format (16568)


- Fixed a deadlock causing apps not to exit properly when running locally (16623)
- Fixed the Drive root_folder not parsed properly (16454)
- Fixed malformed path when downloading files using `lightning cp` (16626)
- Fixed app name in URL (16575)




- Fixed error handling for `accelerator="mps"` and `ddp` strategy pairing (16455)
- Fixed strict availability check for `torch_xla` requirement (16476)
- Fixed an issue where PL would wrap DataLoaders with XLA's MpDeviceLoader more than once (16571)
- Fixed the batch_sampler reference for DataLoaders wrapped with XLA's MpDeviceLoader (16571)
- Fixed an import error when `torch.distributed` is not available (16658)




- Fixed an unintended limitation for calling `save_hyperparameters` on mixin classes that don't subclass `LightningModule`/`LightningDataModule` (16369)
- Fixed an issue with `MLFlowLogger` logging the wrong keys with `.log_hyperparams()` (16418)
- Fixed logging more than 100 parameters with `MLFlowLogger` and long values are truncated (16451)
- Fixed strict availability check for `torch_xla` requirement (16476)
- Fixed an issue where PL would wrap DataLoaders with XLA's MpDeviceLoader more than once (16571)
- Fixed the batch_sampler reference for DataLoaders wrapped with XLA's MpDeviceLoader (16571)
- Fixed an import error when `torch.distributed` is not available (16658)



akihironitta, awaelchli, borda, BrianPulfer, ethanwharris, hhsecond, justusschock, Liyang90, RuRo, senarvi, shenoynikhil, tchaton

_If we forgot someone due to not matching commit email with GitHub account, let us know :]_


Not secure


- Added a possibility to set up basic authentication for Lightning apps (16105)


- The LoadBalancer now uses internal ip + port instead of URL exposed (16119)
- Added support for logging in different trainer stages with `DeviceStatsMonitor`
- Changed `lightning_app.components.serve.gradio` to `lightning_app.components.serve.gradio_server` (16201)
- Made cluster creation/deletion async by default (16185)


- Fixed not being able to run multiple lightning apps locally due to port collision (15819)
- Avoid `relpath` bug on Windows (16164)
- Avoid using the deprecated `LooseVersion` (16162)
- Porting fixes to autoscaler component (16249)
- Fixed a bug where `lightning login` with env variables would not correctly save the credentials (16339)




- Added `Fabric.launch()` to programmatically launch processes (e.g. in Jupyter notebook) (14992)
- Added the option to launch Fabric scripts from the CLI, without the need to wrap the code into the `run` method (14992)
- Added `Fabric.setup_module()` and `Fabric.setup_optimizers()` to support strategies that need to set up the model before an optimizer can be created (15185)
- Added support for Fully Sharded Data Parallel (FSDP) training in Lightning Lite (14967)
- Added `lightning_fabric.accelerators.find_usable_cuda_devices` utility function (16147)
- Added basic support for LightningModules (16048)
- Added support for managing callbacks via `Fabric(callbacks=...)` and emitting events through `` (16074)
- Added Logger support (16121)
* Added `Fabric(loggers=...)` to support different Logger frameworks in Fabric
* Added `Fabric.log` for logging scalars using multiple loggers
* Added `Fabric.log_dict` for logging a dictionary of multiple metrics at once
* Added `Fabric.loggers` and `Fabric.logger` attributes to access the individual logger instances
* Added support for calling `self.log` and `self.log_dict` in a LightningModule when using Fabric
* Added access to `self.logger` and `self.loggers` in a LightningModule when using Fabric
- Added `lightning_fabric.loggers.TensorBoardLogger` (16121)
- Added `lightning_fabric.loggers.CSVLogger` (16346)
- Added support for a consistent `.zero_grad(set_to_none=...)` on the wrapped optimizer regardless of which strategy is used (16275)


- Renamed the class `LightningLite` to `Fabric` (15932, 15938)
- The `` method is no longer abstract (14992)
- The `XLAStrategy` now inherits from `ParallelStrategy` instead of `DDPSpawnStrategy` (15838)
- Merged the implementation of `DDPSpawnStrategy` into `DDPStrategy` and removed `DDPSpawnStrategy` (14952)
- The dataloader wrapper returned from `.setup_dataloaders()` now calls `.set_epoch()` on the distributed sampler if one is used (16101)
- Renamed `Strategy.reduce` to `Strategy.all_reduce` in all strategies (16370)
- When using multiple devices, the strategy now defaults to "ddp" instead of "ddp_spawn" when none is set (16388)


- Removed support for FairScale's sharded training (`strategy='ddp_sharded'|'ddp_sharded_spawn'`). Use Fully-Sharded Data Parallel instead (`strategy='fsdp'`) (16329)


- Restored sampling parity between PyTorch and Fabric dataloaders when using the `DistributedSampler` (16101)
- Fixes an issue where the error message wouldn't tell the user the real value that was passed through the CLI (16334)



- Added support for native logging of `MetricCollection` with enabled compute groups (15580)
- Added support for custom artifact names in `pl.loggers.WandbLogger` (16173)
- Added support for DDP with `LRFinder` (15304)
- Added utilities to migrate checkpoints from one Lightning version to another (15237)
- Added support to upgrade all checkpoints in a folder using the `pl.utilities.upgrade_checkpoint` script (15333)
- Add an axes argument `ax` to the `.lr_find().plot()` to enable writing to a user-defined axes in a matplotlib figure (15652)
- Added `log_model` parameter to `MLFlowLogger` (9187)
- Added a check to validate that wrapped FSDP models are used while initializing optimizers (15301)
- Added a warning when `self.log(..., logger=True)` is called without a configured logger (15814)
- Added support for colossalai 0.1.11 (15888)
- Added `LightningCLI` support for optimizer and learning schedulers via callable type dependency injection (15869)
- Added support for activation checkpointing for the `DDPFullyShardedNativeStrategy` strategy (15826)
- Added the option to set `DDPFullyShardedNativeStrategy(cpu_offload=True|False)` via bool instead of needing to pass a configuration object (15832)
- Added info message for Ampere CUDA GPU users to enable tf32 matmul precision (16037)
- Added support for returning optimizer-like classes in `LightningModule.configure_optimizers` (16189)


- Switch from `tensorboard` to `tensorboardx` in `TensorBoardLogger` (15728)
- From now on, Lightning Trainer and `LightningModule.load_from_checkpoint` automatically upgrade the loaded checkpoint if it was produced in an old version of Lightning (15237)
- `Trainer.{validate,test,predict}(ckpt_path=...)` no longer restores the `Trainer.global_step` and `trainer.current_epoch` value from the checkpoints - From now on, only `` will restore this value (15532)
- The `ModelCheckpoint.save_on_train_epoch_end` attribute is now computed dynamically every epoch, accounting for changes to the validation dataloaders (15300)
- The Trainer now raises an error if it is given multiple stateful callbacks of the same time with colliding state keys (15634)
- `MLFlowLogger` now logs hyperparameters and metrics in batched API calls (15915)
- Overriding the `on_train_batch_{start,end}` hooks in conjunction with taking a `dataloader_iter` in the `training_step` no longer errors out and instead shows a warning (16062)
- Move `tensorboardX` to extra dependencies. Use the `CSVLogger` by default (16349)
- Drop PyTorch 1.9 support (15347)


- Deprecated `description`, `env_prefix` and `env_parse` parameters in `LightningCLI.__init__` in favour of giving them through `parser_kwargs` (15651)
- Deprecated `pytorch_lightning.profiler` in favor of `pytorch_lightning.profilers` (16059)
- Deprecated `Trainer(auto_select_gpus=...)` in favor of `pytorch_lightning.accelerators.find_usable_cuda_devices` (16147)
- Deprecated `pytorch_lightning.tuner.auto_gpu_select.{pick_single_gpu,pick_multiple_gpus}` in favor of `pytorch_lightning.accelerators.find_usable_cuda_devices` (16147)
- `nvidia/apex` deprecation (16039)
* Deprecated `pytorch_lightning.plugins.NativeMixedPrecisionPlugin` in favor of `pytorch_lightning.plugins.MixedPrecisionPlugin`
* Deprecated the `LightningModule.optimizer_step(using_native_amp=...)` argument
* Deprecated the `Trainer(amp_backend=...)` argument
* Deprecated the `Trainer.amp_backend` property
* Deprecated the `Trainer(amp_level=...)` argument
* Deprecated the `pytorch_lightning.plugins.ApexMixedPrecisionPlugin` class
* Deprecates the `pytorch_lightning.utilities.enums.AMPType` enum
* Deprecates the `DeepSpeedPrecisionPlugin(amp_type=..., amp_level=...)` arguments
- `horovod` deprecation (16141)
* Deprecated `Trainer(strategy="horovod")`
* Deprecated the `HorovodStrategy` class
- Deprecated `pytorch_lightning.lite.LightningLite` in favor of `lightning.fabric.Fabric` (16314)
- `FairScale` deprecation (in favor of PyTorch's FSDP implementation) (16353)
* Deprecated the `pytorch_lightning.overrides.fairscale.LightningShardedDataParallel` class
* Deprecated the `pytorch_lightning.plugins.precision.fully_sharded_native_amp.FullyShardedNativeMixedPrecisionPlugin` class
* Deprecated the `pytorch_lightning.plugins.precision.sharded_native_amp.ShardedNativeMixedPrecisionPlugin` class
* Deprecated the `pytorch_lightning.strategies.fully_sharded.DDPFullyShardedStrategy` class
* Deprecated the `pytorch_lightning.strategies.sharded.DDPShardedStrategy` class
* Deprecated the `pytorch_lightning.strategies.sharded_spawn.DDPSpawnShardedStrategy` class


- Removed deprecated `pytorch_lightning.utilities.memory.get_gpu_memory_map` in favor of `pytorch_lightning.accelerators.cuda.get_nvidia_gpu_stats` (15617)
- Temporarily removed support for Hydra multi-run (15737)
- Removed deprecated `pytorch_lightning.profiler.base.AbstractProfiler` in favor of `pytorch_lightning.profilers.profiler.Profiler` (15637)
- Removed deprecated `pytorch_lightning.profiler.base.BaseProfiler` in favor of `pytorch_lightning.profilers.profiler.Profiler` (15637)
- Removed deprecated code in `pytorch_lightning.utilities.meta` (16038)
- Removed the deprecated `LightningDeepSpeedModule` (16041)
- Removed the deprecated `pytorch_lightning.accelerators.GPUAccelerator` in favor of `pytorch_lightning.accelerators.CUDAAccelerator` (16050)
- Removed the deprecated `pytorch_lightning.profiler.*` classes in favor of `pytorch_lightning.profilers` (16059)
- Removed the deprecated `pytorch_lightning.utilities.cli` module in favor of `pytorch_lightning.cli` (16116)
- Removed the deprecated `pytorch_lightning.loggers.base` module in favor of `pytorch_lightning.loggers.logger` (16120)
- Removed the deprecated `pytorch_lightning.loops.base` module in favor of `pytorch_lightning.loops.loop` (16142)
- Removed the deprecated `pytorch_lightning.core.lightning` module in favor of `pytorch_lightning.core.module` (16318)
- Removed the deprecated `pytorch_lightning.callbacks.base` module in favor of `pytorch_lightning.callbacks.callback` (16319)
- Removed the deprecated `Trainer.reset_train_val_dataloaders()` in favor of `Trainer.reset_{train,val}_dataloader` (16131)
- Removed support for `LightningCLI(seed_everything_default=None)` (16131)
- Removed support in LightningLite for FairScale's sharded training (`strategy='ddp_sharded'|'ddp_sharded_spawn'`). Use Fully-Sharded Data Parallel instead (`strategy='fsdp'`) (16329)


- Enhanced `reduce_boolean_decision` to accommodate `any`-analogous semantics expected by the `EarlyStopping` callback (15253)
- Fixed the incorrect optimizer step synchronization when running across multiple TPU devices (16020)
- Fixed a type error when dividing the chunk size in the ColossalAI strategy (16212)
- Fixed bug where the ``interval`` key of the scheduler would be ignored during manual optimization, making the LearningRateMonitor callback fail to log the learning rate (16308)
- Fixed an issue with `MLFlowLogger` not finalizing correctly when status code 'finished' was passed (16340)



1SAA, akihironitta, AlessioQuercia, awaelchli, bipinKrishnan, Borda, carmocca, dmitsf, erhoo82, ethanwharris, Forbu, hhsecond, justusschock, lantiga, lightningforever, Liyang90, manangoel99, mauvilsa, nicolai86, nohalon, rohitgr7, schmidt-jake, speediedan, yMayanand

_If we forgot someone due to not matching commit email with GitHub account, let us know :]_


Not secure


- Added partial support for fastapi `Request` annotation in `configure_api` handlers (16047)
- Added a nicer UI with URL and examples for the autoscaler component (16063)
- Enabled users to have more control over scaling out/in intervals (16093)
- Added more datatypes to the serving component (16018)
- Added `work.delete` method to delete the work (16103)
- Added `display_name` property to LightningWork for the cloud (16095)
- Added `ColdStartProxy` to the AutoScaler (16094)
- Added status endpoint, enable `ready` (16075)
- Implemented `ready` for components (16129)


- The default `start_method` for creating Work processes locally on macOS is now 'spawn' (previously 'fork') (16089)
- The utility `` now returns `True` during the loading of the app locally when running with `--cloud` (16045)
- Updated Multinode Warning (16091)
- Updated app testing (16000)
- Changed overwrite to `True` (16009)
- Simplified messaging in cloud dispatch (16160)
- Added annotations endpoint (16159)


- Fixed `PythonServer` messaging "Your app has started" (15989)
- Fixed auto-batching to enable batching for requests coming even after the batch interval but is in the queue (16110)
- Fixed a bug where `AutoScaler` would fail with min_replica=0 (16092
- Fixed a non-thread safe deepcopy in the scheduler (16114)
- Fixed HTTP Queue sleeping for 1 sec by default if no delta was found (16114)
- Fixed the endpoint info tab not showing up in the `AutoScaler` UI (16128)
- Fixed an issue where an exception would be raised in the logs when using a recent version of `streamlit` (16139)
- Fixed e2e tests (16146)


**Full Changelog**:


Not secure

- Fixed install/upgrade - removing single quote (16079)
- Fixed bug where components that are re-instantiated several times failed to initialize if they were modifying `self.lightningignore` (16080)
- Fixed a bug where apps that had previously been deleted could not be run again from the CLI (16082)


- Add function to remove checkpoint to allow override for extended classes (16067)


**Full Changelog**:


Not secure


- Added `Lightning{Flow,Work}.lightningignores` attributes to programmatically ignore files before uploading to the cloud (15818)
- Added a progress bar while connecting to an app through the CLI (16035)
- Support running on multiple clusters (16016)
- Added guards to cluster deletion from cli (16053)
- Added creation of the default `.lightningignore` that ignores `venv` (16056)


- Cleanup cluster waiting (16054)


- Fixed `DDPStrategy` import in app framework (16029)
- Fixed `AutoScaler` raising an exception when non-default cloud compute is specified (15991)
- Fixed and improvements of login flow (16052)
- Fixed the debugger detection mechanism for the lightning App in VSCode (16068)


- some minor cleaning


**Full Changelog**:

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