
Latest version: v2.5.0.post0

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- `DataModule`s now avoid duplicate `{setup,teardown,prepare_data}` calls for the same stage (7238)


- Fixed parsing of multiple training dataloaders (7433)
- Fixed recursive passing of `wrong_type` keyword argument in `pytorch_lightning.utilities.apply_to_collection` (7433)
- Fixed setting correct `DistribType` for `ddp_cpu` (spawn) backend (7492)
- Fixed incorrect number of calls to LR scheduler when `check_val_every_n_epoch > 1` (7032)


alanhdu carmocca justusschock tkng

_If we forgot someone due to not matching commit email with GitHub account, let us know :]_



- Fixed DeepSpeed with IterableDatasets (7362)
- Fixed `Trainer.current_epoch` not getting restored after tuning (7434)
- Fixed local rank displayed in console log (7395)


akihironitta awaelchli leezu

_If we forgot someone due to not matching commit email with GitHub account, let us know :]_



- Added support for the `EarlyStopping` callback to run at the end of the training epoch (6944)
- Added synchronization points before and after `setup` hooks are run (7202)
- Added a `teardown` hook to `ClusterEnvironment` (6942)
- Added utils for metrics to scalar conversions (7180)
- Added utils for NaN/Inf detection for gradients and parameters (6834)
- Added more explicit exception message when trying to execute `trainer.test()` or `trainer.validate()` with `fast_dev_run=True` (6667)
- Added `LightningCLI` class to provide simple reproducibility with minimum boilerplate training CLI (4492, 6862, 7156, 7299)
- Added `gradient_clip_algorithm` argument to Trainer for gradient clipping by value (6123).
- Added a way to print to terminal without breaking up the progress bar (5470)
- Added support to checkpoint after training steps in `ModelCheckpoint` callback (6146)
- Added `Trainer.validate()` method to perform one evaluation epoch over the validation set (4948)
- Added `LightningEnvironment` for Lightning-specific DDP (5915)
- Added `teardown()` hook to LightningDataModule (4673)
- Added `auto_insert_metric_name` parameter to `ModelCheckpoint` (6277)
- Added arg to `self.log` that enables users to give custom names when dealing with multiple dataloaders (6274)
- Added `teardown` method to `BaseProfiler` to enable subclasses defining post-profiling steps outside of `__del__` (6370)
- Added `setup` method to `BaseProfiler` to enable subclasses defining pre-profiling steps for every process (6633)
- Added no return warning to predict (6139)
- Added `Trainer.predict` config validation (6543)
- Added `AbstractProfiler` interface (6621)
- Added support for including module names for forward in the autograd trace of `PyTorchProfiler` (6349)
- Added support for the PyTorch 1.8.1 autograd profiler (6618)
- Added `outputs` parameter to callback's `on_validation_epoch_end` & `on_test_epoch_end` hooks (6120)
- Added `configure_sharded_model` hook (6679)
- Added support for `precision=64`, enabling training with double precision (6595)
- Added support for DDP communication hooks (6736)
- Added `artifact_location` argument to `MLFlowLogger` which will be passed to the `MlflowClient.create_experiment` call (6677)
- Added `model` parameter to precision plugins' `clip_gradients` signature (6764, 7231)
- Added `is_last_batch` attribute to `Trainer` (6825)
- Added `LightningModule.lr_schedulers()` for manual optimization (6567)
- Added `MpModelWrapper` in TPU Spawn (7045)
- Added `max_time` Trainer argument to limit training time (6823)
- Added `on_predict_{batch,epoch}_{start,end}` hooks (7141)
- Added new `EarlyStopping` parameters `stopping_threshold` and `divergence_threshold` (6868)
- Added `debug` flag to TPU Training Plugins (PT_XLA_DEBUG) (7219)
- Added new `UnrepeatedDistributedSampler` and `IndexBatchSamplerWrapper` for tracking distributed predictions (7215)
- Added `trainer.predict(return_predictions=None|False|True)` (7215)
- Added `BasePredictionWriter` callback to implement prediction saving (7127)
- Added `trainer.tune(scale_batch_size_kwargs, lr_find_kwargs)` arguments to configure the tuning algorithms (7258)
- Added `tpu_distributed` check for TPU Spawn barrier (7241)
- Added device updates to TPU Spawn for Pod training (7243)
- Added warning when missing `Callback` and using `resume_from_checkpoint` (7254)
- DeepSpeed single file saving (6900)
- Added Training type Plugins Registry (6982, 7063, 7214, 7224)
- Add `ignore` param to `save_hyperparameters` (6056)


- Changed `LightningModule.truncated_bptt_steps` to be property (7323)
- Changed `EarlyStopping` callback from by default running `EarlyStopping.on_validation_end` if only training is run. Set `check_on_train_epoch_end` to run the callback at the end of the train epoch instead of at the end of the validation epoch (7069)
- Renamed `pytorch_lightning.callbacks.swa` to `pytorch_lightning.callbacks.stochastic_weight_avg` (6259)
- Refactor `RunningStage` and `TrainerState` usage (4945, 7173)
* Added `RunningStage.SANITY_CHECKING`
* Changed `trainer.evaluating` to return `True` if validating or testing
- Changed `setup()` and `teardown()` stage argument to take any of `{fit,validate,test,predict}` (6386)
- Changed profilers to save separate report files per state and rank (6621)
- The trainer no longer tries to save a checkpoint on exception or run callback's `on_train_end` functions (6864)
- Changed `PyTorchProfiler` to use `torch.autograd.profiler.record_function` to record functions (6349)
- Disabled `lr_scheduler.step()` in manual optimization (6825)
- Changed warnings and recommendations for dataloaders in `ddp_spawn` (6762)
- `pl.seed_everything` will now also set the seed on the `DistributedSampler` (7024)
- Changed default setting for communication of multi-node training using `DDPShardedPlugin` (6937)
- `trainer.tune()` now returns the tuning result (7258)
- `LightningModule.from_datasets()` now accepts `IterableDataset` instances as training datasets. (7503)
- Changed `resume_from_checkpoint` warning to an error when the checkpoint file does not exist (7075)
- Automatically set `sync_batchnorm` for `training_type_plugin` (6536)
- Allowed training type plugin to delay optimizer creation (6331)
- Removed ModelSummary validation from train loop on_trainer_init (6610)
- Moved `save_function` to accelerator (6689)
- Updated DeepSpeed ZeRO (6546, 6752, 6142, 6321)
- Improved verbose logging for `EarlyStopping` callback (6811)
- Run ddp_spawn dataloader checks on Windows (6930)
- Updated mlflow with using `resolve_tags` (6746)
- Moved `save_hyperparameters` to its own function (7119)
- Replaced `_DataModuleWrapper` with `__new__` (7289)
- Reset `current_fx` properties on lightning module in teardown (7247)
- Auto-set `DataLoader.worker_init_fn` with `seed_everything` (6960)
- Remove `model.trainer` call inside of dataloading mixin (7317)
- Split profilers module (6261)
- Ensure accelerator is valid if running interactively (5970)
- Disabled batch transfer in DP mode (6098)


- Deprecated `outputs` in both `LightningModule.on_train_epoch_end` and `Callback.on_train_epoch_end` hooks (7339)
- Deprecated `Trainer.truncated_bptt_steps` in favor of `LightningModule.truncated_bptt_steps` (7323)
- Deprecated `outputs` in both `LightningModule.on_train_epoch_end` and `Callback.on_train_epoch_end` hooks (7339)
- Deprecated `LightningModule.grad_norm` in favor of `pytorch_lightning.utilities.grads.grad_norm` (7292)
- Deprecated the `save_function` property from the `ModelCheckpoint` callback (7201)
- Deprecated `LightningModule.write_predictions` and `LightningModule.write_predictions_dict` (7066)
- Deprecated `TrainerLoggingMixin` in favor of a separate utilities module for metric handling (7180)
- Deprecated `TrainerTrainingTricksMixin` in favor of a separate utilities module for NaN/Inf detection for gradients and parameters (6834)
- `period` has been deprecated in favor of `every_n_val_epochs` in the `ModelCheckpoint` callback (6146)
- Deprecated `trainer.running_sanity_check` in favor of `trainer.sanity_checking` (4945)
- Deprecated `Profiler(output_filename)` in favor of `dirpath` and `filename` (6621)
- Deprecated `PytorchProfiler(profiled_functions)` in favor of `record_functions` (6349)
- Deprecated `auto_move_data` in favor of `trainer.predict` (6993)
- Deprecated `Callback.on_load_checkpoint(checkpoint)` in favor of `Callback.on_load_checkpoint(trainer, pl_module, checkpoint)` (7253)
- Deprecated metrics in favor of `torchmetrics` (6505, 6530, 6540, 6547, 6515, 6572, 6573, 6584, 6636, 6637, 6649, 6659, 7131)
- Deprecated the `LightningModule.datamodule` getter and setter methods; access them through `Trainer.datamodule` instead (7168)
- Deprecated the use of `Trainer(gpus="i")` (string) for selecting the i-th GPU; from v1.5 this will set the number of GPUs instead of the index (6388)


- Removed the `exp_save_path` property from the `LightningModule` (7266)
- Removed training loop explicitly calling `EarlyStopping.on_validation_end` if no validation is run (7069)
- Removed `automatic_optimization` as a property from the training loop in favor of `LightningModule.automatic_optimization` (7130)
- Removed evaluation loop legacy returns for `*_epoch_end` hooks (6973)
- Removed support for passing a bool value to `profiler` argument of Trainer (6164)
- Removed no return warning from val/test step (6139)
- Removed passing a `ModelCheckpoint` instance to `Trainer(checkpoint_callback)` (6166)
- Removed deprecated Trainer argument `enable_pl_optimizer` and `automatic_optimization` (6163)
- Removed deprecated metrics (6161)
* from `pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.classification` removed `to_onehot`, `to_categorical`, `get_num_classes`, `roc`, `multiclass_roc`, `average_precision`, `precision_recall_curve`, `multiclass_precision_recall_curve`
* from `pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.reduction` removed `reduce`, `class_reduce`
- Removed deprecated `ModelCheckpoint` arguments `prefix`, `mode="auto"` (6162)
- Removed `mode='auto'` from `EarlyStopping` (6167)
- Removed `epoch` and `step` arguments from `ModelCheckpoint.format_checkpoint_name()`, these are now included in the `metrics` argument (7344)
- Removed legacy references for magic keys in the `Result` object (6016)
- Removed deprecated `LightningModule` `hparams` setter (6207)
- Removed legacy code to log or include metrics in the progress bar by returning them in a dict with the `"log"/"progress_bar"` magic keys. Use `self.log` instead (6734)
- Removed `` return value of `1`. It has no return now (7237)
- Removed `logger_connector` legacy code (6733)
- Removed unused mixin attributes (6487)


- Fixed NaN errors in progress bars when training with iterable datasets with no length defined (7306)
- Fixed attaching train and validation dataloaders when `reload_dataloaders_every_epoch=True` and `num_sanity_val_steps=0` (7207)
- Added a barrier in the accelerator `teardown` to synchronize processes before execution finishes (6814)
- Fixed multi-node DDP sub-process launch by using `local_rank` instead of `global_rank` for main process assertion (7061)
- Fixed incorrect removal of `WORLD_SIZE` environment variable in DDP training when launching with torch distributed/torchelastic (6942)
- Made the `Plugin.reduce` method more consistent across all Plugins to reflect a mean-reduction by default (6011)
- Move lightning module to correct device type when using LightningDistributedWrapper (6070)
- Do not print top-k verbose log with `ModelCheckpoint(monitor=None)` (6109)
- Fixed `ModelCheckpoint(save_top_k=0, save_last=True)` not saving the `last` checkpoint (6136)
- Fixed `.teardown(stage='fit')` and `.on_fit_{start,end}()` getting called during `trainer.test` (6386)
- Fixed LightningModule `all_gather` on cpu tensors (6416)
- Fixed torch distributed not available in setup hook for DDP (6506)
- Fixed `trainer.tuner.{lr_find,scale_batch_size}` not setting the `Trainer` state properly (7258)
- Fixed bug where the learning rate schedulers did not follow the optimizer frequencies (4868)
- Fixed pickle error checker to now check for `pickle.PickleError` to catch all pickle errors (6917)
- Fixed a bug where the outputs object passed to `LightningModule.training_epoch_end` was different from the object passed to the `on_train_end_epoch` hook (6969)
- Fixed a bug where the outputs passed to `train_batch_end` would be listed even when using a single optimizer and no truncated backprop through time steps (6969)
- Fixed bug for trainer error handling which would cause hang for distributed training (6864)
- Fixed `self.device` not returning the correct device in replicas of data-parallel (6414)
- Fixed `lr_find` trying beyond `num_training` steps and suggesting a too high learning rate (7076)
- Fixed logger creating incorrect version folder in DDP with repeated `` calls (7077)
- Fixed metric objects passed directly to `self.log` not being reset correctly (7055)
- Fixed `CombinedLoader` in distributed settings for validation / testing (7102)
- Fixed the save_dir in `WandbLogger` when the run was initiated externally (7106)
- Fixed `num_sanity_val_steps` affecting reproducibility of training data shuffling (7014)
- Fixed resetting device after `fitting/evaluating/predicting` (7188)
- Fixed bug where `trainer.tuner.scale_batch_size(max_trials=0)` would not return the correct batch size result (7262)
- Fixed metrics not being properly logged with `precision=16` and `manual_optimization` (7228)
- Fixed `BaseFinetuning` properly reloading `optimizer_states` when using `resume_from_checkpoint` (6891)
- Fixed `parameters_to_ignore` not properly set to DDPWrapper (7239)
- Fixed parsing of `fast_dev_run=True` with the built-in `ArgumentParser` (7240)
- Fixed handling an `IterableDataset` that fails to produce a batch at the beginning of an epoch (7294)
- Fixed `LightningModule.save_hyperparameters()` when attempting to save an empty container (7268)
- Fixed `apex` not properly instantiated when running with `ddp` (7274)
- Fixed optimizer `state` not moved to `GPU` (7277)
- Fixed custom init args for `WandbLogger` (6989)
- Fixed a bug where an error would be raised if the train dataloader sometimes produced None for a batch (7342)
- Fixed examples (6600, 6638, 7096, 7246, 6357, 6476, 6294, 6373, 6088, 7398)
- Resolved schedule step bug for PyTorch Profiler (6674, 6681)
- Updated logic for checking TPUs availability (6767)
- Resolve TPU miss rendezvous (6781)
- Fixed auto-scaling mode when calling tune method on trainer (7321)
- Fixed finetuning complex models correctly unfreezes (6880)
- Ensure we set the eval/train flag correctly on accelerator model (6877)
- Set better defaults for `rank_zero_only.rank` when training is launched with SLURM and torchelastic (6802)
- Fixed matching the number of outputs of backward with forward for AllGatherGrad (6625)
- Fixed the `gradient_clip_algorithm` has no effect (6928)
- Fixed CUDA OOM detection and handling (6934)
- Fixed `unfreeze_and_add_param_group` expects `modules` rather than `module` (6822)
- Fixed DPP + SyncBN when move on device (6838)
- Fixed missing arguments in `lr_find` call (6784)
- Fixed `set_default_tensor_type` to `torch.DoubleTensor` with precision=64 (7108)
- Fixed `NeptuneLogger.log_text(step=None)` (7194)
- Fixed importing torchtext batch (6365, 6323, 6211)


akihironitta, alessiobonfiglio, amisev, amogkam, ananthsub, ArvinZhuang, ashleve, asnorkin, awaelchli, BloodAxe, bmahlbrand, Borda, borisdayma, camruta, carmocca, ceshine, dbonner, dhkim0225, EdwardJB, EliaCereda, EricCousineau-TRI, ethanwharris, FlorianMF, hemildesai, ifsheldon, kaushikb11, mauvilsa, maxfrei750, mesejo, ramonemiliani93, rohitgr7, s-rog, sadiqj, scart97, SeanNaren, shuyingsunshine21, SkafteNicki, SpontaneousDuck, stllfe, tchaton, THasthika, vballoli

_If we forgot someone due to not matching commit email with GitHub account, let us know :]_


Fixing missing `packaging` package in dependencies, which was affecting the only installation to a very blank system.



- Fixed the order to call for world ranks & the `root_device` property in `TPUSpawnPlugin` ([7074](
- Fixed multi-gpu join for Horovod ([6954](
- Fixed parsing for pre-release package versions ([6999](


irasit Borda kaushikb11



- Added TPUSpawn + IterableDataset error message ([6875](


- Fixed process rank not being available right away after `Trainer` instantiation ([6941](
- Fixed `sync_dist` for tpus ([6950](
- Fixed `AttributeError for `require_backward_grad_sync` when running manual optimization with sharded plugin ([6915](
- Fixed `--gpus` default for parser returned by `Trainer.add_argparse_args` ([6898](
- Fixed TPU Spawn all gather ([6896](
- Fixed `EarlyStopping` logic when `min_epochs` or `min_steps` requirement is not met ([6705](
- Fixed csv extension check ([6436](
- Fixed checkpoint issue when using Horovod distributed backend ([6958](
- Fixed tensorboard exception raising ([6901](
- Fixed setting the eval/train flag correctly on accelerator model ([6983](
- Fixed DDP_SPAWN compatibility with ([6892](
- Fixed bug where `BaseFinetuning.flatten_modules()` was duplicating leaf node parameters ([6879](
- Set better defaults for `rank_zero_only.rank` when training is launched with SLURM and torchelastic:
* Support SLURM and torchelastic global rank environment variables ([5715](
* Remove hardcoding of local rank in accelerator connector ([6878](


ananthsub awaelchli ethanwharris justusschock kandluis kaushikb11 liob SeanNaren skmatz

_If we forgot someone due to not matching commit email with GitHub account, let us know :]_

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