
Latest version: v3.5.0

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**1. New Features**

* add integration for StepFunctions state machine executions in API Gateway
* add gzip encoding of response payloads to edge service
* add backdoor API to restart all processes inside the main container
* add SNS target type for EventBridge API
* use locking to run Lambdas with docker-reuse executor in sequence
* make `TEST_*_URL` endpoints configurable in the environment

**2. Enhancements**

* use locking to fix concurrency during persistence restoration
* hardcode local hostname instead of using $HOSTNAME from the environment
* skip MD5 checks on S3 multipart uploads
* log content of outgoing emails in SES
* use `.Config.Entrypoint` for more robust Docker entrypoint lookup
* refactor and enhance CF resolution of placeholders in Sub expressions
* extract Ref attribute for CloudFormation Sub attributes with "${resource}" syntax
* migrate Helm charts into separate repo
* minor: add util function to run async coroutine in given event loop
* minor: add util function to construct XML response messages
* minor refactoring in edge routing and CF FN::ImportValue resolution

**3. Bug Fixes**

* fix absolute path for DATA_DIR when starting up DynamoDB process
* fix broken S3 test related to date format of Expires header
* fix parsing of host name to determine path based addressing in S3 requests
* fix processing of EventBridge events on multiple targets and inputPath
* fix logic to update Lambda function version based on content hash
* fix CF issue updating state machine with FN ref in definition string
* fix resolving name refs when querying CF resource deployment state
* remove encryptionType:NONE attribute in Kinesis records to avoid breaking .NET lambdas
* fix stdin I/O issues when passing events to provided Lambda runtimes (e.g., for Rust)
* fix CF export name uniqueness checks prior to stack deployment
* fix issue when updating CF template with StateMachine
* fix default account ID in SecretsManager ARN responses
* minor fix in startup command for `provided` Lambda runtimes
* minor fix in CloudFormation related to missing set_exports method in `moto-ext`


Not secure
**1. New Features**

* release initial version of Helm chart
* add support for API Gateway update-rest-api via JSON patch operations
* add content based filtering in Events API
* add support for Lambda code signing APIs
* add support for Lambda concurrency API

**2. Enhancements**

* add Vagrant configuration for reproducible CentOS dev environments
* minor: reduce log verbosity for chunk-based file downloads
* enhance CloudFormation logic to load state of existing resources
* add required workdir to supervisord configuration
* enhance SSM / SecretsManager integration to get secret parameters
* disable moto instance tracking to avoid memory leak
* add support for Route53 get-change
* handle IAM::Policy resource in CloudFormation
* add integration test to deploy CF template generated by CDK
* refactor and stabilize CloudFormation dependency resolution mechanism
* add edge forwarding rule for AWS AssumeRoleWithSAML action
* ensure using correct test credentials for generating S3 presigned URLs
* add missing Access-Control-Allow-Credentials CORS header to S3 responses
* improve Terraform tests
* add PackageType property for Lambda functions
* add test cases for Lambda code signing config
* minor refactoring in DynamoDB test utils
* minor refactoring of AWS test credentials
* enhance support for FN::ImportValue and FN::Sub in CloudFormation templates
* support KCL 2.x timestamps and ARN replacements in Kinesis CBOR payloads
* consider $REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE for SSL verification in download utils
* add missing CachingClusterStatus in API GW to fix Terraform crash issue
* add Thai segmentation support to JRE as required by Elasticsearch 7+
* create custom, compressed JRE via jlink in base image

**3. Bug Fixes**

* fix /etc/hosts and Quart dependency for Centos 8
* fix edge route mapping for EventBridge requests from Go SDK
* fix response structure for API GW Integration/Response
* fix passing of stack parameters/resources to CloudFormation changesets
* fix default account ID in SecretsManager ARN responses
* fix issue with resolving FN::Sub references in CF templates
* fix recreation of SNS topic with same name and different tags
* fix missing attributes in Lambda update-function-config
* fix timeoutInMillis attribute missing from API Gateway integrations
* fix edge route mapping for STS AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity
* fix SSM & SecretsManager integration for secrets names with slashes
* fix URL host name and credentials when generating presigned URL
* fix non-zero content length for gzipped 204 status


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**1. New Features**

* expose SecretsManager secrets via SSM parameter references
* add proper CORS headers to S3 responses
* add support for custom CI build commands via $CUSTOM_CMD
* allow adding multiple permission statements to Lambda function policy

**2. Enhancements**

* upgrade base image and local Lambda executor to Java 11
* add carriage return to SQS message payload validation regex
* add support for SQS queue names containing slashes
* add support for resource policies in SecretsManager
* add README instructions for test credentials required for presigned URLs
* use distinct values for missing CloudFormation resource props
* add util function to create API GW Lambda event request context
* add test for S3 precondition check
* add test for Terraform API Gateway resources
* refactor CloudFormation integration tests

**3. Bug Fixes**

* fix parsing of Content-Disposition header in S3 multipart uploads
* fix Content-Length mismatch issue for HTTP server responses
* fix hypercorn response body on 412 status code
* fix logic for missing authorizerId in API GW authorizers
* handle non-zero ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds for SQS


Not secure
**1. New Features**

* add CloudFormation support for Lambda::Permission
* support filtering of events by pattern using eventPattern
* enable setting custom authorizers on API GW resource methods

**2. Enhancements**

* set correct Id attribute in S3 notification messages
* add log output listener for shell command thread
* add docs about using AWS CLI v2 from Docker image
* updates in developer documentation and README (e.g., docker-compose version)
* refactor StepFunctions integration tests
* pass $EDGE_PORT to Lambdas
* add Terraform test for several resources (Lambdas, S3 bucket CORS integration)
* add test for creating SFN State Machine with Choice operator
* add test for creating SQS queue with attributes via CloudFormation

**3. Bug Fixes**

* fix missing module import for Windows
* fix DynamoDB streams sequence number mismatch on GetRecords
* fix date format in CloudWatch responses
* fix service name and NS URLs for XML service responses
* fix gzip encoding for empty response content


Not secure
**1. New Features**

* single edge port now stable for all APIs
* add CBOR encoding support for Kinesis API
* disable custom Java Lambda executor and replace with default lambci mechanism

**2. Enhancements**

* publish SNS messages asynchronously
* create env INIT_SCRIPTS_PATH to specify path for init files in Docker
* extract InputPath expression for notification messages to EventBus targets
* add signature and expiry validation for S3 presigned URLs
* add simple integration test for Terraform resources
* add CloudWatch as a static dependency for Lambda API
* add more fine-grained DynamoDB error injection with read/write error probabilities
* raise error when attempting to update CF stack with unmodified template
* minor refactoring of /graph endpoint

**3. Bug Fixes**

* fix edge route mapping for S3 HEAD requests
* fix invalid account ID in CloudWatch logs listener ARNs
* minor fix of XML root tag for S3 error responses
* fix issue with blocking sockets in HTTP2 server
* fix numeric timestamp format in Kinesis records required by Go SDK
* fix missing attributes when adding IAM permission to Lambda function
* fix case sensitivity for bucket names in S3 bucket notifications
* fix debug port parser for Java Lambda executor to support different formats


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**0. !! Breaking Changes !!**

* Starting with this release, all services are now exposed via the edge service (port `4566`) only! Please update your client configurations to use this new endpoint.

**1. New Features**

* use edge service as single entry point, forward requests in-memory instead of opening port per service
* add download URLs for Elasticsearch 7.7 (new default version)
* add LAMBDA_DOCKER_DNS config to utilise custom DNS server for Lambda containers
* add switch to disable Lambda handler validation

**2. Enhancements**

* minor refactoring in SFN test code
* add integration test to verify MAP tasks in SFN state machines
* refactor CF logic for API GW resources and empty/Null values
* refactor API Gateway utils and test code
* refactor Lambda context handling
* refactor startup logs to print correct ports in output
* extend Serverless tests with SQS and API Gateway resources
* use S3 path addressing when host starts with localhost IP or hostname
* add test to assert event deletion for SQS Lambda event source
* add localhost.localstack.cloud as alias to SSL cert
* add Serverless integration tests to cover DynamoDB and Kinesis resources
* add Lambda request body length check
* performance improvements in plugin loading

**3. Bug Fixes**

* fix boolean values in IAM responses
* fix PutEvents API call with no source specified
* fix endless loop when S3 error document is missing
* fix Python path when running Lambdas using local executor
* fix "TypeName" as optional param for Elasticsearch v7
* fix error response for requests to non-activated APIs
* fix network_mode:bridge in `docker-compose.yml`

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