**1. New Features**
* add support for Lambdas triggered by scheduled event rules
* lazily install and allow selection of specific Elasticsearch versions
* add ability to return multi valued headers from Lambda - API GW integration
* support S3 expiry for pre-signed URLs and objects
* add persistence for SSM and SecretsManager, introduce PersistingProxyListener
* create stripped-down light version of Docker image with lazy loading of ES libs (reduces image size by 33%)
**2. Enhancements**
* add CF support to update instances of IAM::Role
* add support for tags on IAM CreateUser calls
* implement Events put_events with SQS and Lambda targets
* delete notification configurations on S3 bucket deletion
* add metadata headers in S3 GET responses
* add missing S3 response headers for bytes ranges and request IDs
* add util class to fix account IDs in STS listener
* support "exists" operator for SNS filter policy
* print version number when starting up
* update startup log messages with new edge port
* add test cases for STS get_federation_token
* add CF test for empty event rules names
* support deletion of SFN state machines via CloudFormation
* support custom Lambda endpoint for StepFunctions
* add simple integration test for Serverless deployment
* check BatchSize in Lambda event source mappings
* add CFN support for Events::Rule, S3::BucketPolicy, Logs::LogGroup, and ElasticSearch/SecretsManager/KinesisFirehose resources
* put util jars at end of classpath for local Java Lambdas
* skip persistence replay if an API is disabled
* optimize image size, add documentation for USE_LIGHT_IMAGE
* add checks for HOST_TMP_FOLDER when running in Docker
**3. Bug Fixes**
* fix CF deployment for EventPattern attribute in Events::Rule
* fix default RoleName in CF dependent IAM roles
* fix edge request forwarding for public S3 URLs
* fix IAM detach_role_policy and add missing managed policies
* fix tagging support for ES domains
* fix response content for IAM error messages
* fix requesting SSM params with leading slashes
* fix resolving CloudFormation refs when updating resource IDs
* fix data type conversions in SNS->SQS message attributes
* fix API Gateway put_integration to avoid responseTemplates containing null values
* fix Docker port mapping conflicts by avoiding overlaps
* fix skipping None data when stripping chunk signatures in S3 requests
* fix DynamoDB behavior for ReturnValues on PutItem
* fix case sensitivity for Connection keep-alive header