
Latest version: v3.5.0

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**1. New Features**

* add integration for Thundra tracing via `THUNDRA_APIKEY`
* add support for local execution of Node.js lambdas
* add support for DeleteAlias and TracingConfig in Lambda API
* support sequential Lambda execution for Kinesis streams, using ParallelizationFactor
* support resolving SSM parameter values in CloudFormation templates
* add possibility for services to subscribe to runtime config changes
* add `TEST_TARGET=AWS_CLOUD` option to run tests against real AWS

**2. Enhancements**

* update README with instructions to build the Docker image
* add integration test for EC2 route table association
* adjust updated download URL for patched DynamoDBLocal.zip
* update kinesis-mock version to fix missing Logger classes
* store SES templated email messages to DATA_DIR or tmp folder for easier debugging
* refactor and extend AWS response parsing utils
* remove Web dashboard process from supervisord.conf
* extend test utils to pass in an auth_creator_func(..) for creating API GW authorizers
* minor: remove deprecated web UI documentation
* add option to disable boto3 retries/timeouts
* remove EventBus proxy listener patches for Tags operations handled upstream
* integrate and use the util function to remove Docker env files
* print version string if Terraform version check fails in integration tests
* replace `unparse` with custom XML serializer for AWS responses
* support CloudFormation string placeholders with triples like `"${resource.attr.subattr}"`
* improve kinesis startup routine and add KINESIS_MOCK_FORCE_JAVA config option
* replace botostubs with boto3-stubs in test fixtures
* add retry logic for downloading Elasticsearch plugins to fix temporary network issues
* extend ACM ARN integration test when importing certificates
* improve infra graph code, extend tests, add new fixtures
* add tests for Lambda invocation destinations
* add unit tests for common and config
* add JSON safe parsing when processing API GW event in local Javascript Lambda
* patch moto to include region header for GET and HEAD requests
* update CI workflow to aggregate coverage report
* use JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS to apply LAMBDA_JAVA_OPTS in Java Lambdas
* cleanup and refactor CI configurations
* add default account_id for API GW Lambda invocation events
* add ability to define UDP Docker ports in PortMappings class
* strip off warning messages when extracting Docker container ID from stdout
* add exception response when calling DeletePolicy on non-existent IAM policy
* refactor Lambda executor to use unified container API and break apart container/Lambda logic
* pin version of "requests" library to fix import errors in Lambda tests
* add feature that saves LocalStack version info into data dir
* add pre-commit hook that runs linting and formatting
* add support for CloudFormation Fn::GetAtt WebsiteURL for S3 buckets
* refactor JSONPatch implementation for API GW to handle edge cases more reliably
* add make targets for linting and formatting only modified files
* add proper headers when triggering API destination target
* add CORS headers required for AWS SDK v3
* refactor Firehose and properly return "ExtendedS3DestinationDescription" with extended attributes
* add support for API Gateway documentation parts (tf-compat)

**3. Bug Fixes**

* fix regex to extract API ID in hostname from API GW endpoint URL
* fix logic in inject_test_credentials_into_env(..) to set custom env parameters for Lambda functions
* fix DynamoDB to Kinesis stream event format - add "tableName", remove "StreamViewType"
* fix Docker detection on hosts with cgroup v2 (unified hierachy)
* fix running multiple API Gateway JSON Patch operations in sequence (tf-compat)
* fix timestamp format of Lambda event source mappings for TF compatibility
* fix returning error response when requesting ACL for non-existing S3 bucket
* fix edge routing to match rules if request host contains a dot "."
* fix EXTRA_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS environment variable to match docs
* fix ARN structure for EventBridge resources
* fix extraction of EventBridge API destination name using new ARN format
* fix S3 host-based routing detection
* fix accessing missing "body" from Lambda response in API GW
* fix JSON Patch for API GW method settings
* fix some data types for API GW patch operations
* fix "application/xml" content-type header for S3 responses
* minor: fix file path in "config validate" CLI command


Not secure
**1. New Features**

* add support for Kinesis CBOR error messages
* add CF support for CertificateManager::Certificate

**2. Enhancements**

* security fixes: bind edge service to by default (instead of
* format the codebase with black and isort
* make for-loop in Makefile /bin/sh compatible
* add flake8 rule F401 (unused imports)
* update code style badge in README.md
* run pre-release smoke tests for Pro features in CI builds
* remove quiet parameter from service starting
* refactor common.py and add tests
* remove dead/unused CloudFormation code
* update bug-report issue template to assign correct label
* add workaround for kinesis-mock persistence startup failure
* reduce log verbosity for CORS/origin checks
* update .dockerignore to exclude files generated in CI build
* restructure Elasticsearch process management
* add unit test for moto parsing of complex params from querystring
* refactor tests to fix/invert order of arguments in test assertions
* refactor test_integration.py to use randomly generated resource names
* minor formatting in bug-report issue template

**3. Bug Fixes**

* add additional allowed CORS origins to fix Cognito issues
* fix processing of empty values in EventBridge event filters
* fix JSON Patch operations for API Gateway usage plans
* fix detection of resource status to allow re-deployment of CF stack after deletion
* fix installation of debugpy via pip module instead of calling pip CLI
* fix minor formatting issues in http/proxy server


Not secure
**1. New Features**

* add support for EventBridge API destinations
* add KINESIS_INITIALIZE_STREAMS configuration to initialize Kinesis streams on startup
* add support for API GW MOCK integration and response parameters
* add CloudFormation support for CloudWatch::Alarm resources
* add support for V4 S3 presigned URLs with custom headers
* add support for isBase64Encoded flag with Lambda integrations in API Gateway

**2. Enhancements**

* security fixes: fix CORS setup to prevent CSRF, add `DISABLE_*_CORS_*` configs
* migrate from nose to pytests
* refactor test_error_injection.py into a unittest.TestCase class
* refactor tests and invert/fix order of assertion arguments
* update coveralls config for new test setup with pytests
* improve version check in check_terraform_version
* parallelize builds and improve CircleCI workflow
* pin serverless version in TestServerless to 2.48.0 to fix test issues
* add threading event to indicate infrastructure has started
* add coverage install to Dockerfile.base to enable coverage C extensions
* remove superfluous coveralls config, now managed via CI env
* fall back to using JAR for kinesis-mock installation for ARM systems (e.g., Macbook M1)
* add config option TF_COMPAT_MODE to enable TF compatibility mode (for TF integration tests)
* minor: update badges in README
* minor refactoring: add dynamodb_table_exists() to common utils
* minor: fix KeyError for missing EventSourceArn in Lambda API lookup
* minor: make "enabled" flag to add_job(..) optional
* minor: add parse_json_or_yaml() util function

**3. Bug Fixes**

* fix prefix filtering of events in EventBridge API in case of exact match
* fix deprecation warnings surfaced when introducing pytest
* fix extracting build report step in docker-build CI phase
* fix passing environment variables to container creation for LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker-reuse
* fix linter exclusions in install.py
* fix request params for CF deployment of ApiGateway::Stage
* fix time duration unit for profiler log_duration output
* minor fix in file regex for plugin lookup to accommodate Windows path separators
* minor fix to avoid exception on missing CloudFormation exports
* minor fixes in S3 API


Not secure
**1. New Features**

* introduce kinesis-mock as default provider for Kinesis (replacing kinesalite)
* add support for API Gateway client certificates
* add support for API Gateway - S3 integration for GET requests
* add BUCKET_MARKER_LOCAL option to customize S3 bucket name (`__local__`) for local Lambda code mounting
* add support for API Gateway VPC Links
* add support for requestParameters in API Gateway method integrations

**2. Enhancements**

* add CF support for ResourceGroups::Group
* add support for x-id query param for S3 delete object requests
* add tagging support for IAM policies and instance profiles
* add support for Kinesis EnableEnhancedMonitoring
* add support for EC2 create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration
* use the new MOTO_S3_DEFAULT_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE variable for S3 in-memory buffer sizes
* refactor shutdown procedure
* use --env-file to pass env vars to Lambda containers to prevent cmd line arguments from becoming too long
* ignore trailing slashes for some routes in Lambda API
* update PYTHONPATH in image to accommodate both python v3.8 and v3.7
* refactor API GW impl. for better compatibility with Terraform
* parallelize SNS message delivery for improved performance
* make parsing of IAM::Role properties more resilient
* minor refactoring around Kinesis handler and x-amzn-errortype response header
* minor: update Helm repo URL in README from HTTP to HTTPS
* minor refactoring of Dockerfile and API Gateway tests

**3. Bug Fixes**

* fix minor formatting issue in profiler log
* fix S3 bucket notification FilterRule name validation
* fix deprecation warnings in unit tests
* fix timezone issues in timestamp calculation and datetime comparisons
* fix response for Lambda configuration update API
* fix passing payload via stdin for large Lambda events using docker-reuse
* fix duplicate Content-Type header in Lambda invocation responses
* fix API GW JSONPatch operations and error responses
* fix start_edge to gracefully fail when stdin for sudo is not available
* fix continuation sequence number in event returned by SubscribeToShard Kinesis API
* fix symlink to aws CLI executable in Dockerfile
* fix datetime format for Lambda put-function-event-invoke-config response
* fix skipping S3 signature validation if S3_SKIP_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION is enabled
* fix stripping off qualifier suffix when constructing ARN for Lambda lookup
* fix returning error response for attempting to delete non-existing S3 bucket
* minor fix in extraction of Lambda results from log output lines
* minor fix for Kinesis max stream retention period
* minor fix when extracting URI for API GW integrations
* minor CF fix to extract PhysicalResourceId via get_physical_resource_id()


Not secure
**1. New Features**

* add initial support for Resource Groups API
* add support for managing request payers on S3 buckets
* save SES email contents to disk in machine-readable format
* add support for LAMBDA_DOCKER_FLAGS to support custom Lambda Docker run flags
* add S3_SKIP_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION config to skip S3 presign URL signature validation
* add DEVELOP configuration for debugpy integration
* add support for servicediscovery endpoints in API GW invocations
* add Lambda Ruby 2.7 image support and update tests
* add support for DynamoDB table replicas
* add support for Route53 reusable-delegation-set APIs

**2. Enhancements**

* enhance validation of presigned URLs to support different port numbers in S3 URLs
* add XRay trace headers in notifications from S3 to SQS
* support ElasticsearchClusterConfig parameter for creation of ES clusters
* add support for KinesisStreamSpecification parameter for AWS::DynamoDB::Table CF resource
* add patch for stepfunctions-local to enable cross-region Lambda access
* add test for creating bucket with existing bucket name
* add support for session_token in S3 presign URLs
* remove obsolete DynamoDBLocal fix for Alpine
* add EventsBackend to manage state of Events API resources
* add UnsubscribeURL in payload sent to HTTP SQS endpoints
* add docs for Kafka and Elasticsearch external services integration
* temporarily set S3_SKIP_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION=1 by default (until all issues with S3 presign URLs are resolved)
* add CF support for ApiGateway::RequestValidator, Logs::SubscriptionFilter, Redshift::Cluster
* add region backend for DynamoDB state
* add support for arn:aws-us-gov:iam:... managed IAM policies
* update version in sample docker-compose.yml
* add test case for generating S3 presign URL from Node.js Lambda
* add simple TCP proxy server util
* add "running" property to FuncThread
* refactor logic for sending SQS messages to DLQ
* cache target API in edge requests for improved performance
* skip gzip encoding for S3 responses to fix content-length issue with Go SDK
* rename currentThread to current_thread for deprecation in Python 3.10
* add missing endpoints for StepFunctions startup command
* minor: add utility function to clean up Docker containers
* minor refactoring in API Gateway implementation
* minor enhancements in base image to optimize disk space
* minor refactoring for EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment CF model
* minor: add simple items_equivalent() util function
* minor refactoring of docker-reuse Lambda executor for better extensibility
* minor: allow passing keyword args to async_utils.run_sync(..)
* minor: initialize Properties for CF resource instances

**3. Bug Fixes**

* fix missing SQS message attributes for notifications via SNS
* fix using configured edge port in S3 presign URL calculation
* fix EC2::Route CF model to properly lookup deployment state if DestinationIpv6CidrBlock not set
* fix fetching CF resource state for EC2::Route and Logs::LogGroup
* fix broken SNS test related to UnsubscribeURL returned on subscription attributes
* fix edge route mapping for SES requests using /email route
* fix syntax in aws_stack.py for compatibility with python 2.x
* fix incorrect suffixes in SecretManager ARNs for secret lookups
* fix Python sys path for module resolution when using local Lambda executor
* fix integration test assertions to accommodate recent CloudWatch metrics changes
* fix idempotence for SNS CreatePlatformEndpoint API calls
* fix correct error code for getting attributes of non-existing SNS subscription
* fix correct Authn header for internal call when replaying non HMAC request
* fix filtering of CloudWatch metrics and dimensions
* fix URL escaping when calculating presigned URLs to accommodate recent Quart server update
* fix double response headers in CORS preflight API Gateway requests
* fix resetting ETags when copying S3 object from multipart upload
* fix accessing raw response when returning gzip encoded content from Lambdas via API GW
* fix copying missing events file into container for Java Lambdas with docker-reuse
* fix Kinesis response payload encoding for use with Java SDK
* minor fix in ACM to avoid returning duplicate DomainValidationOptions


Not secure
**1. New Features**

* add support for ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI
* add support for Kinesis targets in EventBridge
* add PERSISTENCE_SINGLE_FILE configuration
* add HOSTNAME_FROM_LAMBDA configuration to enable connectivity in compose stacks with dynamic container names
* add filtering in EventBus using event patterns: prefix,numeric,anything-but
* add throttling support for DynamoDB BatchWriteItem requests

**2. Enhancements**

* add dynamic DNS check to fix issues with resolving s3.localhost.localstack.cloud
* refactor CF model and fix deletion method for Lambda::Function
* add missing $context variable for VLT templates
* add requestTemplates attr for ApiGateway::Method
* add domainName and apiId to Lambda events for API Gateway invocations
* remove default cache-control header in S3 responses
* handle x-id query parameter for S3 DeleteObjects requests
* remove obsolete USE_HTTP2_SERVER and HOSTNAME configuration variables
* add missing resourcePath to API GW Lambda events to fix Chalice invocations
* strip quotes off StreamARNs when creating Kinesis stream consumers
* enhance CloudFormation support for API GW Model resources
* minor: refactor Lambda impl. for better extensibility
* minor refactoring in tests and AWS response utils

**3. Bug Fixes**

* fix missing PATCH method in API GW CORS configuration
* fix Event::Rule CF model to properly deploy rule with custom event bus
* fix fetching Lambda details using ARN as well as partial ARN
* fix bug in handler for DynamoDB BatchWriteItem API
* fix S3 presigned URLs with response header overrides
* fix object tagging for S3 multipart uploads
* fix API Gateway invocation paths in Lambda events
* fix returning Arn attribute for Logs::LogGroup CF resource
* fix idempotency for creation of SNS topics with tags
* fix DynamoDB to return empty response on no unprocessed items
* minor fix for accessing non-existing attribute in ACM models

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