Highlights in v1.6 pre-releases
- Smoother, faster interactions with main plots, including atlas label name display, label editing, and pan and zoom navigation
- Available as binary wheel to install without requiring the source code
- Simpler entry point to launch MagellanMapper: `mm`
- Atlases can be downloaded directly through [`BrainGlobe`](https://github.com/brainglobe/bg-atlasapi) (see the new "Atlases" panel)
- Atlas regions can be searched (see "Atlases > Region")
- Detection channels can be selected independently of the loaded image to overlay prior detections or compare channels (see "Detect > Chl")
- Images can be viewed as RGB (see "ROI > Channels")
- [Jupyter Notebook tutorial](https://github.com/sanderslab/magellanmapper/blob/master/bin/sample_cmds_bash.ipynb) for running common tasks
Major changes since alpha 3
- Mayavi/VTK are now optional, installed in the `3d` group (455)
- Basic spectral unmixing through channel subtraction (458)
- Fixed redundant triggers when adjusting the displayed image (474)
- Fixed conflict between shortcut to add blob and jumping to ROI plane (`ctrl+click`) by changing the jump shortcut to `j+click` (456)
- Fixed groupwise registration for current atlas profiles, turned off default cropping (444)
- More fixes to blob archives with custom columns (449, 475)
- 2D plots, R stats, and server pipeline improvements (445, 451, 457, 469, 470)
See the [full release notes draft here](https://github.com/sanderslab/magellanmapper/blob/49ff450f78477087807b282d4d9f43f8ba4c7bf4/docs/release/release_v1.6.md) for more details.