This is a bugfix release for MagellanMapper.
- Fixed launch error when Javabridge is installed but Java is not
- The "Save Figure" button opens a file save dialog to configure the location, filename, and file format of saved figures
- Fixed display resolution on HiDPI screens set to fractional scaling (eg 150%; the fix requires Qt 5.14+)
- Fixed Atlas Editor non-Numpy image initial loading performance (regression introduced in v1.0.0, most notably in larger images)
- Fixed Atlas Editor to enable saving after edge interpolation
- Configure DPI of saved images using `--plot_labels dpi=<n>`
- Specify colors for NaN values through `--plot_labels nan_color=<color>` instead of through `--atlas_labels binary=<color>`, which is now only specifies colors when displaying labels as binary images to fix this display
- Defaults to saving images in PNG format, even if `--savefig <ext>` is not set
- CLI sub-arguments are now shown in `./ -h` (help documentation)
- Fixed saved plane filenames to use the plane index for the axis corresponding to the saved plane
Atlas refinement
- Smoothing metrics now include the filter size in metrics output
- Fixed the denominator in the smoothing displacement metric and smoothing metrics for non-existent labels
Python stats and plots
- Excludes decimal points that were likely included by floating-point errors
- Fixed mapping measurements to labels with weighting