* fix non-overlapping bounds if provided as extra kwarg (295) * don't pass on init bounds to mapchete input (295)
Not secure
* core
* create local output directory for single GTiff output files (285) * add process area parameter (287) * use optimized GDAL settings for baselayer creation (291) * raise generic MapcheteIOError on read fails (292)
* add more baselayers in ``serve`` (278) * add ``cp`` command (282) * enable ``serve`` to host multiple mapchete files (289) * enable ``index`` to accept tile directories (290) * expose multiprocessing start method as option in ``execute`` (293)
Not secure
----------------- * fix index updates on remote TileDirectories (274) * pass on chunksize to multiprocessing & use ``Pool.__exit__()`` to close (276) * use GitHub actions instead of Travis CI * update Fiona dependency to ``1.8.13.post1``
Not secure
----------------- * speed up extension loading by using ``importlib-metadata`` and ``importlib-resources`` instead of ``pkg_resources`` (267) * use ``boto`` paging to reduce requests to S3 bucket (268)
Not secure
----------------- * use init_bounds instead of pyramid bounds on readonly mode (257) * clean up log messages (fix 251)
Not secure
----------------- * default process bounds are now bounds of the process pyramid instead of union of inputs (242) * fix overview pixelbuffer error at Antimeridian (241) * increased rasterio dependency to version ``1.0.28`` * add hillshade and contour extraction to registered default processes (237) * enable ``bigtiff`` and ``cog`` settings for single GTiff outputs (247) * enable ``--cog`` option for ``mapchete convert`` (247) * enable ``--bidx`` option (band subset) for ``mapchete convert`` (248) * only initialize inputs if necessary (242) * use ``rio-cogeo`` logic to determine whether to use a memory dataset or a temp file when writing a single GTiff (217)