* driver using ``InputData`` function must now accept ``**kwargs`` * fixed ``resampling`` issue introduced with inapropriate usage of ``WarpedVRT`` in ``read_raster_window()`` * ``str`` checks now use ``basestring`` to also cover ``unicode`` encodings * ``read_raster_window()`` now accepts GDAL options which get passed on to ``rasterio.Env()`` * all resampling methods from ``rasterio.enums.Resampling`` are now available (88)
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* adapt chunksize formula to limit ``multiprocessing`` chunksize between 0 and 16; this resolves occuring ``MemoryError()`` and some performance impediments, closing 82 * GeoTIFF output driver: use ``compress`` (like in rasterio) instead of ``compression`` & raise ``DeprecationWarning`` when latter is used
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* ``vector.reproject_geometry()`` throws now ``shapely.errors.TopologicalError`` instead of ``RuntimeError`` if reprojected geometry is invalid * ``vector.reproject_geometry()`` now uses ``fiona.transform.transform_geom()`` internally * pass on delimiters (zoom levels & process bounds) to drivers ``InputData`` object * when a tile is specified in ``mapchete execute``, process bounds are clipped to tile bounds * better estimate ``chunksize`` for multiprocessing in tile processing & preparing inputs * add nodata argument to ``read_raster_window()`` to fix ``rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT`` resampling issue
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* better memory handling by detatching process output data from ``BufferedTile`` objects * breaking API changes:
* ``Mapchete.execute()`` returns raw data instead of tile with data attribute * ``Mapchete.read()`` returns raw data instead of tile with data attribute * ``Mapchete.get_raw_output()`` returns raw data instead of tile with data attribute * ``Mapchete.write()`` requires process_tile and data as arguments * same valid for all other ``read()`` and ``write()`` functions in drivers & ``MapcheteProcess`` object * formats ``is_empty()`` function makes just a basic intersection check but does not actually look into the data anymore * formats ``read()`` functions are not generators anymore but follow the rasterio style (2D array when one band index is given, 3D arrays for multiple band indices)
* new ``MapcheteNodataTile`` exception to indicate an empty process output * raster_file & geotiff Input cache removed * ``get_segmentize_value()`` function is now public * use ``rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT`` class to read raster windows * source rasters without nodata value or mask are now handled properly (previously a default nodata value of 0 was assumed)
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* removed GDAL from dependencies by reimplementing ogr ``segmentize()`` using shapely * use ``cascaded_union()`` instead of ``MultiPolygon`` to determine process area
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* process file now will accept a simple ``execute(mp)`` function * current version number is now accessable at ``mapchete.__version`` (77) * added ``--version`` flag to command line tools