
Latest version: v2024.11.0

Safety actively analyzes 682487 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* packaging

* fix `aiobotocore` versions for `s3` extra




* core

* complete refactor of `mapchete.commands` (604)
* remove `mapchete.Job` and use observer pattern to track execution state and progress (604)
* refactor `mapchete.processing` (604)
* replace `mapchete.processing.compute` with `mapchete.processing.execute` (604)




* core

* add task profiling capabilities (measure memory consumption, S3 requests) (603)
* split up `` and create a better structured `mapchete.config` module (603)
* split up `` and create a better structured `mapchete.executor` module (603)
* split up `` and create a better structured `mapchete.processing` module (603)


* add `--profiling` flag to `mapchete execute` (603)

* packaging

* `dask` is now a required dependency




* packaging

* require `flask<=3.0.0` (600)
* exclude `aiobotocore` `2.7.0` (602)
* allow `s3fs>2023.9.0` (594)

* test

* add pytest markers `integration` and `aws_s3` (602)
* stop testing on ubuntu 20.04 (600)




* packaging

* require `pydantic>=2.0.0` (591)
* require `pydantic_basesettings` (592)

* core

* add `MPath.without_protocol()` and `MPath.with_protocol()` methods (587)
* let `` return full S3 paths (587, fixes 583)
* add `` for rasterio profiles (588, fixes 584)
* support `pydantic>=2.0.0` (591)
* use `pydantic_basesettings` to combine environment variables with default values for `` (592)




* packaging

* limit dependent versions to `"aiobotocore>=1.1.2,<=2.5.4"` and `"s3fs<2023.9.0"`

* core

* make sure opened/written files are removed upon exception (576)
* CLI: apply tiled-assets hack also to create-item CLI (577)
* provide path schema to configure how tile paths are created (581)
* `IndexedFeatures`: allow reprojection of object bounds to a target CRS (585)


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