- *Backwards-incompatible*: Schemas are always strict (:issue:`377`).
The ``strict`` parameter is removed.
- *Backwards-incompatible*: ``Schema().load`` and ``Schema().dump`` return ``data`` instead of a
``(data, errors)`` tuple (:issue:`598`).
- *Backwards-incomaptible*: ``Schema().load(None)`` raises a
``ValidationError`` (:issue:`511`).
See :ref:`upgrading_3_0` for a guide on updating your code.
Thanks :user:`lafrech` for implementing these changes.
Special thanks to :user:`MichalKononenko`, :user:`douglas-treadwell`, and
:user:`maximkulkin` for the discussions on these changes.
Other changes:
- *Backwards-incompatible*: Field name is not checked when ``load_from``
is specified (:pr:`714`). Thanks :user:`lafrech`.
- Add `Code of Conduct <https://marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/dev/code_of_conduct.html>`_.