- Add ``dump_to`` parameter to fields (:issue:`310`). Thanks :user:`ShayanArmanPercolate` for the suggestion. Thanks :user:`franciscod` and :user:`ewang` for the PRs.
- The ``deserialize`` function passed to ``fields.Function`` can optionally receive a ``context`` argument (:issue:`324`). Thanks :user:`DamianHeard`.
- The ``serialize`` function passed to ``fields.Function`` is optional (:issue:`325`). Thanks again :user:`DamianHeard`.
- The ``serialize`` function passed to ``fields.Method`` is optional (:issue:`329`). Thanks :user:`justanr`.
- The ``func`` argument of ``fields.Function`` has been renamed to ``serialize``.
- The ``method_name`` argument of ``fields.Method`` has been renamed to ``serialize``.
``func`` and ``method_name`` are still present for backwards-compatibility, but they will both be removed in marshmallow 3.0.