- Add ``Dict`` field for arbitrary mapping data (:issue:`251`). Thanks :user:`dwieeb` for adding this and :user:`Dowwie` for the suggestion.
- Add ``Field.root`` property, which references the field's Schema.
- The ``extra`` param of ``Schema`` is deprecated. Add extra data in a ``post_load`` method instead.
- ``UnmarshallingError`` and ``MarshallingError`` are removed.
Bug fixes:
- Fix storing multiple schema-level validation errors (:issue:`287`). Thanks :user:`evgeny-sureev` for the patch.
- If ``missing=None`` on a field, ``allow_none`` will be set to ``True``.
Other changes:
- A ``List's`` inner field will have the list field set as its parent. Use ``root`` to access the ``Schema``.