Added for new features
* Bitfinex exchange for STANDALONE mode added
* Control for first and last grid orders volume added
* For `ex.STATUS_DELAY = 5 Minute between sending Tlg message about current status, 0 - disable` parameter add
ability to turn off
* Correct rounding for base and quote assets on different exchanges
* Refactoring method for calculate over price in Reverse cycle
* Up API call to v2
If you update from lower versions please change reference in
`martin_binance/ms_cfg.toml` on next:
` CoinMarketCap`
`url = ""`
* ATTENTION: in the required package `exchanges-wrapper` was changed format config file
`exchanges_wrapper/exch_srv_cfg.toml` from 1.2.0 version. Before update, save old file and transfer configuration
data into new.
* Finished implemented Decimal calculation for orders processing
* Change data type for `REVERSE_TARGET_AMOUNT` parameter in ``, update it before restart
* Renewed Grafana template