Fix * `cancel_order_call()`: incorrect using asyncio.wait_for()
Update * logging improvement * fee settings and handling
Update * Replaced checking price when calculating TP vs updating price based on order book if error occurred * Don't unload assets on *`test`* accounts for avoid overload limited `coinmarketcap` API * Startup sequence optimization * Up requirements for exchanges-wrapper==2.0.1
Update * Added price check when calculating TP in relation to the average filling price of the last grid order. Relevant for extreme volatility, was noticed on the test network.
Update * Refine grid orders control
Added for new features * `Backtesting`: save session collected date to `session_root/`
Update * Up requirements for exchanges-wrapper==2.0.0 * Refined logging
Fix * logging for Simulate mode
Update * :rocket: Migrate `gRPC` from [grpcio]( to [grpclib]( + [python-betterproto]( * Binance: handling `EXPIRED_IN_MATCH` * `WSS`: check and restart