What's Changed
* [patch] Remove MIF Tests From FVT Pipeline by chiragcsatani in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1131
* [patch][mascore-3569] Replace first occurance of apps. with public in gitops by padmankosalaram in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1175
* [patch] Fix change of secret type for COS and Kafka in gitops by whitfiea in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1170
* [patch] Updates for manage attachments and logging for gitops by racree in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1149
* [minor] Add tags to secrets created by gitops functions by whitfiea in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1177
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/compare/10.6.2...10.7.0