What's Changed
* [patch] Resources for Manage by alicenahas in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/408
* [patch] Temporarily remove SMTP test from Manage FVT by alequint in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/427
* [patch] deprovision pipeline retry delay increase by leo-miran in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/433
* [minor] Add support to upgrade ocs/odf by caroazad in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/428
* [minor] Add new tekton pipeline to run rollback fvt (layer4) by sekharcvalluri in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/416
* [minor] Add dependencies used by MAS Core and Manage backup and restore by terenceq in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/432
* [patch] Move fvt-coreapi-usermgmt-v3 tests into later phase by joaopauloksn in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/438
* [patch] Enhancements on Must-Gather for Manage by alicenahas in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/443
* [minor] Support August Catalog Update by sanju7216 in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/426
New Contributors
* alicenahas made their first contribution in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/408
* sekharcvalluri made their first contribution in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/416
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/compare/6.4.2...6.5.0