What's Changed
* [patch] collect the storageCluster as part of must-gather by IanBoden in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1292
* [patch] Isolate foundation tests in Mobile Testng pipeline by leo-miran in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1300
* [patch] Refactor manage tests by unnati-solanki-git in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1296
* [patch] MASCORE-3268: Support for ICR values via env vars by rawa-resul in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1251
* [patch] Run assist FVT after manage by whitfiea in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1305
* [patch] Fix gitops functions to differentiate between similar named clusters by whitfiea in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1307
* [patch] PEP-8, Flake8, and detect-secrets by durera in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1308
* [patch] Adds missing variables for ocp fyre deprovision by harsh42774 in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1303
* [patch] Add removal of ibm-cis-cert-manager to gitops by whitfiea in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1311
* [patch] Set defauilt for smtp booleans for gitops by whitfiea in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1312
* [patch] set segment_key per mas instance for gitops by whitfiea in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1313
* [minor] Changes for predict fvt image by jasmin-30 in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1297
* [patch] Add fvt predict to gitops by whitfiea in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1315
* [patch] missing an s when exporting fyre additional disks by IanBoden in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1309
* [patch] update/create documentation related to automation and MongoDB v7 by twhart in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1306
* [patch] adding summary mg for kafka and grafana by mattlrx in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1281
* [patch] Adding authservice and coreapi-selfreg on fvt pipeline. by RexMCM in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1287
New Contributors
* jasmin-30 made their first contribution in https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/pull/1297
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ibm-mas/cli/compare/11.4.0...11.5.0