
Latest version: v1.6.3

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* Fix for incompatibility with XArray 0.15.1
* Fix for clabel in simplified plotting interface
* A few misc documentation fixes
* Fix reading METAR files with bad encoding
* Fixed `diff` with masked arrays with units

Issues Closed

* [Issue 1295]( - Declarative notes
* [Issue 1277]( - Declarative Colorbar Docs Incorrect ([PR 1280]( by [jrleeman](

In this release 2 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 1355]( - More backports for 0.12, by [dopplershift](
* [PR 1349]( - Backport convert_coordinate_units (xarray 0.15.1 fix) to 0.12.x, by [jthielen](
* [PR 1345]( - Fixed a problem with diff'ing masked_arrays with units., by [joernu76](
* [PR 1323]( - Fix clabel, by [kgoebber]( ([1322](
* [PR 1280]( - Fix the documentation around the declarative colorbar, by [jrleeman]( ([1277](
* [PR 1272]( - fixes read of metar file with bad encoding, by [kgoebber](

In this release 6 pull requests were closed.


This is the first release that ***only supports*** Python 3.

API Changes
* `precipitable_water` now issues a `FutureWarning` due to an impending change to its function signature in 1.0--this will change the signature to `precipitable_water(pressure, dewpt, *, bottom=None, top=None)` for better consistency with the rest of the library. To avoid this warning, import the function with `from metpy.future import precipitable_water`
* `storm_relative_helicity` now issues a `FutureWarning` due to an impending change to its function signature in 1.0--this will change the signature to `storm_relative_helicity(heights, u, v, depth, *, bottom, storm_u, storm_v)` for better consistency with the rest of the library. To avoid this warning, import the function with `from metpy.future import storm_relative_helicity`
* `dewpoint_rh` has been deprecated in favor of `dewpoint_from_relative_humidity`, and will be removed in 1.0
* Removed previously deprecated functions `get_wind_components`, `get_wind_dir`, `get_wind_speed`, `interp`, `interpolate_nans`, and `log_interp` as well as the `metpy.gridding` sub-package.

* Added parser for METAR-formatted reports
* Update NEXRAD `Level2File` to handle future format changes
* Added calculation `mixed_layer_cape_cin`
* geopotential <-> height calculations modified to use standard gravity
* Added declarative interface for station plots
* Added arrows to go with barbs on station plots
* Added support for Python 3.8, dropped support for Python 2.7
* Compatibility fixes for future versions of Pint
* Enhancements to xarray coordinate identification
* Fixed average spacing calculation in interpolation
* Added 'wide' and 'most_cape' options for LFC/EL
* Added `wx_code_to_numeric` for converting text weather codes (e.g. '+SNRA') to corresponding WMO code.

ahijevyc, akrherz, jthielen, kgoebber, mgrover1, zbruick, and dopplershift contributed code to this release.

Issues Closed

* [Issue 1245]( - Fix title in Four Panel Example ([PR 1246](
* [Issue 1239]( - Update NEXRAD Level2File for TDWR ([PR 1251](
* [Issue 1235]( - Consider re-ordering arguments for precipitable_water ([PR 1244](
* [Issue 1230]( - Average Spacing calculation in interpolation incorrect ([PR 1255](
* [Issue 1229]( - Remove Cartopy workaround from stationplot ([PR 1254](
* [Issue 1222]( - Tests failing with matplotlib 3.2.0rc1 ([PR 1242](
* [Issue 1221]( - smooth_n_point doesn't work with temperature units ([PR 1253](
* [Issue 1211]( - imports metpy.calc.basic which creates potential circular import ([PR 1213](
* [Issue 1207]( - Declarative show() does not pop up GUI ([PR 1254](
* [Issue 1185]( - Add explicit API for mixed layer CAPE/CIN calculation ([PR 1145](
* [Issue 1183]( - metpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal fails to compare array with masked array
* [Issue 1090]( - Change xarray coordinate identification to enforce dimensionality and allow both lat/lon and x/y identification ([PR 1236](
* [Issue 955]( - Allow barbs and arrows for station plots ([PR 1148](
* [Issue 870]( - Removals/Deprecations in MetPy 0.12 ([PR 1195](
* [Issue 862]( - CAPE/CIN calculations for soundings with 'multiple' LFCs ([PR 1138](
* [Issue 70]( - METAR parsing

In this release 16 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 1266]( - Fixes
* [PR 1262]( - fix docs
* [PR 1261]( - Still further updates to pint master branch compatibility
* [PR 1259]( - Update PlotObs for time and station dimension naming
* [PR 1257]( - add exception catch
* [PR 1255]( - Fix interpolation average spacing ([1230](
* [PR 1254]( - Plotting fixes ([1229](, [1207](
* [PR 1253]( - Fix smoothing unit-handling ([1221](, [1138](
* [PR 1252]( - MNT: Add another NEXRAD file for testing
* [PR 1251]( - NEXRAD Updates ([1239](
* [PR 1250]( - Further updates to pint master branch compatibility
* [PR 1246]( - MNT: Update examples for date plotting ([1245](
* [PR 1244]( - Update some function signatures ([1235](
* [PR 1242]( - Fixes for pre-releases ([1222](
* [PR 1241]( - Adds a declarative syntax for point observations
* [PR 1238]( - Adds function to get numeric wx code
* [PR 1236]( - Modify xarray coordinate identification from CF axis to generic labels, permitting latitude/longitude identification ([1090](, [1090](
* [PR 1233]( - Refactor _reassign_quantity_indexer to avoid modifying dict keys while iterating
* [PR 1227]( - Add example to PW docstring ([1226](
* [PR 1225]( - Identify 'lv_' variables as vertical coordinates.
* [PR 1217]( - Update xarray time derivative for subsecond precision
* [PR 1213]( - avoid potential circular ref by lazy import ([1211](
* [PR 1212]( - Add support for Python 3.8
* [PR 1208]( - Deprecate dewpoint_rh in favor of dewpoint_from_relative_humidity
* [PR 1195]( - Removal of deprecations for 0.12 ([870](
* [PR 1174]( - Change geopotential <-> height formulas to use standard gravity
* [PR 1163]( - Drop support for Python 2.7! ([801](
* [PR 1148]( - Add arrows to StationPlot ([955](
* [PR 1145]( - Add mixed-layer CAPE ([1185](
* [PR 1138]( - Add 'wide' and 'most_cape' options for LFC/EL, options for CAPE ([862](
* [PR 1081]( - METAR Parsing Tools

In this release 31 pull requests were closed.



* Fixed compatibility with XArray v0.14
* Fixed several bugs in sounding calculations
* Fixed units requirement on divergence calculation
* Added link to Python gallery in docs sidebar
* Fixed issue with pint and masked arrays

Issues Closed

* [Issue 1203]( - Issues with xarray v0.14
* [Issue 1199]( - LCL doesn't handle arrays correctly
* [Issue 1196]( - divergence calculation requires speed ([PR 1197](
* [Issue 1193]( - Add NSF sponsorship ([PR 1194](
* [Issue 1190]( - cape_cin ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation minimum which has no identity ([PR 1202](
* [Issue 1187]( - lcl() RuntimeError: failed to converge after 50 iterations, value is nan ([PR 1192](
* [Issue 1186]( - Improve gallery linking ([PR 1189](
* [Issue 1184]( - precipitable_water fails with NaN dew point values in the profile ([PR 1188](

In this release 8 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 1210]( - avoid pint trouble with np.asarray
* [PR 1206]( - Quick fix for test_narr_example_variable_without_grid_mapping test (broken by xarray v0.14)
* [PR 1204]( - Fix GiniFile import of xarray FrozenDict
* [PR 1202]( - Fix LFC problem and set CIN to 0 if positive ([1190](
* [PR 1200]( - Add support for grids when surface is LCL
* [PR 1197]( - fix divergence unit requirement ([1196](
* [PR 1194]( - Add NSF acknowledgement ([1193](
* [PR 1192]( - Fix precision issue with interpolation in profile helper ([1187](
* [PR 1191]( - MNT: Change wheel directory on Travis
* [PR 1189]( - Add link to Python Gallery in sidebar ([1186](
* [PR 1188]( - Allow PW calculation when NaNs present ([1184](

In this release 11 pull requests were closed.


This is the ***FINAL RELEASE*** to support Python 2.7.

API Changes

* MetPy's copy of the "viridis" colormap is deprecated. Use it directly from matplotlib instead.
* Deprecated the `tmpk_out` argument for `isentropic_interpolation`; this will be removed in 1.0. Use `temperature_out` instead.
* `ageostrophic_wind` now issues a `FutureWarning` due to an impending change to its function signature in 1.0--this will change the signature to `ageostrophic_wind(heights, u, v, f, dx, dy)` for better consistency with the rest of the library. To avoid this warning, import the function with `from metpy.future import ageostrophic_wind`.
* Deprecated the `bounds` argument on `Hodograph.plot_colormapped` in favor of `intervals` to improve clarity on how to use the argument.
* Removed previously deprecated:
- `lat_lon_grid_spacing`: use `lat_lon_grid_deltas` instead
- `cdm` module
- `GINIFile.to_dataset()`


* Several SkewT fixes and enhancements, including reworking the transform so that it works in screen space; this helps it work much better on oddly shaped axes. On Matplotlib 3.2, this means that the SkewT maintains sensible data scaling. SkewT by default also now has sensible plot limits.
* MetPy 0.10.x accidentally picked up a hard dependency on CartoPy, this has been removed
* Expanded simplified plotting interface with more documentation and support for `Barbs`
* Several bug fixes for `lcl`, `el`, `lfc`, and `cape_cin`
* No longer require using `.metpy.parse_cf()` to activate coordinate identification with XArray
* XArray accessor automatically converts problematic '%' units to 'percent'
* Added unit support in `reduce_point_density`
* `wind_direction` now supports specifying the convention (either 'to' or 'from') to support oceanographic applications (default remains 'from').
* Improved numerical stability of geopotential<->height calculations
* Added parsing of more combinations of weather symbols
* Added `specific_humidity_from_dewpoint`, `altimeter_to_station_pressure`, `altimeter_to_sea_level_pressure`
* `heat_index` now better matches NWS algorithm
* Added `angle_to_direction` to convert wind direction in degrees to e.g. 'NE'
* Added control of `mask_undefined` on `apparent_temperature`

ahuang11, akrherz, jthielen, kgoebber, leouieda, mgrover1, sgdecker, tjwixtrom, zbruick, jrleeman, and dopplershift contributed code to this release.

Issues Closed

* [Issue 1176]( - SkewT with 0.10.2 creates extra white space ([PR 1180](
* [Issue 1171]( - File layout ([PR 1182](
* [Issue 1170]( - LCL/LFC/EL temperature always returns Celsius ([PR 1172](
* [Issue 1167]( - most_unstable_cape_cin throwing negative CAPE values ([PR 1172](
* [Issue 1159]( - CartoPy required ([PR 1181](
* [Issue 1156]( - Xarray accessor documentation ([PR 1175](
* [Issue 1154]( - Update citation for MetPy ([PR 1157](
* [Issue 1150]( - Parse_angle only takes single str or list ([PR 1152](
* [Issue 1136]( - Remove viridis ([PR 1178](
* [Issue 1124]( - Bug in vertical coordinate verification ([PR 1142](
* [Issue 1120]( - Units for `reduce_point_density` ([PR 1132](
* [Issue 1115]( - Tests broken with updates to Pint constants and unit defaults ([PR 1144](
* [Issue 1111]( - Prepare for __array_function__ implementation in pint ([PR 1144](
* [Issue 1110]( - Investigate setuptools-scm ([PR 1160](
* [Issue 1108]( - Surface-based and most-unstable CIN don't match when surface parcel is most unstable ([PR 1109](
* [Issue 1107]( - Deprecate and replace tmpk_out on isentropic_interpolation ([PR 1126](
* [Issue 1101]( - parse_cf() mercator projection - no central_latitude ([PR 1102](
* [Issue 1096]( - does MetPy's heat_index match NWS heat_index calculation by Rothfusz 1990? ([PR 1098](
* [Issue 1092]( - Can parse_cf routine skip nondimensional variable instead of giving an error? ([PR 1116](
* [Issue 1083]( - Maintenance
* [Issue 1075]( - Rounding error in geopotential_to_height with large dataset
* [Issue 1060]( - Improve interpolate_to_grid docs ([PR 1061](
* [Issue 1051]( - Should parse_cf have a keep_attrs kwarg? ([PR 1058](
* [Issue 1044]( - matplotlib Text.is_math_text is deprecated in mpl 3.1
* [Issue 1039]( - Handle missing latlon projection ([PR 1065](
* [Issue 1038]( - Handle ‘%’ unit ([PR 1057](
* [Issue 1035]( - potential_vorticity_baroclinic() docstring still mentions axis parameter ([PR 1036](
* [Issue 1030]( - Better document xarray integration ([PR 1058](
* [Issue 1029]( - Interpolate_to_grid - Unexpected behavior when using Pandas dataframe ([PR 1034](
* [Issue 1010]( - Clarify latitudes need to be in radians for some functions
* [Issue 1009]( - Clean up declarative plotting docs
* [Issue 1003]( - Sounding CAPE magnitudes and LFC, EL NaNs
* [Issue 992]( - Allow top-down search in metpy.lfc() ([PR 1059](
* [Issue 991]( - Multiple calls to plot_mixing_lines, etc. ([PR 1162](
* [Issue 988]( - Getting a NotADirectoryError with MetP0.92
* [Issue 982]( - Document requirements for sounding parcel functions
* [Issue 957]( - Metpy StationPlot does not like dates ([PR 1130](
* [Issue 954]( - From/To Direction ([PR 1133](
* [Issue 945]( - lfc() fails with parcel_temperature_profile argument ([PR 1022](
* [Issue 941]( - Add Roadmap
* [Issue 932]( - EL graphical oddity ([PR 1062](
* [Issue 726]( - Removals/Deprecations in 0.11 ([PR 1063](
* [Issue 422]( - Getting Started Guide ([PR 1158](
* [Issue 296]( - Reduce number of pressure labels on Skew-T ([PR 1149](
* [Issue 209]( - Skew-T special lines incorrect for small bounds ([PR 1125](
* [Issue 60]( - Fix aspect ratio for Skew-Ts ([PR 1180](

In this release 46 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 1182]( - Update Project Layout ([1171](
* [PR 1181]( - Rearrange CartoPy Imports ([1159](
* [PR 1180]( - SkewT Updates ([60](, [296](, [1176](
* [PR 1179]( - Update PyPI upload
* [PR 1178]( - Deprecate the viridis colortable ([1136](
* [PR 1175]( - Add xarray module to Reference Guide ([1156](
* [PR 1172]( - Return input temperature units for LCL/LFC/EL temperature, disallow LFC if EL below LCL ([1170](, [1167](
* [PR 1162]( - Add handles to SkewT special lines ([991](, [991](
* [PR 1161]( - Update standard atmosphere reference to U.S. 1976 ([420](
* [PR 1160]( - Switch versioning to setuptools_scm from versioneer ([1110](
* [PR 1158]( - Add a Starting Guide to the docs ([422](
* [PR 1157]( - Update citation information (Fixes #1154) ([1154](
* [PR 1152]( - Update `parse_angle` to allow any array-like object ([1150](
* [PR 1151]( - Add Mesonet StationPlot example ([906](
* [PR 1149]( - Add zorder for SkewT barbs and SkewT units image test ([296](
* [PR 1144]( - Updates to pint/xarray master branch (and xarray v0.13) compatability ([1115](, [1111](
* [PR 1143]( - Allow lists of variable names in parse_cf
* [PR 1142]( - Refactor xarray axis search to resolve dataset shared coordinate issue ([1124](
* [PR 1141]( - Add Pandas dependency
* [PR 1140]( - Docstring updates and increased use of check_units
* [PR 1137]( - Cleanups and maintenance
* [PR 1133]( - Add convention to wind_direction ([954](
* [PR 1132]( - Add unit support for `reduce_point_density` ([1120](
* [PR 1131]( - Unindent section titles in metpy.calc docs to prevent sphinx from failing
* [PR 1130]( - Handle Pandas time indices within StationPlots ([957](
* [PR 1128]( - Add FutureWarning to ageostrophic_wind for variable reorder
* [PR 1126]( - Deprecate `tmpk_out` in favor of `temperature_out` ([1107](
* [PR 1125]( - Rework SkewT tranform ([209](
* [PR 1118]( - plot_colormapped update for Hodograph
* [PR 1116]( - Wrap check_axis unit checking to not fail on bad unit ([1092](
* [PR 1109]( - Include LCL in MUCIN calculations if parcel starts below LCL ([1108](
* [PR 1106]( - Updates for testing
* [PR 1105]( - Tweak docs
* [PR 1103]( - More links to Python Gallery
* [PR 1102]( - Drop central_longitude from mercator projection ([1101](
* [PR 1100]( - add pycodestyle settings to setup.cfg
* [PR 1099]( - correct mask_undefined apparent_temperature logic
* [PR 1098]( - modify heat_index to replicate NWS algorithm ([1096](
* [PR 1097]( - Metar Altimeter Calculations
* [PR 1095]( - allow mask_undefined control on apparent_temperature calc
* [PR 1093]( - Specific Humidity From Dewpoint ([791](
* [PR 1091]( - Force x and y to be np.arrays within StationPlot
* [PR 1088]( - MNT: suppress pytest-mpl warning for unregistered marker
* [PR 1084]( - MNT: Contributors, license, code owners
* [PR 1082]( - BUG: Fixup geopotential<->height calculation (Fixes #1075)
* [PR 1080]( - DOC: Clarify x-axis variables in cross section example
* [PR 1079]( - Vendor internal imports from xarray.core in
* [PR 1076]( - Add formulas to geopotential functions in docs and correct reference
* [PR 1066]( - Fix docstring for vertical velocity functions to render equations
* [PR 1065]( - Xarray: Add warning if lat/lon is assumed for projection ([1039](
* [PR 1063]( - Remove components due for removal in 0.11 ([726](
* [PR 1062]( - Calculate intersections with log-p interpolation (LFC, EL, CAPE/CIN) ([932](
* [PR 1061]( - Interpolate_to_grid doc update ([1060](
* [PR 1059]( - Provide identification of multiple LFCs and ELs ([992](
* [PR 1058]( - xarray Coordinate Identification Refactor ([1051](, [1030](
* [PR 1057]( - Units: convert '%' to 'percent' for within the xarray MetPy accessor ([1038](
* [PR 1056]( - Adds barb plots to declarative
* [PR 1055]( - Prevent an EL below a LCL
* [PR 1054]( - Updated deprecated function in matplotlib 3.1
* [PR 1052]( - Documentation update for pressure in profile calculations
* [PR 1046]( - first pass at better docs for declarative
* [PR 1040]( - MNT: fix flake8 errors
* [PR 1036]( - Update potential_vorticity_baroclinic() docstring ([1035](
* [PR 1034]( - Pandas support for interpolate grid ([1029](
* [PR 1033]( - Update Advanced Sounding doc to explain why 0 index is chosen
* [PR 1026]( - add functionality to declarative plotting
* [PR 1024]( - MNT: Update doc8 configuration
* [PR 1023]( - Fix poor assumptions in lfc() logic
* [PR 1022]( - Fix crash with mixed-layer LFC calculation ([945](
* [PR 1021]( - Adds a function to linearly interpolate to level
* [PR 1020]( - Fix LFC calculation when positive area exists below LCL
* [PR 1019]( - Fix RST style links in the Contributing Guide
* [PR 1017]( - updates docs for latitude units
* [PR 1013]( - MNT: Disallow pyproj 2.0.0
* [PR 1012]( - Add roadmap document
* [PR 999]( - Pin pint <= 0.8.1
* [PR 994]( - Adds more combinations for wx symbols
* [PR 853]( - Add angle_to_dir to convert angles to nearest direction

In this release 78 pull requests were closed.


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