
Latest version: v1.6.3

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* Fix for import error with xarray 0.12.2
* Fixes for pint 0.9
* Fixes skewT ticks issue with matplotlib 3.1
* Fixes for interpolation with scipy 1.3.0
* Allows using any version of pooch
* Requires numpy >= 1.12.0

Issues Closed

* [Issue 1077]( - Xarray v0.12.2 (29 June 2019) breaking metpy No module named 'xarray.core.accessors' ([PR 1078](
* [Issue 1043]( - metpy tests fail with scipy 1.3 ValueError: ndarray is not C-contiguous ([PR 1053](
* [Issue 997]( - MetPy broken by pint 0.9 ([PR 1087](
* [Issue 987]( - Update SkewT implementation

In this release 4 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 1087]( - Fix pint 0.9 errors from units.wraps and iterable ([997](
* [PR 1085]( - Matplotlib 3.1 fixes
* [PR 1078]( - Conditional import of the DatetimeAccessor due to xarray update ([1077](
* [PR 1053]( - Fix Scipy 1.3 not-C-contiguous error ([1043](
* [PR 1045]( - migrate mpl.cbook.iterable to numpy.iterable
* [PR 1031]( - allow any pooch >= 0.1 to be used

In this release 6 pull requests were closed.


API Changes
* `potential_vorticity_baroclinic` was changed to take all 3D variables, with dimensions ordered: vertical, y, x.

* MetPy has gained a simplified plotting interface designed to mimic that of GEMPAK. It uses a handful of objects on which users set attributes to values to control the plot, requiring data in an xarray `DataArray` or `Dataset`. See MetPy's [plotting examples]( for more information.
* MetPy's xarray accessor now has its own versions of `loc` and `sel` that accept unit-ed values.
* Added an n-point soothing function
* `moist_lapse` and `dry_lapse` now accept an arbitrary starting (reference) pressure value.
* `potential_vorticity_baroclinic` now works with data either on isobaric or isentropic surfaces.
* MetPy now has state borders that match the boundaries of the county borders.
* `SkewT` instances can now be created at an arbitrary rectangular location within a figure.
* MetPy's calculations have been adjusted so that the values of constants can be overridden by changing the values in the `constants` module.


akrherz, JoyMonteiro, jthielen, kgoebber, mendezr, tsupinie, vardan10, jrleeman, and dopplershift contributed code to this release.

Issues Closed

* [Issue 977]( - Support pooch 0.2 ([PR 978](
* [Issue 974]( - Change xarray projection warning
* [Issue 973]( - Problems with profile calculations and NUCAPS data
* [Issue 969]( - wind_components: conversion to unit angle radian not implemented ([PR 979](
* [Issue 960]( - `parse_cf` should not delete the `grid_mapping` attribute
* [Issue 939]( - Python 3.7
* [Issue 936]( - Add state boundaries to match USCOUNTIES
* [Issue 895]( - Potential Vorticity ([PR 963](
* [Issue 813]( - Update dependencies ([PR 984](
* [Issue 725]( - Removals/Deprecations in 0.10
* [Issue 85]( - dry and moist adiabiat skewt lines ([PR 964](

In this release 11 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 990]( - Make necessary coordinate information for cross sections clearer
* [PR 989]( - Declarative/simplified plotting
* [PR 986]( - Change axis-tracking attribute from axis to _metpy_axis ([981](
* [PR 984]( - Update requirements ([813](
* [PR 979]( - Clarify wind_components docs ([969](
* [PR 978]( - relax pooch requirement to >=0.1 ([977](
* [PR 976]( - Change XArray projection warning to a logged message
* [PR 975]( - Fix interpolation tests for SciPy 1.2
* [PR 971]( - Add unit- and axis-aware selection to the metpy accessors ([970](
* [PR 967]( - fix #960 and add test function
* [PR 964]( - Skew-T adiabat reference pressure ([85](
* [PR 963]( - Update PV calc for isobaric ([895](
* [PR 962]( - Miscellaneous Cleanup
* [PR 959]( - Add Skew-T axes at arbitrary locations
* [PR 958]( - MNT: Make io module docstring conform to standards
* [PR 956]( - MNT: Remove use of numpy.asscalar
* [PR 953]( - Test cleanup
* [PR 952]( - address pytest fixture warnings emitted by pytest==3.8.1
* [PR 951]( - Marginally increase testing coverage
* [PR 950]( - Remove edgecolor from county example
* [PR 944]( - Adds n point smoothing function
* [PR 940]( - Python37 ([939](
* [PR 938]( - Add instructions for adding a file to the cache
* [PR 937]( - Adds US State borders at same scales as counties
* [PR 930]( - Access constants via module

In this release 25 pull requests were closed.




* Set default edge color for county borders
* Fix internal use of deprecated function
* Update required version of pooch
* Fix example and test issues with Matplotlib 3.0

Issues Closed

* [Issue 935]( - Set default edge color on counties
* [Issue 934]( - Add CI check for MetPyDeprecationWarning ([PR 948](
* [Issue 933]( - pooch.create can fail to create cache directory, bombing out metpy/

In this release 3 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 948]( - Deprecation check ([934](
* [PR 947]( - Update for requirements
* [PR 946]( - Replace deprecated interp with interpolate_1d

In this release 3 pull requests were closed.



API Changes
* Renamed `get_wind_speed` to `wind_speed`; the old name is still available but is deprecated and will be removed in 0.12
* Renamed `get_wind_dir` to `wind_direction`; the old name is still available but is deprecated and will be removed in 0.12
* Renamed `get_wind_components` to `wind_components`; the old name is still available but is deprecated and will be removed in 0.12


* Added support for cross-sections along arbitrary lat/lon paths
* Added `parcel_profile_with_lcl` to compute the parcel profile and return values for the parcel profile, as well as the ambient pressure, temperature, and dew point that includes the lcl
* Fixed corner case problems in some thermodynamic calculations by using parcel profiles including the LCL
* Added function to get a matplotlib color from a GEMPAK color number
* Added CartoPy map feature for U.S. counties
* `get_test_data` will now automatically download and cache data files if the user is not running a git checkout of MetPy. This makes all of our test/example data much more easily available.
* Added `smooth_gaussian`, which smooths a grid using a Gaussian distribution-shaped kernel; this is an analog of GEMPAK's `gwfs`
* Fixed error reading newer NEXRAD Level 2 files


akrherz, JoyMonteiro, jthielen, leouieda, sgdecker, jrleeman, and dopplershift contributed code to this release.

Issues Closed

* [Issue 907]( - 'gpm' is not a defined unit ([PR 925](
* [Issue 905]( - Add Units Tutorial ([PR 923](
* [Issue 904]( - Respell API Docs ([PR 920](
* [Issue 902]( - calc.lfc( ) bug report. ([PR 929](
* [Issue 897]( - Doc build failing ([PR 898](
* [Issue 884]( - Error: type 2 should be 80 bytes but got 120 ([PR 891](
* [Issue 867]( - Suggested improvement for examples/Four_Panel_Map ([PR 921](
* [Issue 866]( - Logging overrides user preferences ([PR 924](
* [Issue 865]( - Rename `get_wind_direction` and `get_wind_speed` ([PR 868](
* [Issue 863]( - Barbs slightly clipped on skewT
* [Issue 860]( - Systematically identify coordinate types for xarray ([PR 880](
* [Issue 859]( - Expose globe in auto parsed projections ([PR 881](
* [Issue 857]( - Update GEMPAK table ([PR 921](
* [Issue 854]( - Suggested improvement for api/generated/metpy.calc.wet_bulb_temperature ([PR 856](
* [Issue 842]( - Gradient Interface ([PR 869](
* [Issue 809]( - Organize calc docs ([PR 889](
* [Issue 690]( - Removals/Deprecations in 0.9 ([PR 882](
* [Issue 447]( - Bake in county outlines ([PR 927](
* [Issue 190]( - testdata missing

In this release 19 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 929]( - Calculation fixes ([902](
* [PR 928]( - A Few Documentation Fixes
* [PR 927]( - Add US County features ([447](
* [PR 925]( - Add gpm unit as an alias to meters ([907](
* [PR 924]( - Fix logging setup ([866](
* [PR 923]( - Add unit tutorial ([905](
* [PR 922]( - BUG: Increase default x clipping radius for SkewT
* [PR 921]( - Doc/example updates ([867](, [857](
* [PR 920]( - Respell doc page names for clarity ([904](
* [PR 917]( - Add link to SciPy 2018 talk
* [PR 916]( - Add gempak_color() and related tests
* [PR 915]( - WIP: Use Pooch to download sample data ([8](
* [PR 911]( - Implement gwfs function from GEMPAK
* [PR 910]( - Fix non-tuple NumPy indexing in MetPy ([900](
* [PR 908]( - Make handling units like 'degrees_north' a little nicer
* [PR 903]( - Add NARR Cross Section Example
* [PR 901]( - Update docstring for vorticity
* [PR 899]( - Make derivative calculations work with xarray DataArrays
* [PR 898]( - Remove removed functions from doc page override ([897](
* [PR 892]( - "Improve this page" links for examples and tutorials
* [PR 891]( - Update nexrad ([884](
* [PR 889]( - Reorganization of calc docs (with module template override option) ([809](
* [PR 888]( - permit usage of temperature in Kelvin for heat_index calc
* [PR 887]( - fix apparent_temperature when only windchill is calculated
* [PR 882]( - Cleanup kinematics calculations and permit leading dimensions ([690](
* [PR 881]( - Expose cartopy globe in CFProjection and xarray accessor ([859](
* [PR 880]( - xarray Coordinate Identification Cleanup ([860](
* [PR 879]( - Add cross section function and supporting calculations ([654](, [652](
* [PR 876]( - Add conversions between omega and w
* [PR 875]( - Additional changes to drop python 3.4
* [PR 873]( - Drop python 3.4
* [PR 872]( - Changing gridding to interpolate
* [PR 871]( - Systematic Coordinate Identification
* [PR 869]( - Change x to coordinates in gradient and laplacian interface ([842](
* [PR 868]( - Update Wind Functions ([865](, [794](
* [PR 856]( - Update ([854](

In this release 36 pull requests were closed.

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