
Latest version: v1.6.3

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API Changes
- MetPy's upper air data download functionality has been deprecated, and will be removed in version 0.8. This functionality can now be found in [Siphon]( 0.6.
- `equivalent_potential_temperature` has changed to explicitly take a `dewpoint` parameter. The previous implementation of this calculation was only valid for pressure and temperature corresponding to the lifted condensation level (LCL). The new formula accepting dewpoint explicitly is valid everywhere.

Other Changes
- Additional calculations
- CAPE/CIN, including most unstable and surface-based
- precipitable water
- Montgomery streamfunction
- supercell composite
- significant tornado parameter
- frontogenesis and (shear, stretching, total) deformation
- relative humidity
- storm relative helicity
- Bunker's storm motion
- Added isentropic interpolation
- Added support for 1D interpolation on multi-dimensional arrays
- Added example for interpolating from sigma coordinates to pressure coordinates
- Support for coloring layers on a hodograph
- Support for coloring wind barbs on skew-T
- Added function for adding MetPy and/or Unidata logos to figures
- Added warnings to `get_wind_components` and `coriolis_parameter` when it seems that degree values are accidentally passed in without units (which treats them as radians)
- Simplified turning on clipping on `StationPlot`

Dependency Updates
- Minimum supported NumPy version is now 1.10.0
- Minimum supported Pint version is now 0.8

abkenyon, bryanguarente, brianmapes, jrleeman, kgoebber, mwilson14, nawendt, tjwixtrom, and dopplershift all contributed code to this release.

Issues Closed
* [Issue 555]( - Values Being Overwritten
* [Issue 550]( - Add our own implementation for is_string_like
* [Issue 546]( - Clipping surface plots with layout
* [Issue 538]( - Use shade_cape and shade_cin
* [Issue 516]( - Add deprecation warning for `get_upper_air_data`
* [Issue 507]( - Add capability to manually control station plot size
* [Issue 504]( - Add mapping of METAR wx codes to WMO numeric codes
* [Issue 489]( - NEXRAD Level 2 AssertionError
* [Issue 479]( - Clean up constants documentation
* [Issue 467]( - Duplicated output points in find_intersections
* [Issue 460]( - Add reduce_point_density to examples
* [Issue 450]( - Level3File threshold error
* [Issue 445]( - Weird output from IAState
* [Issue 435]( - Handle Wyoming Server Downtime Gracefully
* [Issue 431]( - Re-enable Sphinx linkcheck
* [Issue 428]( - Update References
* [Issue 425]( - Unused Function Parameter in Point_Interpolation Example
* [Issue 424]( - Input validation for dewpoint_rh
* [Issue 410]( - Add MetPy logo and timestamp option
* [Issue 400]( - Improve colormaps
* [Issue 340]( - Reproduce Doswell and Rasmussen, 1994
* [Issue 294]( - Pressure to theta conversion
* [Issue 293]( - Sigma to pressure conversion
* [Issue 284]( - Use doctr for documentation deployment
* [Issue 16]( - CAPE/CIN calculation

In this release 25 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged
* [PR 559]( - Add unidata logo
* [PR 557]( - Add warning when coriolis calculation latitude is over pi radians
* [PR 556]( - Remove x limit setting in skewt.plot
* [PR 554]( - Fix duplication of intersections in find_intersections
* [PR 553]( - Remove is_string_like
* [PR 552]( - Fix #546
* [PR 551]( - Wind direction warning
* [PR 545]( - Supercell Composite and Significant Tornado Parameters
* [PR 543]( - ENH: Fully implement matplotlib/pint integration
* [PR 539]( - Update to shade helpers in docs
* [PR 536]( - Storm Motion and Shear
* [PR 535]( - Update wx_code_map in
* [PR 531]( - MNT: QuantifiedCode is dead
* [PR 528]( - Doc cleanup
* [PR 527]( - MNT: Update some links that were redirecting
* [PR 526]( - Colormap improvements
* [PR 525]( - Dewpoint from RH input validation.
* [PR 523]( - GitHub enhancements
* [PR 521]( - adds frontogenesis calculation and test
* [PR 520]( - Isentropic Example
* [PR 519]( - MNT: Deprecate get_upper_air_data
* [PR 515]( - Pressure-Weighted Mean
* [PR 514]( - Sigma to Pressure Interpolation Example
* [PR 513]( - ENH: Add link to MetPy poster and repo for SciPy 2017
* [PR 512]( - wmo code dictionary added to
* [PR 511]( - Theta-E
* [PR 510]( - MNT: Bump numpy requirement to 1.10.0
* [PR 509]( - ENH: Add link to MetPy units talk
* [PR 506]( - Reduce point density in example
* [PR 505]( - NEXRAD parser fixes
* [PR 503]( - Constants documentation
* [PR 502]( - Add unit verification to find_intersections
* [PR 497]( - Floating comparisons
* [PR 494]( - Most Unstable CAPE
* [PR 492]( - SBCAPE
* [PR 491]( - Fixing minor LFC bug
* [PR 490]( - El Bug Fix
* [PR 487]( - Precipitable Water
* [PR 486]( - Mixed parcel and layer
* [PR 485]( - BUG: Fix get_layer with float32 data
* [PR 484]( - Cleanup point interpolation example
* [PR 483]( - Move contributor guide
* [PR 482]( - Hodograph Layer Coloring
* [PR 481]( - Interp Bug Fix
* [PR 477]( - Add sigma to pressure conversion
* [PR 475]( - Get layer interpolation fix
* [PR 473]( - Most unstable parcel
* [PR 472]( - Change Pint dependency to version 0.8.
* [PR 469]( - LFC and EL calculations when LFC = LCL
* [PR 468]( - Log interpolation
* [PR 465]( - CAPE and CIN Calculations
* [PR 464]( - Update references
* [PR 462]( - Added a function to calculate storm-relative helicity given a storm motion vector and a wind profile.
* [PR 459]( - Have get_upper_air_data bring in height data.
* [PR 456]( - Fixes
* [PR 455]( - Montgomery Streamfunction
* [PR 454]( - Isentropic pressure
* [PR 453]( - Log interpolation
* [PR 446]( - Relative humidity
* [PR 444]( - Get Layer Function
* [PR 443]( - Pressure height helpers
* [PR 439]( - MNT: Refactor `lcl` to use `scipy.optimize`
* [PR 432]( - Be better about closing file handles
* [PR 429]( - Fix build
* [PR 427]( - Adds total deformation calculation
* [PR 419]( - Add height to pressure conversion
* [PR 412]( - Pass any args to plot_barbs so the barbs can be colored. Closes #404
* [PR 402]( - Adding shearing and stretching deformation calcs

In this release 68 pull requests were closed.



**NOTE--Impending API CHANGE** In this version we have added support for specifying (via `dim_order` keyword argument) array ordering for the 2D grid functions (`geostrophic_wind`, `advection`, `h_convergence`, `v_vorticity`, and `convergence_vorticity`). The default behavior for all releases < 0.6 has been x, then y (specified as `'xy'`). For >= 0.6, we will be changing that to `'yx'` to make it simpler to use most data sources. In this release, we will issue a warning if you are using the default ordering--this warning can be suppressed by passing the `dim_order` argument with either `'xy'` or `'yx'`, whichever is appropriate for your data.

- Fix windchill with Kelvin temperature units
- Fixed reversed ordering of GINI data y-coordinates (relative to image row order)
- Added option to specify array dimension ordering for 2D grid calculation functions
- Fixed inaccuracy of example code in docstrings
- Fixed `lfc()` to return NaNs instead of `None` when no LFC found

Issues Closed

* [Issue 389]( - Calculations data order
* [Issue 387]( - Handling of no LFC
* [Issue 385]( - Windchill calculation does not work with Kelvin as input units
* [Issue 381]( - Run doctests

In this release 4 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 397]( - Build maintenance
* [PR 396]( - LFC and EL NaN returns
* [PR 393]( - ENH: Run doctests as part of Travis doc build.
* [PR 392]( - Array ordering for 2D calculations
* [PR 391]( - BUG: Fix ordering of GINI y-coordinates
* [PR 388]( - BUG: Fix windchill when given kelvin temperatures (Fixes #385)

In this release 6 pull requests were closed.



- **API BREAK**: `lcl()` now returns both the pressure and temperature at the lifted condensation level, rather than just pressure. Not only does this simplify the use of `lcl`, but comes at no additional computation cost.
- Python 3.3 support replaced with support for Python 3.6 (though no related code changes)
- Galleries of symbols and color tables within the documentation
- SkewT improvements
- Better handling of missing data
- Default limits
- Dedicated plotting routines for shading CAPE/CIN
- Better handling of unit-ed arrays
- Added meteogram and 4 panel plot examples
- Wind speed and direction available directly from upper air data
- Several fixes for `lcl()` and `lfc()`
- Additional calculations:
- virtual_temperature
- virtual_potential_temperature
- density
- equilibrium layer (`el`)
- relative_humidity_wet_psychrometric
- psychrometric_vapor_pressure_wet
- `GINIFile` now has an `img_extent` attribute to simplify plotting
- Added `reduce_point_density` to remove overlapping points from point data plots
- A few fixes for `StationPlot`

Contributors to this release
ahill818, nawendt, kgoebber, mjames-upc, jrleeman, dopplershift

Issues Closed

* [Issue 371]( - Add link to source code in docs
* [Issue 369]( - example: temp plot legend says 225 to 330 Fahrenheit
* [Issue 366]( - Nest documentation a bit more
* [Issue 361]( - LFC fails with NaN
* [Issue 354]( - Graceful failure of upper air data retrieval for invalid station or time
* [Issue 351]( - `find_intersections` fails with some masked arrays
* [Issue 350]( - Incorrect LFC with capping inversion
* [Issue 349]( - Add interpolation utility
* [Issue 336]( - Plotting colored line on hodograph with NaN
* [Issue 334]( - Upper air data download from Iowa
* [Issue 325]( - Can't set fontsize for stationplot symbol plot
* [Issue 319]( - LFC returns incorrect result
* [Issue 317]( - lcl() is silent for failed convergence
* [Issue 314]( - More Documentation Tweaks
* [Issue 308]( - Standardize field naming in station plot examples
* [Issue 307]( - Station plot parameter plotting does not work with units properly
* [Issue 300]( - Add temperature to LCL calculation
* [Issue 298]( - Keep wind speed and direction when getting upper air data
* [Issue 290]( - Cartopy with matplotlib 2.0
* [Issue 289]( - Add "Atmospheric Science" to categories
* [Issue 286]( - Python 3.6
* [Issue 242]( - Investigate increased use of gitter
* [Issue 227]( - License for icon font
* [Issue 198]( - Using units to axhline, etc. breaks plotting
* [Issue 175]( - Improve units behavior for new users
* [Issue 161]( - DOI
* [Issue 154]( - calculate relative humidity and dew point with wet bulb and dry bulb
* [Issue 90]( - Spatial simplification

In this release 28 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 384]( - ENH: Add information for citing MetPy in publications
* [PR 382]( - Shade area on SkewT
* [PR 380]( - ENH: Add tool to thin down point data (Fixes #90)
* [PR 379]( - BUG: Fix units in 4 panel example (Fixes #369)
* [PR 378]( - Skew T Masked Data
* [PR 376]( - Colortable get with range
* [PR 374]( - Unit errors
* [PR 372]( - Add ability to deal with masked arrays to find_intersections
* [PR 357]( - Adds new img_extent attribute to ginifile dataset
* [PR 355]( - Interpolation utility
* [PR 353]( - IA State masked arrays
* [PR 352]( - Find intersections directionality
* [PR 345]( - Psychrometric RH
* [PR 342]( - Mask out NaN values for plot_colormapped lines.
* [PR 341]( - Fix return if no LFC exists
* [PR 338]( - EL calculation
* [PR 337]( - Added thermo calculations
* [PR 335]( - ENH: Add google analytics to docs
* [PR 333]( - Four Panel Example
* [PR 332]( - Add CC BY 4.0 license for weather symbol font
* [PR 331]( - Set edgecolor to black on state borders
* [PR 330]( - Convert quantities to scalars before formatting
* [PR 329]( - Sprint cleanup
* [PR 328]( - Raise exception if LCL does not converge
* [PR 327]( - Station fontsize
* [PR 326]( - Doc tweaks
* [PR 324]( - Wind speed direction
* [PR 323]( - Change Station Plot Examples to CF standard names
* [PR 321]( - Python 3.6
* [PR 320]( - LFC fix
* [PR 318]( - added an example to plot a meteogram
* [PR 315]( - LCL Update
* [PR 309]( - Doc Upgrades
* [PR 304]( - Symbol Gallery
* [PR 302]( - NWS AWIPS 8bit colortables for Z and V

In this release 35 pull requests were closed.


- Fixed units on return from `windchill`
- Fixed documented types on some calculations to reflect reality
- Fixed creating a `Hodograph` without passing a figure
- Fixed `SkewT` when gridlines are turned on before plot creation
- Fixed `gamma` argument not being being passed on by `inverse_distance()`
- Fixed testing against matplotlib 2.0
- Fixed `SkewT` missing top tick marks
- Fixed importing `colortables` when non-conforming `.tbl` files present

Contributors to this release

ShawnMurd, wholmgren, ymoisan, lmadaus, dopplershift

Issues closed

- [Issue 281]( - Windchill return has no units if values are masked
- [Issue 279]( - Comment needs modification
- [Issue 277]( - inverse_distance() not properly forwarding gamma argument
- [Issue 276]( - Python version-dependent scaling of station plot
- [Issue 275]( - mixing_ratio not quite right
- [Issue 271]( - Cannot find xaxis in version 0.4.2
- [Issue 270]( - Graphing a Hodograph in its own figure
- [Issue 267]( - Colortable reader raises SyntaxError
- [Issue 260]( - SkewT missing top tickmarks
- [Issue 254]( - Update example imports
- [Issue 247]( - Update readthedocs links
- [Issue 204]( - Fix tests for matplotlib 2.0

In this release 14 issues were closed

**Pull requests**
- [PR 282]( - Small bug fixes
- [PR 280]( - Update docs
- [PR 274]( - Improve tests
- [PR 273]( - Fix bug in Hodograph Object
- [PR 272]( - Various odd and ends
- [PR 269]( - fix get_wind_components see also doc string
- [PR 265]( - More checks
- [PR 263]( - MNT: Fix for gradient change in numpy 1.12
- [PR 261]( - More skewt fixes

In this release 10 pull requests were merged


Major changes
- Fixed units for `lfc`
- Improved handling of missing levels in Wyoming Upper Air Archive reader (Contributed by kgoebber)
- Fixed extra whitespace in Skew-T images--this was especially noticeable when using the Jupyter notebook
- Fixed exception in `Level3File` when converting some products' values to float (e.g. differential reflectivty, correlation coefficient)

Issues closed

- Issue 259 - Regenerate skew-T examples
- Issue 257 - Disable log minor ticks on SkewT
- Issue 253 - NEXRAD Level3File map_data IndexError
- Issue 251 - lfc losing units
- Issue 197 - Skew-T figure size is a function of the rotation argument
- Issue 158 - Skew-T's have extra whitespace

In this release 6 issues were closed

**Pull requests**
- PR 258 - SkewT Fixes
- PR 255 - BUG: Fix mapping values for several products (Fixes 253)
- PR 252 - Cleanup
- PR 250 - update Wyoming Archive read procedure

In this release 4 pull requests were merged

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