- Added `--graph-output-dir` to save graph data in json.
- Fixed `summarizeFasta` that SEC and W2F on fusion peptides are ignored. 789
- Fixed `callVariant` that `variant_coordinates_to_gene` failed when the deletion is end inclusion and it overlaps with the last nucleotide of an exon. 793
- Fixed `splitFasta` that CodonReassign and SECT were not able to be grouped. 796
- Fixed `callVariant` that in-frame subgraphs not recognized when they are not in variant bubble.
- Fixed `callVariant` that peptides are falsely called if the last miscleaved node is missing a downstream cleavage altering variant. 800
- Fixed `TVGNode` that `get_max_subgraph_id` always returns the last subgraph ID. 802
- Fixed `callVariant` with altSplice insertion with intronic frameshift variant which is very closed to the end of the subgraph. 803
- Fixed `bruteForce` that accepter variants are skipped if the donor transcript has variants with the same coordinate. 810
- Fixed `splitFasta` that source and source group order gets overriden by GVF order. 805
- Fixed `summarizeFasta` and `splitFasta` being too slow. 795
- Fixed `splitFasta` to use top priority header for additional split
- Fixed `callVariant` that some accepter only ORFs maybe included for noncoding fusion transcripts.
- Fixed `callVariant` that when filtering variants for a given transcript/fusion/circRNA, coordinates of end inclusion insertions were not interpreted correctly.
- Fixed `bruteForce` that selenocysteine not fixed for deletion alt sequence.
- Fixed `callVariant` that nodes with fusion being treated as subgraph out or end node incorrectly.
- Fixed `callVariant` that upstream cleavage altering variants were affecting checks for whether a node is hybrid in circRNA.
- Fixed `callVariant` that two SNV at the same location in circRNA was affecting hybrid node identification.
- Fixed `callVariant`. When creating the cleavage graph, when a variant bubble is processed, the downstream node(s) needs to be identified for the next iteration, and only in-frame node should be used. However some nodes can span over two reading frames, so we should check the last reading frame index instead of the first.
- Fixed `callVariant` that accepter transcript variants very closed to the breakpoint were skipped.
- Added support for `--group-source` for `summarizeFasta`. 798