* docs: minor fix for point validation to avoid error when people split up points ([`7d0d631`](
* fix: Add CEDR, SensitiveTopics for multilabel and RuBQ for reranking (881)
* add russian reranking and multilabel tasks
* fix import order
* add results for baselines
* add points
* add points for review ([`9128df4`](
* Update tasks table ([`7d3ce53`](
* Update points table ([`ef52f95`](
* Merge branch &39;main&39; of ([`7c7ee2b`](
* Updated CLI for MTEB
It now includes three main commands one for running, one for getting an overview and one for creating the metadata for hf.
I also
- added lower bound on dependencies as it caused a few issues.
- deleted some results with a model revision attached (also created a fix to make sure that doesn&39;t happen as much going forward)
- Added a test for the cli
- Added a quite extensive docstring to the CLI
- made relevant changed to the documentation ([`29b1c34`](