* fix: Use model revision in results folder (842)
* use model revision in results folder
* make lint
* tests (not dataset missing ones) passing
* load specified model revision
* check for model.revision first
* use no_revision_available
* make lint
* add revisions to test dir
* points
* make lint ([`2c6065b`](
* Update points table ([`c2e3d30`](
* update affiliation (855) ([`5fa2aee`](
* Update tasks table ([`4bded5a`](
* Update points table ([`f40c8a8`](
* Add Norwegian and Swedish to WikipediaRerankingMultilingual and update points (796)
* first proper upload of wikipedia-retrieval dataset
* update license and README of dataset
* fix test split and add WikipediaRetrievalDE task
* add WikipediaRerankingDE task
* add Bengali tasks
* multilingual reranking dataset
* add Multilingual Reranking
* add Retrieval tasks
* update metadata for Reranking task
* run make lint
* fix metadata validation errors
* delete German and Bengali Reranking tasks
* fix more task metadata, tests passing now
* add retrieval results
* WIP: reranking with multilingual dataset
* undo changes to run script
* update points and contributor info
* subcall MultilingualTask for reranking task and add reranking results
* WIP: make retrieval a multilingual dataset, too
* WIP: first run of WikipediaRetrievalMultilinugal
* add WikipediaRetrievalMultilinugal task and results
* delete language specific retrieval tasks and results
* update points and add Openreview IDs
* make lint
* remove debugging print statement
* add Norwegian and Swedish to ellamind/wikipedia-2023-11-reranking-multilingual dataset
* update reranking dataset revision and add new reranking results
* add missing multilingual-e5-small result on WikipediaRetrievalMultilingual
* update points for adding Norwegian and Swedish to WikipediaRerankingMultilingual
* make lint
* fix merge conflict in reranking results ([`06e4844`](