* fix: Add Marathi news classification (504)
* first commit for Telugu News Classification
* revert to original main
* add first push
* add dataset
* add results and points
* complete adding points ([`d93488a`](
* Update tasks table ([`600dbd0`](
* Update points table ([`73422b7`](
* Update tasks table ([`dc73123`](
* Update points table ([`54192c7`](
* Multilabel classification (440)
* Added Multilabel kNN classification evaluator
* Added Multilabel classification AbsTask
* Added MultiLabelClassification Task type to TaskMetadata
* bugfix
* Removed all references to metadata_dict from Multilabel classification
* Added Eurlex (wip)
* Made MultiLabelClassification more efficient by moving the embedding step outside the evaluator and encoding every possible training sentence before running the evaluation.
* fix: changed itertools.chain to itertools.chain.from_iter
* fix: Fixed validation and import on MultiEURLEX
* Removed MultioutputClassifier, because kNN can already do that
* fix: multilabels are not turned into an array
* Ran linting
* Added points for PR (2+23*4 for eurlex, 10 for new task type)
* fix: Fixed undersampling for training set in Multitask classification
* fix: sped up sampling by using select() instead of indexing
* fix: removed duplicate code for selecting train sentences
* Added n_samples and avg_length to MultiEURLEX
* Added MultiEURLEX results for paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12
* Added EURLEX results for multilingual-e5-small
* Changed evaluation in multilabel classification to use MLPClassifier
* Limited evaluation to test split in EURLEX
* multilabel classification now subsamples test set, and the neural network is smaller.
* Multilabel classification now allows tasks to define the samples per label for training
* Removed unused code
* Moved subsampling to before encoding
* Made subsampling error tolerant
* Made sure all labels are represented in the training set
* Revert &34;Made sure all labels are represented in the training set&34;
This reverts commit 96312c7ca55b2870995c9b69ab4b88eeaf92fe79.
* Reran EURLEX
* EURLEX only evaluates on test set, not validation set
* Made KNeighbours the default classifier in MultiLabelClassification, made switching out classifiers more flexible
* Added results for EURLEX ([`2aa0c67`](