
Latest version: v1.37.0

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- Added
- [955]( Added provisional HEKA PatchMaster file reading.
- [985](, [#998]( The `AbfFile` and `WcpFile` now implement a shared `SweepSource` interface.
- [985]( Added a method `AtfFile.path` that returns the full path.
- [985]( Added a method `` that returns a string version of the file's meta data, and a method `WcpFile.sample_count` that returns the number of samples per channel.
- [1003]( The DataBlock viewer now has fields to enter a lower and upper range for the colormap conversion.
- [1003]( Added new color maps for `myokit.DataBlock` viewing.
- Changed
- [985](, [#998]( The interface to the `AbfFile` class has changed significantly, and in a backwards incompatible ways. Please see the documentation for further details.
- [991]( Myokit no longer uses the `logging` module but makes calls to `warnings.warn` instead.
- [992]( If a `Simulation` is created with `protocol={}`, then `pace` will not be set as a binding label. To stay backwards compatible it _will_ be set if `protocol=None`.
- [994]( Simulations can now start at arbitrary times, including negative ones. Note that protocol events have a default offset of 0, so no events are usually expected at negative times.
- Deprecated
- [985]( The method `WcpFile.myokit_log` is deprecated in favor of `WcpFile.log`.
- [985]( The methods `WcpFile.channels` and `WcpFile.records` are deprecated in favor of `WcpFile.channel_count` and `WcpFile.record_count`.
- [985]( The method `WcpFile.plot` is deprecated in favor of `WcpFile.matplotlib_figure`.
- [985]( The method `WcpFile.records` is deprecated in favor of `WcpFile.record_count` or `WcpFile.sweep_count`.
- [985]( The method `AtfFile.myokit_log` is deprecated in favor of `AtfFile.log`.
- [998]( The method `` is deprecated in favor of `WcpFile.meta_str`.
- [998]( The method `` is deprecated in favor of `AtfFile.meta_str`.
- Fixed
- [985]( `AbfFile.filename` now returns the filename, not the full path.
- [985]( `AtfFile.filename` now returns the filename, not the full path.
- [992]( `Simulation` now sets any variable bound to a pacing label to 0 if no protocol for that label is set.
- [998]( Fixed a bug where channels in ABF v1 files were sometimes scaled using the wrong meta data.
- [1003]( Fixed a bug in the DataBlockViewer introduced when adding Qt6 support.


- Added
- [979]( Added support for PyQt6 and PySide6.
- Changed
- [980]( Python 2 is no longer supported. The minimum supported Python version is now 3.7.
- Removed
- [979]( Removed support for PyQt4 and PySide, which were deprecated since 2019.


- Added
- [898]( martinjrobins Initial conditions for state variables can now be (constant-valued) expressions. Previously, only literals were allowed.
- [918]( Added `Model.initial_values`, which returns the model's initial values as a list of expressions, floats, or equations.
- [918]( Added `Model.set_initial_values`, which sets the model's initial values using a list of expressions or anything accepted by `map_to_state`.
- [918]( Added `Variable.initial_value`, which returns a state variable's initial value as an expression or float.
- [918]( Added `Variable.set_initial_value`, which sets a state variable's initial value using an expression, string expression, or float.
- [918]( Added `IllegalReferenceInInitialValueError` for illegal references made in initial value expressions.
- [947]( martinjrobins The `Simulation` class can now handle multiple protocols during a single simulation.
- [947]( Fixed-form protocols are now implemented in a `TimeSeriesProtocol`.
- Changed
- [898]( `Variable.promote` can now take an expression, a number, or a string (which will be parsed as an expression) for the argument `initial_value`.
- [909]( Myokit is now tested on Python 3.11.
- [909]( Myokit is no longer tested on Python 3.6.
- [918]( The only argument to `Variable.promote` has been renamed from `state_value` to `initial_value`.
- [918]( `Model.import_component` now preserves the ordering of the imported states.
- [953]( The DataLogViewer now overlaps traces with numbering (e.g. 0.membrane.V and 1.membrane.V), and toggles between files and variables with Page up and down Or Ctrl+Page up and down.
- [962]( Scipy is no longer a required dependency.
- [962]( The DataLogViewer only supports Matlab file loading if SciPy is installed.
- [975]( Global parameters in imported SBML documents are now placed in a component named `global` instead of `myokit`.
- [978]( The IDE now validates _either_ the model _or_ the protocol, depending on the current tab (previously both were validated).
- Deprecated
- [918]( `Model.state` is deprecated in favor of `Model.initial_values`.
- [918]( `Model.set_state` is deprecated in favor of `Model.set_initial_values`.
- [918]( `Model.inits` is deprecated.
- [918]( `Variable.state_value` is deprecated in favor of `Variable.initial_value`.
- [918]( `Variable.set_state_value` is deprecated in favor of `Variable.set_initial_value`.
- [918]( `Model.save_state` and `Model.load_state` are deprecated.
- [918]( The `Variable.promote` keyword argument `state_value` is deprecated in favor of `initial_value`.
- [947]( `Simulation.set_fixed_form_protocol` is deprecated in favor of using `Simulation.set_protocol` with a `TimeSeriesProtocol`
- [962]( The method `DataLog.regularize` is deprecated.
- [974]( `Variable.indice` is deprecated in favor of `Variable.index`.
- [976]( `SimulationOpenCL.neighbours` is deprecated in favor of `SimulationOpenCL.neighbors`.
- Removed
- [898]( `NonLiteralValueError` is now no longer raised by Myokit and so has been removed.
- [921]( Removed deprecated `LegacySimulation` class.
- [921]( Removed deprecated `PSimulation` class.
- [921]( Removed deprecated `ICSimulation` class.
- [957]( Removed the method `Model.prepare_bindings`.
- [961]( Removed the module `myokit.lib.common`, which had been deprecated since April 2018.
- Fixed
- [918]( Fixed error when `var()` was called on a `PartialDerivative` with a `Derivative` as first argument.
- [933]( Made `myokit.step` base its error classification (large/small/none) on numerics, not representation.
- [947]( Fixed minor memory leak (reference counting issue) when using fixed form protocols.
- [967]( Myokit no longer calls `logging.basicConfig()` when used as a library.
- [977]( `` now raises a `ValueError` if `model`, `protocol`, and `script` are all None.
- [978]( Clarified message shown in IDE after re-validation of valid model or protocol.


- Fixed
- [908]( Added new homebrew location used on M1 apple devices, potentially solving [#861](
- [912]( Reporting of numerical errors in `Simulation` now catches more exception types arising from `evaluate_derivatives`.
- [951]( Made syntax highlighting in IDE recognise units containing `-` and `*`.


- Added
- [895]( Added method `Expression.depends_on_state()`.
- [901]( Added options `compatibility.no_capture` and `compatibility.no_fd_capture` to `myokit.ini` to allow users to tweak compiler output capturing.
- [903]( Fixed a bug in `SimulationOpenCL` that caused a `CL_INVALID_ARG_SIZE` error on strict systems.
- Changed
- [893]( `Variable.convert_unit` now returns `True` if a conversion was carried out or `False` if not.
- Fixed
- [888]( [#892]( Improved documentation for `Unit.conversion_factor` with help from martinjrobins.
- [895]( Fixed the value returned by `Name.diff()` and `Expression.diff()` for the situation where the associated RHS depends on a bound variable.
- [895]( Fixed performance issue in `Expression.depends_on`.
- [896]( Small improvements to Model, Component, and Variable documentation.


- Fixed
- [883]( Fixed memory leak in `myokit.Simulation` when using the `log_times` argument.

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