- Added support for Python 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6.
- Added support for Sundials 3 (by teosbpl).
- Added support for various Visual C++ compilers.
- Made Myokit pip-installable, stopped providing windows installer.
- Replaced windows sundials binaries with Visual-Studio compiled ones.
- Added a system-wide `myokit` command (after pip install on unix systems).
- Moved development from private repo to GitHub.
- Set up automated testing with Travis (linux) and Appveyor (windows).
- Greatly increased unit-test coverage (and set up checking with codecov.io).
- Added contribution guidelines.
- Added style checking with `flake8`.
- Removed `OrderedPiecewise`, `Polynomial`, `Spline`, and `lib.approx`.
- Deprecated `lib.fit`. Please have a look at [PINTS](https://github.com/pints-team/pints) instead.
- Removed `quadfit()` methods from `lib.fit`.
- Deprecated `lib.common`
- Removed HTML page generating classes from mxml.
- Simplified some of the error classes.
- Simplified `Benchmarker`.
- `DataLog.apd()` now has same output as Simulation threshold crossing finder.
- On-the-fly compilation switched from distutils to setuptools.
- Tidied up.
- Lots of bugfixes.
- Made IDE show Python version in about screen.