
Latest version: v1.37.0

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- Added
- [581]( Myokit's expression system now includes a `PartialDerivative` and an `InitialValue` class. Both are for use in sensitivity calculations and may not appear in models.
- [581]( Expressions now have a method `diff(lhs)` that returns the (partial) derivative of an expression with respect to the given `LhsExpression`.
- [581]( Expressions now have methods `is_derivative`, `is_name`, and `is_number`.
- [581]( Added a method `Number.value()`.
- [581]( The method `Expression.depends_on` now has an argument `deep` that can be set to `True` to perform a recursive dependency check.
- [595]( A class `myokit.CModel` was added that can generate multi-purpose C code for use in simulations. This is mainly for internal use.
- [682]( OpenCL code now recognises error code -1001.
- [683]( Now testing OpenCL code in CI.
- [704]( Added first example notebook to the github repository.
- [728]( Added a context manager `` that can redirect and capture output from Python `stdout` and `stderr` via a Python-only method or file-descriptor redirection and should be thread-safe.
- [735]( The new module `myokit.float` contains several functions related to floating point numbers that were previously in the main `myokit` namespace or not part of the public API.
- [735]( The new module `` contains several stand-alone tools that are used by Myokit and were previously in the main `myokit` namespace or not part of the public API.
- [735]( The method `pid_hash`, which is used by compiled code to generate (hopefully) unique ids is now part of the public API.
- [744]( Added a method `myokit.OpenCL.available` to check if OpenCL is supported and at least one OpenCL device is detected.
- [754]( Added a method `myokit.OpenCL.current_info(x)` that returns information about the currently selected platform and device; support of OpenCL extensions can then be checked with `OpenCLPlatformInfo.has_extension`.
- [754]( Improved error message when an `OpenCLSimulation` with double precision is run on a device that does not support it.
- [763]( Added a method `OpenCLSimulation.set_conductance_field` to apply heterogeneous conductance on a rectangular grid.
- [769]( Rebecca-Rumney Added a method `myokit.Model.import_component` to import a component from one model to another.
- [769]( Rebecca-Rumney Added an exception type `VariableMappingError` to be raised when there is an error in a variable mapping.
- [776]( Added a method `OpenCLSimulation.monodomain_conductance` to replace the deprecated method `calculate_conductance`.
- [780]( Alt-up and alt-down can now be used in the text editor to move selected lines up or down.
- [782]( The IDE can now import CellML files on opening, e.g. by typing `myokit ide example.cellml`.
- [786]( Added a method `myokit.Variable.clamp()` to fix any variable to a constant value.
- [786]( Added a method `myokit.Variable.remove_child_variables()` to remove all child (nested) variables from a given variable.
- [788]( The IDE will now suggest filenames for model exports.
- [792]( DavAug SBML import now handles equations that explicitly use time.
- Changed
- [581]( Powers are now rendered without spaces in mmt code, e.g. `x^2` instead of `x ^ 2`.
- [595]( The `Simulation` class now uses CVODES instead of CVODE as backend, which may require changes to your installation.
- [595]( The `Simulation` can now calculate sensitivities of variables with respect to parameters and/or initial conditions (see docs for details).
- [595]( The `Simulation` class no longer has `apd_var` as a constructor argument. Instead, you can pass an argument `apd_variable` to its `run()` method.
- [595]( The `Simulation` class no longer suppresses CVODES warnings but passes them on to the `warnings` module.
- [595]( Fix to `Simulation` for Sundials 4.1.0.
- [687]( `Variable.set_rhs(None)` now removes an RHS, instead of setting it to `Number(0)`.
- [687]( Calling `SimulationOpenCL.set_conductance` will now override any conductances previously set with `set_connections`.
- [687]( `SimulationOpenCL.set_connections` no longer accepts `None` as a valid argument.
- [687]( The `SimulationOpenCL` methods `set_conductance`, `conductance`, `set_connections`, `neighbours`, `set_paced_cells`, `set_paced_cell_list`, and `is_paced`, will now raise a `RuntimeError` if diffusion was disabled at construction.
- [687]( The method `SimulationOpenCL.remove_field` now raises a `KeyError` if no field is set for the given variable.
- [689]( In Python 2, an `ImportError` is now raised if `myokit.ini` contains the sequence " ;" in any of its value (as this cannot be processed by Python 2's `ConfigParser`).
- [728]( The `LegacySimulation` class no longer suppresses CVODE warnings but passes them on to the `warnings` module (backported from new `Simulation` class).
- [789]( The method `myokit.DataLog.save_csv()` now stores the keys using natural sort order (time is still the first field, if present).
- Deprecated
- [595]( The classes `myokit.PSimulation` and `myokit.ICSimulation` have been deprecated in favor of the new `Simulation` class.
- [735]( The class `myokit.Benchmarker` is deprecated in favor of ``.
- [735]( The method `myokit.format_float_dict` is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
- [735]( The method `myokit.format_path` is deprecated in favor of ``.
- [735]( The method `myokit.strfloat` is deprecated in favor of `myokit.float.str`.
- [758]( The class `myokit.FiberTissueSimulation` is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
- [776]( The method `OpenCLSimulation.calculate_conductance` is deprecated in favor of the new method `calculate_conductance`, which takes slightly different parameters.
- [787]( The method `myokit.Model.eval_state_derivatives` is deprecated in favor of `myokit.Model.evaluate_derivatives`.
- Removed
- [683]( No longer testing on Python 2.7.6 on linux (still testing latest 2.7). No longer testing any Python 2.7 on Windows.
- [728]( The classes `myokit.PyCapture` and `myokit.SubCapture` have been replaced by a single context manager ``.
- [730]( Removed the method `myokit.pack_snapshot`.
- [737]( The method `Model.merge_interdependent_components` was removed. This method was deprecated since 2018-05-30.
- [737]( The method `Model.show_line` was removed. This method was deprecated since 2018-05-30.
- [737]( The method `Protocol.guess_duration` was removed. This method was deprecated since 2016-02-06.
- Fixed
- [684]( DavAug Fixed OpenCL loading issue on MacOS (with special thanks to Martin Aguilar).
- [686]( Fixed a (windows only) bug in ``.
- [687]( `Simulation1d` now logs pacing as a global variable, and can log diffusion currents.
- [689]( Path lists read from `myokit.ini` are now filtered for empty entries and closing semicolons.
- [744]( Fixed a bug in `OpenCLSimulation.find_nan()`, that occurred for very small simulations (e.g. 2 cells).
- [744]( Fixed a bug in `OpenCLSimulation` that made it impossible to use `set_connections()` with double precision.
- [744]( Fixed a bug in `OpenCLSimulation` that made it impossible to use `set_connections()` on Python 2.
- [754]( Improved error message when an `OpenCLSimulation` with double precision is run on a device that does not support it.
- [766]( Improved error message when an empty MathML `<cn>` element is encountered.


- Added
- [672]( Added more detailed error output to several CVODE errors related to RHS-related numerical issues.
- [672]( Now tested on Sundials 5 (locally).
- [672]( Now testing on Python 3.9 (Linux).
- [672]( `` documentation is now more clear on what happens for very short simulation durations (or zero).
- [674]( Added a method `Model.has_parse_info` that checks if the model contains information from parsing (i.e. line numbers).
- [674]( Added a parameter `raw` to `Model.show_line_of` that returns the line number as an integer
- [674]( Added a method to the IDE that lets you jump to the definition of a selected variable.
- [680]( Now testing on Python 3.9 and Miniconda 3.8 (Windows).
- Removed
- [681]( Removed the deprecated library ``. For fitting see e.g. [PINTS]( and this [tutorial on fitting ion channel data with Myokit & PINTS](
- Fixed
- [672]( Fixed bug in `Variable.convert_unit()` that caused unexpected (and quite arbitrary) results.
- [672]( Fixed bug where calling `` with a very short runtime caused a zero state to be returned.
- [676]( Fixed a bug in CellML (1 and 2) export when inferring units for a state variable.
- [679]( Fixed "DLL load failed while importing myokit" issue on Windows 10 with Python 3.8 (via miniconda).


- Added
- [623]( The changes made with each release are now stored in
- [622]( `SimulationOpenCL` now includes a method `is_paced` and `neighbours` that provide information about the simulated cells.
- [622]( `SimulationOpenCL.find_nan` now has an option to return a `DataLog` with the final logged variables before the error occurred.
- [632]( Added methods `DataBlock1d.to_log` and `DataBlock2d.to_log`.
- [633]( DataBlockViewer now shows mouse coordinates in status bar for video and graph view.
- [652]( Added methods to remove 1d and 2d traces from `DataBlock1d` and `DataBlock2d`.
- Changed
- [610]( If numerical errors occur when evaluating an expression, the IDE now shows these in the console instead of in a pop-up.
- [622]( `myokit.strfloat` now takes a `precision` argument.
- [622]( `Model.format_state` and `Model.format_state_derivatives` now take a `precision` argument.
- [622]( If errors occur, the `SimulationOpenCL` now displays improved (and hopefully more informative) output.
- [623]( Updated licensing info.
- [653]( `Model.pyfunc()` now validates the model before running (and fails if the model does not validate).
- [661]( When importing MathML, the inverse hyperbolic trig functions are now rendered using slightly simpler equations.
- [664]( EasyML export now adds meta data, a group of CVODE-solved variables, a group of variables to trace, and a group of parameters (based on code contributed by Ed Vigmond).
- [664]( EasyML export now converts voltage, current, and time variables to the preferred units.
- [664]( EasyML export now has consistently ordered output when re-run.
- [664]( EasyML expression writer now uses `expm1` where possible.
- Deprecated
- [622]( `SimulationOpenCL.is2d()` was deprecated in favor of `SimulationOpenCL.is_2d()`.
- [632]( `DataBlock1d.from_DataLog` and `DataBlock2d.from_DataLog` have both been deprecated, in favor of new `from_log` methods.
- Fixed
- [650]( Fix to `myokit.lib.plots.cumulative_current` for normalisation in areas with zero current.
- [603]( Improved handling of types (ints resulting from logical operators) in `OpenCLSimulation`.
- [613]( `Model.map_component_io` now respects the `omit_constants` argument for Rush-Larsen variables.
- [622]( If `Model.format_state_derivatives` needs to evaluate the derivatives, it will now use the given `state` instead of the model state.
- [628]( The DataBlockViewer now shows a working colour bar for 1d simulations.
- [638]( The DataBlockViewer now handles blocks with `t[0] > 0` correctly.
- [655]( Fixed bug where wrong initial state was shown by `myokit.step()`.
- [663]( Fixed deprecation warning in `save_state_bin()`.


- Added
- [548]( Models, protocols, and CVODE simulations can now be pickled, and tests have been added that check that simulations can be run in parallel (even on Windows).
- [548]( Model and protocol now support comparison with `==`.
- [553]( The cumulative-current plot now has a maximum-number-of-currents option (all further currents will be bundled into one).
- [567]( Added support for Simulation building on Python 3.8 on Windows.
- [574](, [#599](, [#547](, [#528]( DavAug A completely rewritten SBML API and parser that's capable of handling models that define species and reactions.
- Changed
- [536]( `Ohm` is now a quantifiable unit in the `mmt` syntax, i.e. `1 [MOhm]`. This replaces the non-standard `R` unit which has been removed.
- [556]( CellML imports now import models that contain unsupported units (but with warnings).
- [557]( Imports and exports now raise warnings instead of using the Myokit textlogger for this.
- [559](, [#541]( Unit tests are now included in the PyPI package.
- [560]( Sympy is no longer a required dependency (but still an optional one).
- [565]( Some slight changes to simulation building: Now uses `--inplace` instead of `--old-and-unmanageable` and should delete any temporary files created in the process.
- [566]( Simulations now include a time and process number dependent hash in their generated-module names.
- [569]( The CellML export now ensures there are no spaces in initial value or unit multiplier attributes.
- [576]( Non-integer exponents are now allowed in the unit system, which compares units with a `close()` method that expects a certain numerical tolerance, instead of using exact comparison.
- [576]( CellML imports now import models with non-integer unit exponents.
- [597]( The output of the `step()` method has been improved, and the method now only warns about relative differences bigger than 1 epsilon.
- [commit]( The method `show_evalution_of` now has consistently ordered output.
- CellML imports treat new base units as dimensionless.
- The IDE now checks the protocol even if the model is invalid or unchanged.
- Removed
- [563](, [#564]( The `myokit.mxml` module has been removed.
- Fixed
- [539]( Bugfix for simulations that ended at a time numerically indistinguishable from an event time.
- [570]( Bugfixes and fewer warnings for various matplotlib versions.
- [572]( Bugfix to `lib.common.StrenghtDuration`.
- [585]( A recently introduced bug in the `HHSimulation`'s `steady_state()` method was fixed.


- Fixed
- [531]( Fixed bug where GUI CellML export didn't export stimulus current.


- Added
- [525]( Added support for CellML 2.0.
- Changed
- [516]( Rewrote SBML import to use etree instead of DOM.
- Removed
- [522]( Removed `myokit.formats.mathml.parse_mathml_dom` function.
- [522]( Removed mxml `myokit.mxml.dom_child` and `myokit.mxml.dom_next` methods.
- Fixed
- [515]( Now setting OpenCL framework as linker flag on MacOS.

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