Fixed - `[sqs]` Added all valid `AttributeName` values to `Client.get_queue_attributes` (reported by sodul in 165 and ngnpope in 158) - `[dynamodb]` Response type `AttributeValue` for `Client` methods always returns unmarshalled values (reported by wiget in 166 ) - `[boto3]` `setup_default_session` returns `None` (reported by chuckwondo in 167)
Fixed - `[dynamodb]` Client methods accept for `boto3` and `botocore`-style argument value shapes (reported by magicmark in 164)
Fixed - `[ec2]` In `TagTypeDef`, field `Key` is now optional for compatibility with other services (reported by mostrows2 in 163)
Re-released packages due to inconsistent requirements:
Fixed - `[redshift-serverless]` added force-rename of old `redshiftserverless` service to a new `redshift-serverless` (reported by rakovskij-stanislav in 162) - `[builder]` Service name and boto3 name of a package can be different to handle `botocore` service renames
Fixed - `[types-aiobotocore]` Mark `boto3.dynamodb.table.BatchWriter` import as optional
Fixed - `[aiobotocore-services]` Wrong indentation in `` examples (reported by ytoku in 161) - `[builder]` Python code blocks in MarkDown documents are formatted with `black`