We are so close to **3 million** monthly downloads! To make this challenge a bit harder, this version drops outdated `py36` support. For good. It is now gone, it is not coming back. Please upgrade. I mean it.
Thank you as always for your bug reports and feature requests!
- `[boto3-stubs]` Dropped `py36` support
- `[types-aiobotocore]` Dropped `py36` support
- `[types-aioboto3]` Dropped `py36` support
- `[builder]` Added `LICENSE` file to all packages
- `[botocore-stubs]` Removed `ETree` imports
- `[types-aiobotocore]` Imports from `boto3` and `aioboto3` are now safe in case libraries are not installed
- `[types-aioboto3]` Use `AIOBoto3ServiceResource` as a base class instead of `ServiceResource`
- `[types-aioboto3]` Use `AIOResourceCollection` as a base class instead of `ResourceCollection`